Coronavirus - political views - supporting or otherwise...

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Old Skier

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May 10, 2013
Instow - play in North Devon
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To a certain extent what did they expect when you have the government saying people can drive for as long as they want for exercise. Dred to think what will happen on bank holiday if the weather is good. And what this will do to the R rate in a couple of weeks.
Biggest issue was no car parks in major beach areas open. Along with toilets. Police here in Instow alone issued over 30 tickets for illegal parking.

Old Skier

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May 10, 2013
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Government rolling out members of the 2nd Eleven to do the briefings. Wherefore art thou Johnson, or indeed any of your senior cabinet ministers...I'm sitting watching and listening to someone I've never seen before. I guess that that's what you get when you restrict ministerial positions to those who will swear fealty on all matters Johnson. The talent pool of experienced MPs shrinks. And with Stephen Powis being my least favourite medical expert...not the most inspiring pair - but hey - beggars can't be choosers :)

Can you highlight what was wrong with his statement as he is the culture minister and part of the brief was to do with culture issues. I'm sure the professor would be delighted to be associated with your comment of being in the 2nd Eleven.


Sep 11, 2011
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Government rolling out members of the 2nd Eleven to do the briefings. Wherefore art thou Johnson, or indeed any of your senior cabinet ministers...I'm sitting watching and listening to someone I've never seen before. I guess that that's what you get when you restrict ministerial positions to those who will swear fealty on all matters Johnson. The talent pool of experienced MPs shrinks. And with Stephen Powis being my least favourite medical expert...not the most inspiring pair - but hey - beggars can't be choosers :)

Maybe you need to lift your head up. I've seen Dowden before. But, as usual, you are posting negatively long before the briefing has finished. You got egg on your face last week for it, and do so today. By all means criticise to the high heavens when you've heard ALL of the briefing, but you just look a tit by criticising it long before its finished.


Major Champion
Jul 24, 2012
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Can you highlight what was wrong with his statement as he is the culture minister and part of the brief was to do with his brief as culture.
Nothing wrong with it - did I say there was?

I just hadn't heard of him before and I am not aware that every briefing is now to have a specific ministerial focus - though I suppose that that does mean that Johnson and his coterie don't have to put themselves up there regularly, and looking on the upside maybe we get an alternative view being put...though I doubt it.


Major Champion
Jul 24, 2012
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Maybe you need to lift your head up. I've seen Dowden before. But, as usual, you are posting negatively long before the briefing has finished. You got egg on your face last week for it, and do so today. By all means criticise to the high heavens when you've heard ALL of the briefing, but you just look a tit by criticising it long before its finished.

Just hadn't seen him before. And I am not criticising him or anything he is saying. I actually think he's OK.

Old Skier

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May 10, 2013
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Nothing wrong with it - did I say there was?

I just hadn't heard of him before and I am not aware that every briefing is now to have a specific ministerial focus - though I suppose that that does mean that Johnson and his coterie don't have to put themselves up there regularly, and looking on the upside maybe we get an alternative view being put...though I doubt it.
You accuse the minister and the professor of being in the 2nd team as if that wasn't good enough, I'm just interested in why you feel they aren't good enough to be in the first team and what qualification do you have to decide what team they should be in.


Major Champion
Jul 24, 2012
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Disappointed to see the government has decided to end the "virtual" parliament that allowed MPs to participate remotely. Clearly there is no way that the entire parliament can safely "social distance" so this move is insanely premature. IMO, it should have been made permanent even post-pandemic to be more family friendly and help MPs with their work/life balance which in the long run could give us a more diverse group of MPs.

Impossible to see any explanation for this decision other than that the PM keeps getting his arse handed to him at PMQs by the new leader of the opposition and needs a bunch of boo-boys backing him up.
We know the argument R-M put forward was simply that with the government asking workers to go back to work where they cannot work from home - the HoC has to take the lead and set an example. Except of course the government guidelines are that we should only travel to work in the circumstances where it is not possible to work from home - which of course MPs have been doing. So are they not going to be going against their own guidelines...? Anyway.

Your suspicion of ulterior motives are just that...suspicions...;)

Old Skier

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May 10, 2013
Instow - play in North Devon
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We know the argument R-M put forward was simply that with the government asking workers to go back to work where they cannot work from home - the HoC has to take the lead and set an example. Except of course the government guidelines are that we should only travel to work in the circumstances where it is not possible to work from home - which of course MPs have been doing. So are they not going to be going against their own guidelines...? Anyway.

Your suspicion of ulterior motives are just that...suspicions...;)
Do you talk to your MP, do you know how they feel. It will be different for them all with their working from home experience different. Our MP is desperate to get back to London to work, broadband in this area is dire and she regularly looses connection and has missed several votes and the option to talk in debates.

It's not all about being in the chamber so your winking eye is out of order but there again, you have an agenda.


Ryder Cup Winner
Sep 12, 2011
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Jun 9, 2009
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Disappointed to see the government has decided to end the "virtual" parliament that allowed MPs to participate remotely. Clearly there is no way that the entire parliament can safely "social distance" so this move is insanely premature. IMO, it should have been made permanent even post-pandemic to be more family friendly and help MPs with their work/life balance which in the long run could give us a more diverse group of MPs.

Impossible to see any explanation for this decision other than that the PM keeps getting his arse handed to him at PMQs by the new leader of the opposition and needs a bunch of boo-boys backing him up.
maybe Boris will have Sir Tom on standby then when he gets into trouble he can just wheel him out and everything will be tickety boo;)
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Doon frae Troon

Ryder Cup Winner
Mar 5, 2012
S W Scotland
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Disappointed to see the government has decided to end the "virtual" parliament that allowed MPs to participate remotely. Clearly there is no way that the entire parliament can safely "social distance" so this move is insanely premature. IMO, it should have been made permanent even post-pandemic to be more family friendly and help MPs with their work/life balance which in the long run could give us a more diverse group of MPs.

Impossible to see any explanation for this decision other than that the PM keeps getting his arse handed to him at PMQs by the new leader of the opposition and needs a bunch of boo-boys backing him up.

Boo Boys, how polite :cautious: best description I heard was Howler Monkeys.
Johnson certainly looks a bit uncomfortable without his backing group.


Major Champion
Jul 24, 2012
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Do you talk to your MP, do you know how they feel. It will be different for them all with their working from home experience different. Our MP is desperate to get back to London to work, broadband in this area is dire and she regularly looses connection and has missed several votes and the option to talk in debates.

It's not all about being in the chamber so your winking eye is out of order but there again, you have an agenda.
Do you belief the rationale set out by Rees-Mogg for MPs returning - as I am not clear how MPs cannot work from home. Maybe not so effectively, but that is not the government guidance. And does the comparison he makes of MPs with teachers hold up?
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