Coronavirus - political views - supporting or otherwise...

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Ye Olde Boomer

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Dec 30, 2019
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Covid 19 strategy in the US is divided, like everything else, almost perfectly on ideological lines.

Progressive liberals want to be cautious with the pandemic and just print money until there's a vaccination. Interest rates are almost non-existent so now is a good time to do it. It worked for WWII.

Conservatives have suddenly found a new affinity for Sweden that they never would have dreamed of having before. They say, body bags be damned, full-speed ahead.

I can't see how the "red" and "blue" states can possibly survive under one government anymore.
What were once political opponents are now full-fledged ideological enemies. Republicans and Democrats working in unity is Pollyanna's pipe dream.
Our Civil War was a "misunderstanding" compared to where we are now.

Deleted member 16999

In which case that's a very poor manipulation of the figures - imo. I'm sure that if they'd come out and said we set ourselves an ambitious target of 100k tests a day by the end of April and we carried out 88k tests yesterday. In addition we have sent out X thousand home testing kits and supplied X thousand of extra kits to testing stations, bringing the total to 122k. Most people would have accepted that and possibly even praised the efforts that had gone in to it. Unfortunately the government, and Matt Hancock in particular, have left themselves open to accusations of of giving misleading figures or outright lying.
To be fair mate, I firmly believe 88K is an oustanding effort and as posted previously I applaud them/him going for an ambitious target.
But yes, the figures will be scrutinised to the Nth degree.


Money List Winner
Oct 26, 2011
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He couldn't win and however the numbers were calculated there would be criticism. It is what it is sadly.

Not sure how and when you'd actually include posted tests? Log all those out and back in and go from there? Why bother. If someone requests a test and doesn't use it then let it go. There's enough to be going on with without adding that workload.

I think the postal tests have really been ramped up this past week which coincides with the end of the month and the target.

Whatever anyone says - 88000 would be slaughtered as not meeting the target.

Spin? Probably. Why? Well that's pretty clear.

Makes me sad.


Tour Rookie
May 3, 2011
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Covid 19 strategy in the US is divided, like everything else, almost perfectly on ideological lines.

Progressive liberals want to be cautious with the pandemic and just print money until there's a vaccination. Interest rates are almost non-existent so now is a good time to do it. It worked for WWII.

Conservatives have suddenly found a new affinity for Sweden that they never would have dreamed of having before. They say, body bags be damned, full-speed ahead.

I can't see how the "red" and "blue" states can possibly survive under one government anymore.
What were once political opponents are now full-fledged ideological enemies. Republicans and Democrats working in unity is Pollyanna's pipe dream.
Our Civil War was a "misunderstanding" compared to where we are now.
This is a thoughtful post.
Where does it end? Could the coastal States form an alliance between the state and federal level? Would that be constitutional?


Ryder Cup Winner
Sep 12, 2011
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He couldn't win and however the numbers were calculated there would be criticism. It is what it is sadly.

Not sure how and when you'd actually include posted tests? Log all those out and back in and go from there? Why bother. If someone requests a test and doesn't use it then let it go. There's enough to be going on with without adding that workload.

I think the postal tests have really been ramped up this past week which coincides with the end of the month and the target.

Whatever anyone says - 88000 would be slaughtered as not meeting the target.

Spin? Probably. Why? Well that's pretty clear.

Makes me sad.
I agree. It is sad the way some are salivating for a pound of flesh, it is a very sad state of affairs but unfortunatly something we see more of these days. If the numbers had been 990,000 the cry of 'Liars' would be ringing along with feelings of schadenfreude.
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Q-School Graduate
Sep 3, 2015
whitley bay
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The Government target was to achieve the capability of 100K tests. There is no way they could set a target of 'completed tests' because that is entirely dependent on the demand which is not within their control.

The UK now has the ability to conduct 100k tests which is a agreat achievement in the timescale. If we never need to use the facility that would be great, however an instrinsic part of moving out of the social controls is the ability to monitor and to finely target geographic areas of infection.

No it wasn't. Please stop making things up. They were quite clear the target was to test 100,000 people a day.


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Oct 4, 2018
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It was the politician who asked the scientist to give the breakdown of the figures after the politician was asked...typical politician :)
And if the politician had answered you'd be the first to ask why the scientist didn't have an input considering it's the scientist who would be carrying out the results and compiling the numbers ??‍♂️


Sep 11, 2011
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No it wasn't. Please stop making things up. They were quite clear the target was to test 100,000 people a day.

Now you are making things up. If you want to be “quite clear” enter Matt Hancock 100,000 into the search bar in YouTube. You will hear him say that the target is 100,000 but he doesn’t say “tested” or “capability.” And that is his only wriggle room.

Personally, I took it to mean tested but that’s not what was said.

It was fairly clear, as we went through April that 100,000 tested wasn’t going to be met. The capacity was there by late April but how many times did the news programmes show empty test centres? You can’t blame the govt if people are too lazy to travel to a test centre.


Major Champion
Sep 22, 2009
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Now you are making things up. If you want to be “quite clear” enter Matt Hancock 100,000 into the search bar in YouTube. You will hear him say that the target is 100,000 but he doesn’t say “tested” or “capability.” And that is his only wriggle room.

Personally, I took it to mean tested but that’s not what was said.

It was fairly clear, as we went through April that 100,000 tested wasn’t going to be met. The capacity was there by late April but how many times did the news programmes show empty test centres? You can’t blame the govt if people are too lazy to travel to a test centre.

As I listened to the numbers, but haven't rechecked, even if you take away the posted tests, it was still a huge ramp up of test on the day.


Q-School Graduate
Sep 3, 2015
whitley bay
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Now you are making things up. If you want to be “quite clear” enter Matt Hancock 100,000 into the search bar in YouTube. You will hear him say that the target is 100,000 but he doesn’t say “tested” or “capability.” And that is his only wriggle room.

Personally, I took it to mean tested but that’s not what was said.

It was fairly clear, as we went through April that 100,000 tested wasn’t going to be met. The capacity was there by late April but how many times did the news programmes show empty test centres? You can’t blame the govt if people are too lazy to travel to a test centre.

Sorry, you are wrong.

From Hancock's press release on 2nd April

Press release
Health Secretary sets out plan to carry out 100,000 coronavirus tests a day

The UK will carry out 100,000 tests for coronavirus every day by the end of this month, Health Secretary Matt Hancock pledged today.


Sep 11, 2011
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Sorry, you are wrong.

From Hancock's press release on 2nd April

Press release
Health Secretary sets out plan to carry out 100,000 coronavirus tests a day

The UK will carry out 100,000 tests for coronavirus every day by the end of this month, Health Secretary Matt Hancock pledged today.

Listen to the daily brief, 2nd April. You get it from the horse's mouth. You get what he actually said, not what some Civil Servant put out on the site.


Sep 11, 2011
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As I listened to the numbers, but haven't rechecked, even if you take away the posted tests, it was still a huge ramp up of test on the day.

Its disappointing Chris. Its clear the govt have been creative in an attempt to dodge around the 100k number. For me, the easy out for them would have been to say the capacity is there but people are just not using the facilities. But no, they just look like the kid with his hand in the cookie jar.


Money List Winner
Nov 30, 2010
St. Andish
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Listen to the daily brief, 2nd April. You get it from the horse's mouth. You get what he actually said, not what some Civil Servant put out on the site.
I think that you probably agree that you’re knitting fog there Bri. I’ve just watched the brief in question several times. “We are now setting the goal of 100,000 tests per day”. I suppose that if I was so motivated I could spin that either way.

Anyway, I can’t spend all day on here discussing this. I’m sleeping with 3 supermodels today. I’ve sent the begging tweets, so it’s in the bag really ?


Q-School Graduate
Sep 3, 2015
whitley bay
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Listen to the daily brief, 2nd April. You get it from the horse's mouth. You get what he actually said, not what some Civil Servant put out on the site.

Come off it. It's a government press release from his department, don't you think he checks them (or has them double checked) before release? It is explicit, both in the title and the body of the press release, that the target is to carry out 100,000 tests.

The press release was widely quoted in the media. Don't you think if it was so spectacularly wrong, it would have been subsequently corrected?


Q-School Graduate
Sep 3, 2015
whitley bay
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I think that you probably agree that you’re knitting fog there Bri. I’ve just watched the brief in question several times. “We are now setting the goal of 100,000 tests per day”. I suppose that if I was so motivated I could spin that either way.

Anyway, I can’t spend all day on here discussing this. I’m sleeping with 3 supermodels today. I’ve sent the begging tweets, so it’s in the bag really ?

Is your target to actually sleep with 3 of them, or just to have the capability?
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