Coronavirus - political views - supporting or otherwise...

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Dec 29, 2006
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One and the same but I get your point. I think O'Leary said something along the lines of he wont fly with those restrictions or he will if the govt, whichever one, pays for the empty seats. He has been quite vociferous about airlines receiving state aid so he is not making a pitch for money, he wants to be able to sell all of his seats still. The line about making the govt, and so taxpayer ?, pay was classic O'Leary grabbing a headline.

Incidentally, you are spot on, the knife crime figures are for 2019, nothing to do with the lockdown period.
O’Leary IS receiving State Aid. Ryanair has refused to give a cash refund for ANY flights which are cancelled. They are operating at around 5 % estimate capacity.

They have said all customers who want a cash refund will have to wait for up to 18 months. They are getting aid from all the people who are owed money which will help their cashflow. They are not alone BTW.

Old Skier

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No coordination with testing, these are the questions that need asking by reporters rather than those they know won't get answered.

Testing availability on line showing closed yet at 1545 hrs today there was capacity a t the mobile unit in Torquay, actually it was empty. Where do you book places on the mobile testing centers


Nov 16, 2011
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Some nasty spiteful comments about the government from some ths morning. I guess its a vent for their frustration.
There didn't seem to be any aimed at 'the government', but several 'pointed' ones aimed at Priti Patel who, imo, thoroughly deserves any/all castigation that heads her way!

Though quite a good, if a bit obviously prepared/read, speech for her turn on the dais yesterday!
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Ryder Cup Winner
Sep 12, 2011
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There didn't seem to be any aimed at 'the government', but several 'pointed' ones aimed at Priti Patel who, imo, thoroughly deserves any/all castigation that heads her way!

Though quite a good, if a bit obviously prepared/read, speech for her turn on the dais yesterday!
Patel, Hancock, Boris, seems a bit Governmental to me.


Nov 16, 2011
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Of or relating to government:
Yeah, that I knew (and said so)! And of course they DO and SHOULD relate to government - thus being 'governmental'.

Are you suggesting they are 'overly-governmental'? Aka condescendingly/arrogantly so? Officious perhaps?


Money List Winner
Dec 22, 2008
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Yeah, that I knew (and said so)! And of course they DO and SHOULD relate to government - thus being 'governmental'.

Are you suggesting they are 'overly-governmental'? Aka condescendingly/arrogantly so? Officious perhaps?
If so can we use ‘overly governmental’ as a coverall PHRASE to DESCRIBE some of the POSTERS on this FORum ?


Ryder Cup Winner
Sep 12, 2011
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Yeah, that I knew (and said so)! And of course they DO and SHOULD relate to government - thus being 'governmental'.

Are you suggesting they are 'overly-governmental'? Aka condescendingly/arrogantly so? Officious perhaps?
I dont quite get where you are taking this.
You said there didnt seem to any comments aimed at the Government.
I pointed out there had been three ministers commented on which made it Governmental.
You said you didnt understand what I meant by saying it was Governmental and asked me to explain.
I explained.
Now you are asking me if I meant something I didnt say.
Now I'm bored with this.


Credit where it's due, Boris spoke well just now, some badly needed leadership at last even if there was nothing really new to say.
The 'transparency' word was great to hear though. See if he means it.


Q-School Graduate
Sep 3, 2015
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Observers, inform Cabinet.
Why not?

So Cummings is just going along to take notes? I know these are strange times, but that's ridiculous.

One thing that gets me is this line "we are following the science". That is nonsense, they are choosing a data model they like the look of, and basing decisions on that. Which is fair enough, but stop pretending it's a science where there is only one set of correct answers.


Q-School Graduate
Sep 3, 2015
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Credit where it's due, Boris spoke well just now, some badly needed leadership at last even if there was nothing really new to say.
The 'transparency' word was great to hear though. See if he means it.

He did speak well. The Tory MP who came on the BBC after his speech was right when he said he is their best communicator by far.


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Nov 19, 2018
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So Cummings is just going along to take notes? I know these are strange times, but that's ridiculous.

One thing that gets me is this line "we are following the science". That is nonsense, they are choosing a data model they like the look of, and basing decisions on that. Which is fair enough, but stop pretending it's a science where there is only one set of correct answers.

Which of the two paras are you mostvwrong on, I wonder?
The SAG group is quite a large one. Cummings and assistant will be there to note what is said, and also, no doubt, to pass on the questions and queries and theories from the Cabinet members. How else do you think the Cabinet can get their views to and from the SAG group, in the best way.
Clearly the whole Cabinet cannot meet the whole SAG group.
But, being a fully paid up member of the Cummings Hate group, you cannot find a logical reason , there must be a Machiavellian one.

And of course, you know that the SAG meetings are all just a show, that all those SAG members, having given their advice and created their road map, then sit back quietly whilst the government then implement policies bearing no resemblance to that agreed advice. And that has been going on for weeks , has it?


Q-School Graduate
Sep 3, 2015
whitley bay
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Which of the two paras are you mostvwrong on, I wonder?
The SAG group is quite a large one. Cummings and assistant will be there to note what is said, and also, no doubt, to pass on the questions and queries and theories from the Cabinet members. How else do you think the Cabinet can get their views to and from the SAG group, in the best way.
Clearly the whole Cabinet cannot meet the whole SAG group.
But, being a fully paid up member of the Cummings Hate group, you cannot find a logical reason , there must be a Machiavellian one.

And of course, you know that the SAG meetings are all just a show, that all those SAG members, having given their advice and created their road map, then sit back quietly whilst the government then implement policies bearing no resemblance to that agreed advice. And that has been going on for weeks , has it?

Where did I say the government are disregarding advice from scientists? They obviously are basing decisions on what they are being told, but there are a number of differing schools of thought amongst the scientific community. There is a world of difference between following scientific advice and there only being one set of agreed correct answers.

We all know that Cummings performs the same bullyboy / enforcer role that Campbell did for Blair, to suggest he is going along merely to pass on "questions, queries and theories" from the Cabinet is laughable. If the Cabinet really wanted a message boy, they would send a junior minister from the Dept of Health.


Tour Rookie
Aug 28, 2013
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So Cummings is just going along to take notes? I know these are strange times, but that's ridiculous.

One thing that gets me is this line "we are following the science". That is nonsense, they are choosing a data model they like the look of, and basing decisions on that. Which is fair enough, but stop pretending it's a science where there is only one set of correct answers.

You are showing that you have no idea how the Government expert panels work and the practicalities
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