Club face control drills.


Money List Winner
Apr 28, 2013
Gateshead, Tyne & Wear
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I recall someone on Sky Sports golf saying club face control is king, does anyone have any decent drills to try and get a squarer club face at impact?
I'm all over the shop at the minute, specially with longer clubs which I seems to be hanging out to the right.


Journeyman Pro
Jan 23, 2014
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I recall someone on Sky Sports golf saying club face control is king, does anyone have any decent drills to try and get a squarer club face at impact?
I'm all over the shop at the minute, specially with longer clubs which I seems to be hanging out to the right.
Me to but it’s my short irons .
Bob will be along shortly I hope..


Nov 16, 2011
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I recall someone on Sky Sports golf saying club face control is king, does anyone have any decent drills to try and get a squarer club face at impact?
I'm all over the shop at the minute, specially with longer clubs which I seems to be hanging out to the right.
H'mm 'all over the shop' and 'hanging out to the right' would seem to be mutually exclusive! Which is it?!!
Hanging out to the right is often caused by the upper body getting ahead of the rest of the swing - thus causing a 'block'! Controlling the upper body properly would likely solve both block (body ahead of arms) and pulls (arms ahead of body). A slow-mo camera - or Pro's eye - should confirm the issue!
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Major Champion
Feb 2, 2009
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I would say it's your grip that's the issue.
If your left hand is weak and your right hand is neutral to strong, I would expect the ball to be ''all over the place'' (It's ok, I won't criticise your post, I know what you meant).

When a weak left hand dominates, the face opens, ball goes right.
When the right dominates, clubface square or closed, ball goes straight or left.
Of course, it could be strong left and weak right but the inconsistency would still be there.
Your problem is you don't know where to aim.
My suggestions would be
1. Get someone who knows what they are talking about to check your grip and get both hands working together and
2. Don't pay too much attention to post no. 3


Club Champion
Feb 25, 2017
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I recall someone on Sky Sports golf saying club face control is king, does anyone have any decent drills to try and get a squarer club face at impact?
I'm all over the shop at the minute, specially with longer clubs which I seems to be hanging out to the right.

3 things you could try

bow the left wrist in the swing ... (this would potentially fix it if you twist the club open round the axis of the shaft)

try and get the hands lower and left through impact (this is for high handle delivery which causes the loft to point right)

cast/flick the club to try and get the feeling of the clubhead overtaking the hands (this would be to fix a handle ahead of the hands which would leave the face open)

these are all easily found on crossfields channel if you can stomach him


Money List Winner
Apr 28, 2013
Gateshead, Tyne & Wear
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3 things you could try

bow the left wrist in the swing ... (this would potentially fix it if you twist the club open round the axis of the shaft)

try and get the hands lower and left through impact (this is for high handle delivery which causes the loft to point right)

cast/flick the club to try and get the feeling of the clubhead overtaking the hands (this would be to fix a handle ahead of the hands which would leave the face open)

these are all easily found on crossfields channel if you can stomach him

Thanks mate, I did try that bowed wrist thing a few years ago but ended up with tennis elbow ? I'll maybe give it another shot.
You still at CLS?


Club Champion
Feb 25, 2017
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Thanks mate, I did try that bowed wrist thing a few years ago but ended up with tennis elbow ? I'll maybe give it another shot.
You still at CLS?

that's probably off too much tension when you're doing it mate... i'm the same when i try a new "feel" end up gripping like a mad man on the club. don't think bow think twisting the grip anti clockwise.

yeah still at CLS, was close thing though course was horrendous early doors this year, but the new course manager has came in and done a fantastic job. fair few people whining as he's grew the rough out in certain places.


Money List Winner
Apr 28, 2013
Gateshead, Tyne & Wear
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yeah still at CLS, was close thing though course was horrendous early doors this year, but the new course manager has came in and done a fantastic job. fair few people whining as he's grew the rough out in certain places.

Ha ha yes it was a bit of a bombers alley when they cut down all those trees a few years ago, almost impossible to lose a ball there...I still managed it regularly though ?


Journeyman Pro
Jan 23, 2014
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This topic encouraged me to go and have a range session.
My pro was walking past and I asked him his advice.
I buy most of my gear off him and he always helps me if I ask.
“ your holding the grip in your palm to much” he changed my grip into my fingers and massive improvement so Bob was correct with his grip advice ( cheers Bob).
Still hit a few left but really enjoyed it.
Just shows a very small thing can cause problems.

Just an aside , my clubs are 1* up but when I changed my grip into fingers a bit more the irons looked to upright and toe in the air.
I was fitted at ping for them but might get them put to black standard.


Ryder Cup Winner
Jan 7, 2012
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I've been playing a fade recently and my left hand has got progressively weaker. Started losing all shots out to the right last night and couldn't fix it on the course. Even when I tried to grip stronger I couldn't do it.

It was only after I got home was I able to sort the problem. Round gone by then :(


Money List Winner
Apr 28, 2013
Gateshead, Tyne & Wear
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I've been playing a fade recently and my left hand has got progressively weaker. Started losing all shots out to the right last night and couldn't fix it on the course. Even when I tried to grip stronger I couldn't do it.

It was only after I got home was I able to sort the problem. Round gone by then :(

What was the issue and fix?


Money List Winner
Apr 28, 2013
Gateshead, Tyne & Wear
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This topic encouraged me to go and have a range session.
My pro was walking past and I asked him his advice.
I buy most of my gear off him and he always helps me if I ask.
“ your holding the grip in your palm to much” he changed my grip into my fingers and massive improvement so Bob was correct with his grip advice ( cheers Bob).
Still hit a few left but really enjoyed it.
Just shows a very small thing can cause problems.

Just an aside , my clubs are 1* up but when I changed my grip into fingers a bit more the irons looked to upright and toe in the air.
I was fitted at ping for them but might get them put to black standard.

Good to hear, so your left hand (I'm assuming you're a right handed player) had the club gripper too far away from the base of the fingers?


Money List Winner
Oct 26, 2011
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I knew I had to get my left hand onto the club in a stronger position. I just couldn't get comfortable with it on the course.

When not under time constraints of playing I was able to do it and feel fine.

I get too weak with my left hand and it's a constant battle to keep it strong enough. I watched this youtube video from Shawn Clements which seemed to make sense and helped me keep it strong enough without feeling weird putting my left hand on strong enough. Hopefully @bobmac will have a look and see if I'm barking up the wrong tree and sending you up it too!

Basically it's sort of closing the club face and then taking your grip...



Journeyman Pro
Jan 23, 2014
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That’s a good video .
Sort of what my pro said but I am just trying to strengthen my grip a bit at a time.
I just find if I do it in one step it’s just horrible.
I am all over the place atm.