Coronavirus - political views - supporting or otherwise...

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Ye Olde Boomer

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Dec 30, 2019
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We are a fraction of your size and probably the only time there has been a general consensus in this country was 1939 to 1945 if my history is correct your country could not even get a general consensus then.

We got mostly a consensus! But you're right. Certain right wing elements and anti-semites even opposed that most necessary of all wars.
We didn't jump in until all three axis powers declared war on us...but I'm afraid you already know that.

My mom slept with a man who killed Nazis. That alone made her a cool broad in my eyes. And that's why I'm here.


With an invisible PM unable to address the press article directly makes this matter a problem. The main sticking points seems to be PM missing 5 Cobra meets wrt corona and ignoring clear warnings and lack of preparedness. We just can't imagine former PMs doing that, reinforces some stereotypes of Johnson as gung ho and lazy.
Govt are taking stick from all sides day after day now when before they had decent support and I think any sense of UK pulling together through this will be if not in spite of Govt certainly not because of Govt. Leadership hasn't been great, maybe just ok.Confidence in leadership is a bit wobbly this weekend, need a PM back front and centre taking control asap.
Even Daily Mail putting the boot into govt with Mondays 'Betrayal' headline wrt PPE chaos, that is surprising.
I guess right wing press know Tories are safe in Govt so are ok criticising for now.


Jul 11, 2009
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Imagine thinking that this pandemic could be separated from politics. Surely only a delusional Tory could think that way at this stage.


Tour Winner
Feb 21, 2013
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With an invisible PM unable to address the press article directly makes this matter a problem. The main sticking points seems to be PM missing 5 Cobra meets wrt corona and ignoring clear warnings and lack of preparedness. We just can't imagine former PMs doing that, reinforces some stereotypes of Johnson as gung ho and lazy.
The PM does not attend most COBR meetings

Blue in Munich

Crocked Professional Yeti Impersonator
Jan 12, 2013
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This one is a strange complaint. Seems to me that a humanitarian gesture like this when China was in need and it hadn't yet reached us was the correct approach. Countries need to work together or we'll never get through this.

The Government response, if correct, certainly addresses The Times' point, and potentially shows China in a different light;

Claim - The government sent 279,000 items of its depleted stockpile of protective equipment to China during this period in response to a request for help from the authorities there.

Response - The equipment was not from the pandemic stockpile. We provided this equipment to China at the height of their need and China has since reciprocated our donation many times over. Between April 2-April 15 we have received over 12 million pieces of PPE in the UK from China.


Tour Winner
Feb 21, 2013
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Claim - It was unusual for the Prime Minister to be absent from COBR and is normally chaired by the Prime Minister.

Response - This is wrong. It is entirely normal and proper for COBR to be chaired by the relevant Secretary of State.

Isn't the point of a ministerial structure 'delegation'? Isn't that ministers are there for?


Well-known member
Nov 19, 2018
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Imagine thinking that this pandemic could be separated from politics. Surely only a delusional Tory could think that way at this stage.

Not with people thinking like you are on this. Politics, as most understand it in this Country, is the Government making policy for the people , in general, (they say.)?
The opposition rightly on many occasions, tell the government and the nation, via media, that that is not so, the policies are just for their own , and to the detriment of most people.
Both use lots of spin, emphasis, and tell porkies. It becomes almost a game, with a lot of individual career pushing etc.
In all this, not a lot gets done, but there's lots of point scoring and careers are like a game of snakes and ladders.
That's politics.
However, when there is a war, that stops largely and responsible people try together to protect the nation.
And that is what should be happening now in this Corona virus crisis.


Major Champion
Jul 24, 2012
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I've now read the article in the ST - it does not paint a pretty picture.

I also read another lengthy article - this one by Tim Shipman - which concludes...

'It would have taken the prime minister only a few calls to realise his colleagues have left the driver's seat vacant'

And the two leader pieces. The first headed. Silence is not acceptable - ministers must tell us the plan which concludes...

'It is a plan...but it is said to be waiting the return to work of Boris Johnson, without whom decisions are not being taken. That is wrong. We have a system of cabinet government, not a presidency or dictatorship'

And the second headed. Business is too weak for a second wave of Brexit dogma which concludes...

'...poll of more than 2,0000 shows that...voters think the transition should be extended. They recognise that there are other priorities now and so should the government. It is it's reputation that will suffer from this dogmatism. Somebody needs to knock heads together. And fast.

All of the above quoted from the Sunday Times - a Tory and Brexit supporting newspaper. Whether I agree or disagree is another matter, so don't bother pushing back on me for the words of the Sunday Times.
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Major Champion
Jul 24, 2012
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On the issue of Johnson going missing for two weeks in that critical period. Two things; the govt had chosen its path, which its since realised was wrong and changed tack. And hindsight has determined it was a critical period.

There were missed opportunities, and some things might need to change going forward. Lets ask the questions and keep the govt focussed but do we have to have a with hunt now?

Hogie, didn't you say that in the main you agree with and support what the govt is trying to do. And now they're a bunch of yes-men...bit like Mary Poppins waiting for the wind to change?
I do - I support what the government is currently doing.


Jul 11, 2009
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I see Tony Blair is sticking his big nose/mouth in once more wanting "specialist czars" in charge of different areas. So basically another level of top bureaucracy and gimmicks to whatever the Government is already doing. Thanks Blair - stick to living on your millions and sod off.
Yea we should definitely ignore expert advice and operate as we have been, with little real intervention from the top but with badges to say what a good job we’re all doing.
Jul 31, 2017
I see Tony Blair is sticking his big nose/mouth in once more wanting "specialist czars" in charge of different areas. So basically another level of top bureaucracy and gimmicks to whatever the Government is already doing. Thanks Blair - stick to living on your millions and sod off.
Nice and measured response, thanks for that.
Maybe it's worth discussing as an option as this pandemic is all consuming for government. It could maybe bring some governance from those with more relevant experience and free some in government up for strategizing how the UK will look post corona.
I don't really have an opinion either way but rather than playing the man discuss the concept?
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