Bryson Dechambeau


Major Champion
Feb 2, 2009
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Reckons he doesn't need the covid vaccine as he is young and fit.
“I’m young enough, I’d rather give it to people who need it. I don’t need it. I’m a healthy, young individual''

Not the best message to send to his young fans.


Journeyman Pro
Apr 1, 2016
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Reckons he doesn't need the covid vaccine as he is young and fit.
“I’m young enough, I’d rather give it to people who need it. I don’t need it. I’m a healthy, young individual''

Not the best message to send to his young fans.

Not the best no but his bit of rather give it to someone who needs it implies maybe the USA are behind our vaccine program and would rather someone else get before him


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Jul 26, 2021
Wokingham, Berkshire
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Not at all, very disappointing. Seems doubly dumb after having contracted covid himself.

High profile people like this really need to think about the impact of their views on their fans and peers. SWMBO told me yesterday that Jennifer Aniston is actively de-friending people who are anti-vaxxers simply because she doesn't want to be associated with dumb people or in any way endorse their views.

Deleted member 21258

I suspect one of the points he is making, is there are many older people/higher risk people who need the vaccines more than I do (in the poor countries in particular), than someone who has caught covid already.

There is better ways of saying it, but lets not lose sight of the rich countries having all the vaccines, whilst many people who are more at risk,are dying in much bigger numbers.

Not drawing a conclusion on BD and vaccine, but there is a world health picture here as well and that is not to belittle........


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Jul 26, 2021
Wokingham, Berkshire
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I suspect one of the points he is making, is there are many older people/higher risk people who need the vaccines more than I do (in the poor countries in particular), than someone who has caught covid already.

From what I see of the Telegraph article, there's a surplus of vaccines in the USA and the CDC's advice is for everyone to have the vaccine when offered. If the CDC thinks you should have the vaccine, then have it.

Banchory Buddha

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Jun 10, 2021
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I suspect one of the points he is making, is there are many older people/higher risk people who need the vaccines more than I do (in the poor countries in particular), than someone who has caught covid already.

There is better ways of saying it, but lets not lose sight of the rich countries having all the vaccines, whilst many people who are more at risk,are dying in much bigger numbers.

Not drawing a conclusion on BD and vaccine, but there is a world health picture here as well and that is not to belittle........
Can't say I'm much of a Bryson fan, but his words were seriously twisted from what he was actually saying, as you've alluded to.

sweaty sock

Mar 2, 2013
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Vaccines are also dated and degrade quickly, so the vaccine hes refused has almost certainly been discarded and wasted.

As mentioned hes caught it, passed it on to however many of his team, at a cost much greater than one vaccine...

Its a bit disingenuous from a bloke who probably earns tens of millions a year to be trying to save the world by not having one vaccine.

Deleted member 21258

Can't say I'm much of a Bryson fan, but his words were seriously twisted from what he was actually saying, as you've alluded to.

What did BD actually say ?

All I can see is :-

DeChambeau said: “The thing is, the vaccine doesn’t necessarily prevent it from happening. That’s where for me, I’m young enough, I’d rather give it to people that need it. I don’t need it. I’m healthy. I’m a young individual that will continue to be healthy and continue to work on my health. But I don’t think that taking a vaccine away from someone that could need it is a good thing.”

That fits various narratives or points btw, maybe not the one you or I wish it to fit.:)


Money List Winner
Jun 30, 2009
Bearwood Lakes, Berks
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BdC is not a scientist. He did physics at Uni. He has created a brand as a scientist, though and is not stupid.

He is wrong to think that because he is young and has big muscles, he is not at risk. He is also wrong that vaccine is in short supply in the US. It isn't. They can't use what they have, especially in states like Florida and Texas (where BdC went to Uni) run by neanderthals, so lots of doses are being thrown away. The PGA Tour has also been offering shots to players and key staff. Finally, the vaccine is not just for him, it is for people who come into contact with him.

Soft anti-vaxx, couched with a few ifs and buts, is pretty common in the US, especially on the right wing, and most US golfers are pretty right wing.
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The Fader

Sep 12, 2017
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Just what America needs right now (not!!).

A high profile person saying the young and healthy don't need the vaccine.

Is he so engulfed in his own personal bubble he doesn't read or hear the messages coming out from the health experts?

If you don't agree with vaccination - why not say nothing or be up-front about your views rather than attempting to justify your position with misguided clap-trap.

Perhaps he's scared of needles?

Short sighted fool!!!

How long before Brooks becomes a cheer-leader for the pro vaccination movement?


Aug 5, 2018
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Don't fall for the 'I'd rather someone in need has it instead of me.' What will his excuse be when everyone that wants it, has had it? 'I'm so strong, Covid won't get me' :sleep:


Major Champion
Feb 2, 2009
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He should have said something along the lines of...
''I'm young and strong but because I wasn't vaccinated, I caught the virus. It really knocked me sideways and only now am I getting back to full health.
So even if you are young and strong it can still get you and you might not be as lucky as me.
If you've got any doubts, don't just do it for yourself, do it for your family and friends...get the jab''


Nov 16, 2011
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He should have said something along the lines of...
''I'm young and strong but because I wasn't vaccinated, I caught the virus. It really knocked me sideways and only now am I getting back to full health.
So even if you are young and strong it can still get you and you might not be as lucky as me.
If you've got any doubts, don't just do it for yourself, do it for your family and friends...get the jab''
Only if that's really what he thought - which i doubt!
He may have studied a science and be nown as 'the Scientist', but I doubt he has much common sense!