Cobra fly z driver

I have one (the ladies version, so different colour, lighter shaft and a tad more loft, but basically the same) and I absolutely love it. Great value for money (assuming that you will get it relatively cheap since it came out two years ago and has been preceded by two newer models in the meantime). I find it quite forgiving and very easy to hit.
I have one and i think its a really decent bit of kit, especially for the price you can pick them up for now .
Also got the 3 wood as well . Unfortunately they only had the white ones when i got mine :mad: but hey ho would have prefered the darker heads but it was no deal breaker.
I have one, and when I hit it straight it goes distance!! it seems a bit fade biased to me, so I have struggled a bit with that. But overall I am happy with it.
Son has one and its a good driver, tend to launch higher than the fly z+(I had this one) and at a guess spins more looking at the flight.

For the money they now are, a bargain.