Cancelled competition


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Sep 27, 2021
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We recently had a club medal competition (non qualifying due to temp greens) a member moved one of the tee markers so half the field were disqualified for playing from the wrong teeing area
can the committee cancel the competition and have it replayed
We recently had a club medal competition (non qualifying due to temp greens) a member moved one of the tee markers so half the field were disqualified for playing from the wrong teeing area
can the committee cancel the competition and have it replayed
What a ridiculous and unfair thing to do. Disqualification of the player who moved the markers is certainly an option for the Committee. But how were the other players to know that the markers had been moved? They played from the marked teeing area as they found it - how can you say they breached Rule 6.1b.?

What is open to the Committee, I would suggest, is to consider the possible disadvantaging of one part of the field or the other - those who played before and those who played after the moving of the markers. If one or other group had been seriously disadvantaged, then cancellation would seem to be for the best.

And an afterthought. Did the movement of the one tee marker create a totally new teeing area? If not and there was a part of the correct and 'revised' new teeing area in common, how did your Committee determine that the group of disqualified players actually had played from outside the teeing area? It couldn't of course, which just adds another absurdity.
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We recently had a club medal competition (non qualifying due to temp greens) a member moved one of the tee markers so half the field were disqualified for playing from the wrong teeing area
can the committee cancel the competition and have it replayed

Wow - that’s a sledgehammer to smash a peanut

The person who moved the markers should be DQ and potentially punished further

The rest who were unaware of the tee move - so they played from the tee maker as they see it
Before we can say if the committee were correct or not, we need to know how far the tee markers were actually moved.
There is a lot of difference to one block being moved forward or back a foot or so and the markers being moved, for whatever reason onto a different platform or considerably further back of forward.
Before we can say if the committee were correct or not, we need to know how far the tee markers were actually moved.
There is a lot of difference to one block being moved forward or back a foot or so and the markers being moved, for whatever reason onto a different platform or considerably further back of forward.
While I agree we need to know more to determine what the committee should have done, disqualifying half the field is most definitely wrong. All players bar one played from the markers presented to them, so do not see at all how theose players can be disqualified. If there was no significant advantage to either set of players then the competition should stand with only the player who moved the markers suffering a DQ. If however there was a significant advantage then the competition ought to be cancelled. In both cases the offending player ought to subject to a disciplinary investigation.
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More info definitely required - why would someone move a tee marker, how far did he move it, and what the hell was he thinking?? 😂
What a ridiculous and unfair thing to do. Disqualification of the player who moved the markers is certainly an option for the Committee. But how were the other players to know that the markers had been moved? They played from the marked teeing area as they found it - how can you say they breached Rule 6.1b.?

What is open to the Committee, I would suggest, is to consider the possible disadvantaging of one part of the field or the other - those who played before and those who played after the moving of the markers. If one or other group had been seriously disadvantagied, then cancellation would seem to be for the best.

And an afterthought. Did the movement of the one tee marker create a totally new teeing area? If not and there was a part of the correct and 'revised' new teeing area in common, how did your Committee determine that the group of disqualified players actually had played from outside the teeing area? It couldn't of course, which just adds another absurdity.
Totally new teeing area about 10 yards in front of the original
Before we can say if the committee were correct or not, we need to know how far the tee markers were actually moved.
There is a lot of difference to one block being moved forward or back a foot or so and the markers being moved, for whatever reason onto a different platform or considerably further back of forward.
Tee was moved forward about 10 yards into a better position
Disqualifying half the field is very severe, particularly given that they were not aware of a "breach". Cancelling the competition seems to be a less severe choice. Of course, disciplinary action for the group that moved the markers would be appropriate.
Absent some further justification we do not know about, this appears to be a fine example of Committee stupidity.

For most run of the mill club comps, the simplest approach would be split the comp into two fields, DQing only the perpetrator(s).
I agree with most of the responses above.

But, I'm less interested in what the Committee should have done, and more interested why a person would move a tee 10 yards to a different position!?

If a player is capable of doing this, goodness knows what they have done in the past or what they will do in the future. I wouldn't be surprised if they've moved the tees many times before, if they don't fancy where they are. Maybe just a bit to one side or the other to suit their shot shape.

And what sort of people in their group let them? Do golfers just play with mates in comps, or was he drawn with a couple of novices who were oblivious to what he was doing?