Blatant cheaters


Head Pro
Sep 7, 2008
Swindon, Wiltshire
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I have played a few rounds with a guy I know from work. I'm not great but could be a lot better if I knocked a few shots off a round like he does. Little bit awkward because Although I know him he's not really close enough for me to say (listen,..I counted 4 before you got to the green you lying, cheating, B a # * a r d!!!)

I take comfort in the fact that he can't knock off the amount I beat him by without taking me for a total mug, however when i see him at work it's (ah! I see you nearly got beat sunday..played a blinder he told us!)

Now what do you say to that without sounding petty and bitter?

I play golf to achieve my personal aims and enjoy the company of the people I play with. Without sounding to much like my mum, THEY'RE ONLY CHEATING THEMSELVES!!!

I love my mum, she always knows what to say....ah!
I have been known to be perfectly blunt on the course and tell people I'm playing with who have obviously cheated that they have done so. I have even threatened one guy to make it public knowledge in the club that he kicks the ball in the rough and lies about his score. Lets just say it wasn't the most enjoyable four hours of my life.

I have a little more tolerance if somebody infringes the rules. I'll take the time to explain what they have done wrong and the penalty. If it is just a roll up I have been known not to invoke the penalty which I guess makes me just as bad, but felt that it was more beneficial to have made my point and a lesson learnt forever than being picky.

In essence I won't tolerate any form of blatant cheating even in a roll up. It makes a mug of me and a mockery of the game.
Golf is riddled with cheats and cheating, most of which is due to ignorance and/or naivety but some is deliberate and malacious, after many yrs Ive come across the lot.

I know its a horrible feeling when you are playing someone in a friendly you trust to keep score and when you have finished their score is much prettier than you ever remember, and yours is bigger than you know it to be and you are certain its no pencil error or column
I have a great memory and can remember how many strokes on each hole Ive taken for the entire 18 holes.

There are gamesmen cheats/interferers/rule cheats/etiquet cheats/h/c cheats/scoring cheats, you name it it goes on in golf at club level all the time.Like most agree they are only cheating themselves but it burns a little when you see someone you know cheated pick up a prize.At one club I entered the new pros comp £5 to enter (lot of yrs ago)finished joint 2nd third on countback to a cheat, I knew to be a cheat, but he was a pal of committee members I had had cause to dispute with on their behavior on the course on another occasion, when I raised the issue of guilt of this chap it was received sourly.He won a lovely golf bag/balls and brolly, I expected a reasonable prize after paying £5 to enter and 18 holes of good golf without cheating.............I got handed a brolly! worth about 3.50 and probably cost the pro less at trade, Now thats CHEATING at an almost institutional level lol.

Worst of all I have noticed that a gentlemans word in golf isnt readily accepted!.. when it comes to reporting someone as officials not willing to deal want you to produce witnesses and evidence, but it doesnt end there, you can be certain for raising a complaint you will be black balled in some way, by some golfers and right or wrong doesnt matter..
Years ago a golfers word was enough.

Stableford comps are riddled with cheats that dont even know they are. I dont think I have come across any stableford comp where dodgy h/caps arent in abundance.

How many golfers who recognise their standard of play has improved go to the h/c committe and ask them to dock a stroke or be re-assessed for h/c? (no stop laughing cos I have) You always hear of people requesting extra strokes though! lol
Would suggest avoiding playing golf with him if at all possible! Guess that's going to be hard but as you say you play to enjoy the game and company.

I don't see how that is possible if he's behaving so badly on course I don't score at the moment as I'm so erratic but I know how many shots a hole has taken me air shots,stone cold slices into the trees,tops and thinned sand wedges through the green included!

Why lie to yourself?? I hope he's awake at 3am every night unable to sleep because he knows he's a cheat.

Homers right if somebody doesn't know the rules then pointing it out in a social game is ok for example,
My brother pointed out to me 12 months after playing that grounding your club in a hazard was a bit of a no no!

In my defence me and a mate from work took up the game together and I hadn't played with anyone else until my first brotherly trouncing (by him by about 30 shots :o)

Mind you I think golf has karma because I played golfer1's home track with him and discovered that I'd been playing one hole with OB on the right for 12 months when it only applied to adjoining hole
I'm sur I make mistakes on the course through only a limited knowledge of the rules not on purpose, im just a bit green (no pun intended). However i am educating myself on these rules as i hope to compete next year.

I can live with the odd mistake like as foreforheday mentioned (grounding your club in a hazard), but taking strokes off a score can lead to situations that are a little hard to swallow as herb mentioned!!!
When playing in my first club medal I grounded my club in a staked hazard. The fellas i was playing with both told me of my mistake and penalty but they said as I didnt know and it was my 1st medal i shouldn't bother putting it on my card....

I refused and put the penalty on there!

Whats the penalty for hitting your own trolley with your ball? I hit a tee shot right off the heel of my club the other day and hit my trolley (dont ask) anyway the fellas i was with gave me a two shot penalty.
I'm sur I make mistakes on the course through only a limited knowledge of the rules not on purpose, im just a bit green (no pun intended). However i am educating myself on these rules as i hope to compete next year.

I can live with the odd mistake like as foreforheday mentioned (grounding your club in a hazard), but taking strokes off a score can lead to situations that are a little hard to swallow as herb mentioned!!!

Well said, Im still learning, I make mistakes on 10 or 11 holes a round (though not rule errors) , everyone makes mistakes in this game and rule breaches for those reasons are understandable, as you learn more you make less errors and the errors you do make become less damaging to your round, like wise with rule mistakes.

You have a good attitude methinks. :)
When playing in my first club medal I grounded my club in a staked hazard. The fellas i was playing with both told me of my mistake and penalty but they said as I didnt know and it was my 1st medal i shouldn't bother putting it on my card....

I refused and put the penalty on there!

Whats the penalty for hitting your own trolley with your ball? I hit a tee shot right off the heel of my club the other day and hit my trolley (dont ask) anyway the fellas i was with gave me a two shot penalty.

Well done Minty, I like golfers who accept their error and do the right thing, so many get a bit angry these days when you point it out. I have forgotten sometimes, like once I teed off on yellows when it was whites we were off, you know, not thinking and habbit, when I realised I stopped the next guy doing the same and took my punishment which really messed my round lol. If I hadnt maybe all three of us would have done the same and I could have got a placing lol.

And it is two strokes for your bag lol....been there :o but I did, the one time you leave it there with a slim chance of being enevitably happens lol.

you do the crime you got to do the time...

My mate grounded his club in a hazard i told him the rule however he didnt add the stroke. we played again and he done the same thing, when i pulled him up on it he said he forgot..... i made sure the stroke got added that time.

Ignorance is not an excuse.
I might play with a cheat once, but only once if its blatent.

Next time you have cause to play with him, if you have to, I'd make a point of making note of exactly how many he's had on any given hole, and when he calmly says 'that was a 5' , ....I'd simply retort with " No it was a 6.'

If he queries it, talk him thru the shots he;s taken, he'll soon get the point.

Better still, find another golf buddy. I would.
Got to admit that I'm not overly familiar with all the rules. In club comps I often see others asking for their understanding of the situation. At times I will often ask myself, but I cannot be sure that the answer I'm given is correct.

I don't like cheats or cheating, but there is a huge difference between someone who does know better and cheats and someone that doesn't know better and tries to find an answer.

In my old sport of yacht racing, you had very experianced sailors blatantly cheating because they thought they could get away with it with people newer to the sport. It sets a very bad example to the new guys. It also caused alot of confusion to the new guys because they thought what the other guy was doing was therefore right. Causing the new guys to think that they're in the right next time, but actually aren't.

I've had more than my fair share of bust ups caused by this.

I might be asking for some 'help' in 2 weeks time at Crowborough Beacon then. Please be patient with me!
I might play with a cheat once, but only once if its blatent.

Next time you have cause to play with him, if you have to, I'd make a point of making note of exactly how many he's had on any given hole, and when he calmly says 'that was a 5' , ....I'd simply retort with " No it was a 6.'

If he queries it, talk him thru the shots he;s taken, he'll soon get the point.

Better still, find another golf buddy. I would.

Its worse in a comp, I asked one chap how many strokes hed just taken so I could fill the card in (I didnt know who had taken the 6 and who took the 7 between him and his partner) and he blew up at me like I accused him of something,,,I said I do have the right to ask your score, Im only filling the card in :D
But he was determined he had taken 5 and his mate 7, I thought he wanted a fight till his partner told him he did take six, which is the score I equired anyway lol.But the bugger never apologised. :mad:
I played with a guy in Spain the other weekend and I thought it was just me and my dad teeing off but he joined us. Anyway he started on the first tee "are we playing match play or stableford?" :(, and on that note that he played off 19 and never ever played this course before!! every tee shot he landed it where it needed to be, and seemed to know every bump and problem on the course!! I was quite off putting to say the least, but the main problem was he would not stfu, he only stopped talking when it was his shot and this totally destroyed my concentration and ruined what would have been a great round.

Me and my dad walked off after 9 holes as I had taken a fall on a slope and done my ankle in and the simple fact that this guy had spoilt the round by being such a bandit and non stop gob shite, the worst thing of all is that he used a double edged chipper from sports world!!!! he wouldnt pitch, chip or anything within 40 yards just the chipper!!!

Death to all chipper users. ;)

It did cross my mind to buy one as they look real easy and he made some great shots with it, but self pride put me off.

EDIT: He finished 4 over on the first 9 off 19 on a course that is tight and very hard for first timers (Las Ramblas)
the worst thing of all is that he used a double edged chipper from sports world!!!! he wouldnt pitch, chip or anything within 40 yards just the chipper!!!

Death to all chipper users. ;)

It did cross my mind to buy one as they look real easy and he made some great shots with it, but self pride put me off.

a chipper is only a specialist wedge - bet they said that about Lob Wedges when they appeared :rolleyes:
Next time he calls a 5 when you know it was a 6 just say, 'are you sure mate cause I counted 6' then just replay the hole too him pointing out where all his shots where. Thats what I do. Eventually he will stop and if he doesn't just tell him you wont play with him.

if by "double edged" you mean two faces then it's an illegal club !

They are both equal so legal and not classed as a putter, it was sad to see someone who was playing well and hitting most it not all FIR & GIR use one.
I dont think it is illegal, to have a club that is double sided but it must be classed as 2 clubs, therefore if this guy has 14 clubs including this one it counts as 15 clubs, if he has 13 including this one then that counts as 14. this is what I understand to be true but I may be wrong.