

Active member
Sep 2, 2021
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Well, had lessons and decided to book my first game at a course.
As it's pissing down, I hit American Golf and picked up some wet weather gear then headed home and booked a tee time online.

I thought I better try my gear on (pose) and was putting on my fancy new shoes but when I lifted my foot to put my shoe on, my lower back pinged (bulging disc) and I hit the floor.

Am now sitting with a hot pack and a bottle of red trying to cure it enough for a 09:45 tee time.

Buggers. Wish me luck.
That's tough Brad. Sounds like you will need another bottle of red tomorrow morning.

Remember though. Don't drink and drive ....

My pink rangey is warming up as we speak. Yeh pretty pissed off. I've used ice packs before and it's kinda hit or miss what works best.
3 am call to the NHS as I was screaming the house down. Back spasms were coming in waves so I’m now bed ridden and on the diazepam.
Doc back out today for stronger painkillers to prevent me having to *** in a bag ?

That and golf clubs4cash won’t discount the putter I fancy !
Been out for 5 weeks with sicatica. I suggest ice to reduce inflammation and some anti-inflammatory tablets. First thing to check out is whether its muscular (tight pirformis, quads etc) or disc related. I couldn't walk more than 50 yards five weeks ago without it going down my leg into my calf which would spasm and cramp. Ended up on naproxen and coedine but lucky to have occupational health on hand who have given me physio and a host of stretching exercises to really loosen the muscles. Still tight and sore but managing to walk longer distances without spasm and pain but sitting for long periods still painful
My osteopath managed to get me an MRI so they know where the damage was ( just happened to be exactly what her diagnosed)

None of the pain killer worked so they prescribed Amytripyline, but I didn't want to take them as coming off can be quite difficult.

Worked with the exercises the osteopath gave me and swimming. Ice packs as needed.
Was a slow recovery about 9 months.
We did discuss surgery ( shaving the discs) but even he admitted this wasn't 100% successful.
I had sciatica, started suddenly whilst putting my socks on.
Off work for 2 months. 5 weeks before I could sit in a chair.
I didn’t even feel the need to have a poop for 4 days, I think my subconscious realised it was never going to happen. When I did eventually have to go it was absolute agony. Standing to pee was really bad too. Found after a while that if I piled some books next to the toilet and kneel on them and pee like a urinal it was much more bearable.
about 80% better after 6 month. Took up road cycling which improved me no end. Then got back into golf, which I hadn’t played for nearly 20 years. That was 9 years ago and with regular exercise and avoiding bad posture when lifting have only had a couple of short term back aches. Good luck (y)