Club sanctions for Non-return of Competition Score card & PSI entry


Journeyman Pro
Feb 4, 2012
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Interested to know if your Club has found it necessary to operate such & what they are.
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Major Champion
Jul 24, 2012
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I'm not aware that we do anything. There are many reasons why a player would NR way beyond 'I can't be bothered' and I don't think it is appropriate for comp organisers to draw negative conclusions and judgements based upon assumptions they might make - regular 'no shows' are another matter.

Don;t know what PSI is.


Tour Rookie
Jun 29, 2017
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Player Score Input

Cards should all be returned good, bad or indifferent and regardless of whether every holes was completed or not. 'Can't be bothered' isn't acceptable

Clubs will/should take action action those who repeatedly fail to return their cards

duncan mackie

Money List Winner
Feb 19, 2012
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Because all our comps are signed in on the system before play we really don't have any issues with NRs; you go up 0.1 the same as if you had returned a poor score - the end.

Non entry of a returned card happens rarely, is a right pain for the team and will normally have a reason associated with it (crashed terminal etc). Cards can always be returned to the pro shop for entry anyway so anyone continually messing the club around will have a discussion with the comp sec. As we have never gone further than this we haven't any established sanctions - they would be agreed at full committee as and when.

No shows are always an issue. Things happen but people are expected to communicate. General penalty will be a suspension from competitions for a period.

Deleted member 15344

Why would people be punished for NR’s ?

We have no sanctions - if you don’t submit your card it’s a DQ simple as that and if it’s not in the PSI it’s more than likely a one off , if someone is regularly not putting into the PSI i used to just ask why and ask politely if he would enter it to help the Comp committee when closing the Comp - normally works


Sep 11, 2011
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Sign in before play, DQ if a score isn't returned. Club sec has a quiet word, if its a repeat, end of the matter.


Head Pro
Jul 22, 2015
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I was previously at a club where there was a big NR culture and a lot of players would NR as soon as they were over their handicap. I saw guys just putting 0, 0, 0, 0 etc in the machine. Assume this didn't really change the CSS, or else it would be well over par, but always seemed to be 65 (1 under).

I then played at a different club and remember being on the back 9, playing not very well and I lost a ball. I stated I would just NR and the other players were surprised, thinking I should go back to the tee (thus delaying groups behind). Upon checking the bottom of some of the score sheets, very few players would ever NR.

Maybe it's no coincidence that play at that club was particularly slow and took ages to play a Saturday competition round, with delays often taking place on the 1st tee!

For me, if you are genuinely out of it and you lose a ball, I don't have a problem with missing that hole and entering an NR. But you should still be playing the rest of the round, keeping your score and entering the scores properly for the other 17 holes you did complete.

Not really sure what sanctions would be, other than a gentle reminder that your scoring affects the CSS and it is expected that you should finish every hole, where possible - which would probably address the problem in most cases.

Are you really going to fine people or ban them?


Head Pro
Jul 22, 2015
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No shows for a medal should obviously be discouraged, but usually isn't a major problem as the other players can still compete.

However, for a scramble or a team event, I don't have a problem with sanctions.

Yellow card / red card type system.


Journeyman Pro
May 18, 2009
Monmouthshire, UK via Guildford!
NR is your business and 0.1 increase applied...

... but not putting your card in the box or keying it on the system adds an admin overhead to reconcile the comp that the Shop could do without. Persitent offenders are tied to a distance marker on the practice ground and everyone else takes a shot at them....

....well, maybe not quite, but it's an idea!


Journeyman Pro
May 20, 2017
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This was causing serious delays to the finalisation of results (there may be four comps that need finalising on a Monday morning) and one comp did not get finalised for over a week we therefore introduced a stage by stage process.

First time warning letter
2nd time in same year another warning letter
3rd time in same year loss of handicap for 4 weeks.

Clock resets if only a once in a year occurrence.

We used to have about 20 cards per comp not entered on to the PSI or unreturned and it has reduced the numbers substantially.

We have also introduced a new competition sign up processes which identifies missing cards and competitors promptly.

Prior to introducing this there was a certain amount of handicap protection by some of the Cat 1 players which has now stopped.

Deleted member 15344

This was causing serious delays to the finalisation of results (there may be four comps that need finalising on a Monday morning) and one comp did not get finalised for over a week we therefore introduced a stage by stage process.

First time warning letter
2nd time in same year another warning letter
3rd time in same year loss of handicap for 4 weeks.

Clock resets if only a once in a year occurrence.

We used to have about 20 cards per comp not entered on to the PSI or unreturned and it has reduced the numbers substantially.

We have also introduced a new competition sign up processes which identifies missing cards and competitors promptly.

Prior to introducing this there was a certain amount of handicap protection by some of the Cat 1 players which has now stopped.

I’m confused about that last statement and what NR and not putting the card in has to do with cat 1 protecting HC ? If the card is not returned then it’s a .1 and DQ - clear rule


Journeyman Pro
Feb 4, 2012
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This was causing serious delays to the finalisation of results (there may be four comps that need finalising on a Monday morning) and one comp did not get finalised for over a week we therefore introduced a stage by stage process.

First time warning letter
2nd time in same year another warning letter
3rd time in same year loss of handicap for 4 weeks.

Clock resets if only a once in a year occurrence.

We used to have about 20 cards per comp not entered on to the PSI or unreturned and it has reduced the numbers substantially.

We have also introduced a new competition sign up processes which identifies missing cards and competitors promptly.

Prior to introducing this there was a certain amount of handicap protection by some of the Cat 1 players which has now stopped.

There was never a mention of N/R's.... it's the return of the card it's self that's the issue. N/R's are encouraged to continue recording scores for CSS purposes..... they could still buffer!!

Yep... we'd thought of having a 'quiet word', as well as 'telling them straight that we want their card each week!!!', & explaining that it makes unnecessary work for the volunteers maintaining their H/cap for them. BUT... hey!!… they're happy doing what they do, hence our considering the use of sanctions as per the above post. (Not sure I understand the final paragraph as CAT 1's are generally not wanting 0.1's..... & anywayif they sign-in for the Comp they'll be getting it even if they walk-off after 1,2 or just 3 holes & not return their card)

As 'The Home of Modern Golf' we are trying to get this :whistle: .... I'm guessing you talking about Electronic sign-in with a label printed for your card, can identify missing PSI entries (not a right big problem but can be 30mins more work, or so, finding just one, especially if its not one of the 'regulars)

Thanks for everyone's in-put as it's always very valuable knowing what others do & think about things. Especially as you don't want new volunteers to be put off doing so because the job is too onerous as well as you're efforts not appreciated. :confused::angry::mad:

User 99

Assistant Pro
Feb 16, 2018
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Those not returning their card have no idea the amount of work these guys do who process the cards, may be if they did, they'd understand the frustration and unnecessary work that is required.


Journeyman Pro
Feb 4, 2012
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Those not returning their card have no idea the amount of work these guys do who process the cards, may be if they did, they'd understand the frustration and unnecessary work that is required.

Yep…. even worse when you get the feeling that they're not even bothered about it & give the impression that they think you're only doing it to 'catch them out'.
They'll never be one of the 'volunteers' so will never understand what's involved...… hence, at our very 'relaxed & casual' Club (perhaps too so) our team of 5 on H/cap & 2 on Match are rather 'cheesed off' with this, inconsiderate, minority!! :mad:


Tour Winner
Mar 21, 2013
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Those not returning their card have no idea the amount of work these guys do who process the cards, may be if they did, they'd understand the frustration and unnecessary work that is required.

Yeah I agree not entering into the PSI is lazy, but is there anything Competitively a club can actually do? You can’t DQ someone as long as they hand their card in can you?


Head Pro
Jan 19, 2015
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Not handing a card in/inputting your score, doesn't really have an excuse in my eyes. If you do that then it is fair to expect some sort of punishment.
There should be a window of time to put your card in and if it's not in during that window then .1 and a punishment awaits, in order to finalise the competition.

As for NR's, I don't think a punishment is necessary, unless it's a repeat offender who should then be investigated.
Our club have a lot of people who NR one then just put 0's in for any hole they don't birdie or par. I think that's just poor form (literally).
I always do my absolute best to avoid an NR, even when an embarrassing score awaits. You don't get scratch players and the like doing that though as they're too embarrassed. I've even heard them trying to claim a double bogey when they tell the rest of the bar their score later.

I had an NR a few weeks back though, which was a shame. I'd already got .1 back halfway down the back 9, but lost a ball somehow on the 18th from what looked a safe and average shot. The ball was never found and when I looked back, the group behind had took their tee shots and I made the decision to leave it as it wouldn't affect anything.