Behind the Scenes


Hall of Famer
Aug 6, 2007
Bracknell - Berkshire
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Is there anyone like me who wonders what goes on behind the scenes at a major golfing event. In particular I'd love to go behind the scenes at a televised event and see how Ewan Murray etc prepare for their broadcast and where they get their facts and figures so quickly. I'd also love to try my hand at describing events as the unfold particularly as the director switches from player to player and hole to hole

I'd also love to caddy for a top player in a pro-am/charity day. I'd love to meet the regular bagman to see exactly what they have to do to prepare, especially in light of the recent article (page 89 November issue) about preparing yardages. But what else do they have to do. What goes on at the range. Just how hard is it to carry that bag. What does it feel like when the heat is on.

Any chance the wonderful guys at GM could satisfy my curiousity? If not for real at least in print in a forthcoming issue

Happy golfing


Journeyman Pro
Aug 8, 2007
Norn Ireland
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Good question Homer.
I can assure you that if you ask My Murray he would tell you that he has the hardest job in the world(yeah right). It's a hard job but someone has to do it. Bringing me to another point I'm ready to move from sky tv I think the coverage is rubbish all we're getting is 4 hours a day of live golf. I think that Sky should be showing more that that. As for caddying I would leave that to the pro ones. Imagine caddying for Monty I know who would be carrying the bag at the end of the day and it wouldnt be over his shoulder.


Q-School Graduate
May 8, 2007
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I'd also love to try my hand at describing events as the unfold particularly as the director switches from player to player and hole to hole

Happy golfing

I agree Homer. I'd love to have a go at commentating on a big golf tournament. I bet it would be fun but much, much more diificult than it seems.
I also think golf commentators are the best! Maybe the cricket fans will disagree but I think as golfers we're lucky to have listened to the likes of Henry Longhurst, Mark McCormack, Peter Alliss and Alex Hay and many others.
BTW I can almost hear some of you saying
''Who the f*** is Henry Longhurst?''


Tour Rookie
Mar 14, 2007
Dublin Ireland
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might i suggest you look at the Irish Tiems newspaper on a tuesday-Colin Byrne caddie to Retief Goosen writes a weekly article on the life of a caddie.

He brought out a book last christmas which is very entertaining and enlighting--Its Called "Bagman".


Tour Winner
Aug 19, 2007
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I've been behind the scenes (to an extent) scoreboarding at the open, which (as the team organiser) gave me a few rights on my pass. I have not been in the commentary areas, but they must be full of screens with all kinds of stuff.

I caddied once for a club pro....dull, dull, dull...I wanted to play the shots instead!!! Caddying for a really good pro player must be great if you can in some way help them shoot a good score.

Maybe you will get the chance sometime....where's Jim, he might fix it....furyk or saville?
