Buggies - Club or Pro

The club owns the Pro shop (pros are employed by the club) and they have a fleet of buggies.
There are around 40 members with their own buggies mainly single seater sit and ride ones.
My last club it was the club but the one before, the pro used to source buggies for members to buy and so they were mostly in private ownership.
Pro owns them & hires them out. (private members club). Which explains why he's never best pleased when a buggy ban kicks in. (Although, to be fair, it's him who decides when to bring the ban in, and, AFAIC, its always done as soon as necessary).
The club owns 1 buggy a d thats used by the Course Marshall or the Pro.
All others are privately owned.
Personally, I would be messing my pants taking a buggy on many of our holes..slopes of left, right, up and down - plus combinations - don't make using a buggy something that I would contemplate.
If it came to the point wheremi needed a buggy I'd have to change clubs...
At my first club the old pro brought the buggys in himself on a lease. The club wasn't interested in them

He made such a killing renting them out that when he left the club in the end the club took them over as their short sightedness had cost them serious money

Their pro was driving around in Ferrari for crying out loud lol 🤣
The club owns 1 buggy a d thats used by the Course Marshall or the Pro.
All others are privately owned.
Personally, I would be messing my pants taking a buggy on many of our holes..slopes of left, right, up and down - plus combinations - don't make using a buggy something that I would contemplate.
If it came to the point wheremi needed a buggy I'd have to change clubs...

The single seater ones do not normally have a problem with such conditions unless badly driven. I play a very hilly course with quite a few such slopes.
Thanks all.
Our pro owns the 3 petrol buggies we have. He reckons he can't afford to renew them. We are looking at the club buying some but have just spent a fortune on the course and clubhouse.