cell phones


Journeyman Pro
Aug 8, 2007
Norn Ireland
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Whats ur opinion on mobile phones on a golf course, I think they should be banned from the course.

Play every saturday with a guy that runs his own business, and he must use it 6 - 7 times on the 1 round. I dont say anything to him as he has it on silent but we can hear him chatting away.

I think it's tolaly bad manners and there is no excuse for it. We never see Monty or Tiger walking down a fairway talking to Butch Harman on the bloody phone I think the R & A should bring this rule/law into force!!!!!I think that if ur playing partner uses his mobile he should have a 2 shot penalty for every time his is on it. that would tighten his handicap up

Waiting to hear what you all think!!!!!!!
I think you will have to get your committee to introduce a local rule banning the damn things ..... EXCEPT in emergencies (an old guy at our club took a bad turn at the far end and his playing partner wasn't fit enough to get back to the clubhouse in quick time but he had his mobile and a couple of us nipped out in buggies and recovered the chap)
My gut reaction is ban them all, (in fact most clubs that I play at do ban them, both on the course and in the clubhouse). However my more liberal head says it depends on the circumstances. Unfortunately some people need to be contacted all the time, especially when yr running yr own business.

I say employ a good right hand man, I'm sure most businesses can survive for 4hrs or so without the boss.

It's a tricky one, but unfortunately mirrors how society is now, with people apparently on call 24/7.

Shame really!
Point taken about emergencies but listen what did golfers do before mobile phones.
I have a mate I play with every Wednesday and after 9 holes he rings his wife. He waits till we all hit at the 10th (par5) then while we're walking to our 2nd shot's he's on the phone wispering sweet nothings in her ear.
I play golf to get away from the wife I dont see the point in keeping intouch with her while I'm enjoying myself or not whatever is the case.
I'm on our committee and we have a meeting this Thursday night I might just bring it up

It certainly is a difficult one.

I need to be contactable 7 days a week from 8am until 10pm because of the nature of my business so unfortunately it has to be on, albeit silent, when I am playing golf.

When using the phone I always talk quietly and discreetly

It's rather sad what you say about the guy jabbering onto his wife halfway round. It gets on my nerves when I hear people having an "alright mate hows it going" conversation on their phone whilst at golf. The best one I heard was on a corporate day and the guy was having a full blown domestic with his wife whilst we were on the green.

Bunker, I take on board the point of a good right hand man, people don't contact me unless it absoulutely necessary but when its a decision over taking a car in part-exchange I need to be involved in this decision.

I can see both points to this discussion, it's clear that there is no chance everybody will agree on one thing.
Funny enough the guy I play with on a saturday is into cars and thats why he gets the calls.

I'm of the understanding that unless ur a doctor you dont really need to be on call 24/7. As we all know we're on the course on average 4 hours so surley the call can wait.

Madandra was it the cell phones that killed these guys or the hills on ur old course?
For us car dealers the call can't wait I'm afraid.

If they have a punter on site they need to know if there is a deal to be done or not. They can't exactly say sorry sir, but Jon is off jollying it at golf so you will have to wait.

It really is tough, I know my reasoning for needing my phone won't bhe fit justification for some and I accept that. We are all allowed our own oppinions.

I take real offence to stupid novelty headcovers, but some people love them.

It's good to be having a discussion without tempers fraying though, I can imagine some very heated discussions on exactly this subject matter having gone on in the past.

That's exactly my point, when you have a living to be made, that comes first.....

I know its a bit of a pain, but if yr sensible with yr phone, (ie keep on silent and take yrself away from where people are playing then I don't see a problem).

I have a pal who looks after IT systems (for a national newspaper) so the thing has to run 24/7, if there's a problem they can't wait 4hrs or so to fix it, hence the calls.

We're after a small runaround for my other half at the moment and have been to several smaller dealers and I'm sure we'd have left (rather disgruntled if told the boss is off playing golf come back in 4hrs).

On that point where is yr site, the wife is looking for a little Ford Ka at the mo, you wouldn't happen to have one would you?
I just do exactly that, get out of peoples earshot and they don't seem to mind.

I am in Chatham in Kent.

As for the car front I don't buy Ka's anymore as the local ford dealer is doing them brand new for £4495 so not worth my while.

They are an excellent car, my mother-in-law bought one on my reccommendation and loves it.

The major problem with Ka's, particularly early models is rust. I have seen many that are hugely corroded around the door-sills, petrol flap and in the floor of the car.

A decent alternative would be a VW Lupo/ Seat Arosa. Similar size but with superb build quality and reliability.

I won't put my website address on here because of the tension over using the forum for individual gain.
That's exactly my point, when you have a living to be made, that comes first.....

I know its a bit of a pain, but if yr sensible with yr phone, (ie keep on silent and take yrself away from where people are playing then I don't see a problem).

If someone needs to do business on the course, perhaps they should be in office, or at home on the landline, not strolling the fairways???

I have my phone (on silent) and I check it before the 1st and maybe when I take a drink 3/4 times a round for txts.

If I was out with a player who was on the 'phone a few times..
1) I wouldn't wait for him,
2) I wouldn't play with him again...not because of not liking him as a person or appreciating his position, but because I am out to spend 4 hours of my life relaxing, enjoying my hobby and escaping work.
3) I'd mention something to a member of the committee, not specifying the particular player, but the general idea of if there should be club rules.

It's irrelevant at my club, phones are not used, there's no rule, it's just how we are.

Interesting debate.

They're banned both in the clubhouse and on the course at my club but I'm pretty sure that everyone carries theirs in their pocket or bag on silent, as there are a lot of business owners who need to be available on the phone.

Personally I have no problems with that. It's only the chance of the bloody things ringing while you're in the middle of your backswing that concerns me.

Emergencies are a perfectly valid excuse. I suffer from asthma and don't fancy the thought of having an attack out in the country without a phone nearby.....although an inhaler is handier!

On the other hand I do find it rather sad that some have to make themselves available on the phone for work all the time. Golf is meant to be our leisure time when we can get away from it all...but I guess no-one understands that nowadays.

My attitude is that I have a mobile phone for MY convenience..not for others. Don't even get me started on people who ALWAYS answer their phones. Don't they realise they have the option? These people are sheep.
For us car dealers the call can't wait I'm afraid.

If they have a punter on site they need to know if there is a deal to be done or not. They can't exactly say sorry sir, but Jon is off jollying it at golf so you will have to wait.

Do you still take calls like that when you're on holiday?! I can't picture the average car dealer waking up in some tropical paradise at 3 o'clock in the morning because some bloke back home wants to know if you'll give him an extra couple of hundred quid for his 1998 Mondeo.
2 very well sides of the argument are coming out here.

For me I simply have to be available, if not it could cost me £££'s. I am proud to be the provider for my family and if discreetly using my phone is needed I will do it time and time again.

The point for me is that if we don't sell cars, I'm not earning money, it's really that simple.

I don't like using my phone on the course and am only contacted if absolutely necessary. I have played many, many times when the phone hasn't rung and trust me.... I much prefer it that way.

For some people not being contactable is simply not an option when their living is dependant on it.
always carry mine, but on vibrate.

worst I've seen is one xxx large wandering around the green while taking/making a call. his partner was forced to wait. remind me of the real saddo's being navigated around supermarkets.

if you take/make a call the least you should do is step off the course and let anybody and everybody through. see how much sympathy you get from your playing partners then.

medway, if you can't delegate to your staff you've got the wrong people. get the right one's soon or it's you they'll be bringing in off the course.
We wouldnt take a 1998 mondeo in part exchange and as for holiday, having a 10 month old girl restricts me to europe where time isnt a factor! I really do see where you are coming from.

Viscount, staff who could value p/x's correctly would be great but as a small company it would not be affordable to employ somebody of that calibre.
Great topic with a nice debate, and not descended into arguments!

Personally I always have my phone on in case I need to be contacted. I would never answer a call in clubhouse or on course.

When I am off to play golf all the relevant people know where I am and that if they need me I will check my messages 3/4 times in a round. Worst I could be out of contact is aprox an hour.

Seems to work for me!
Personally I don't see the problem as long as the phone is on silent and the person isn't talking within earshot of others who are playing but I would like to think their call is important not just chit chat which in most cases they are.

The world already has enough rules and constraints in it without looking to implement a ban across all clubs in the land - lets just try encourage some common sense instead?