Back pain and the age old debate - Carry vs Trolley


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Aug 1, 2014
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I don't get back pain in day-to-day life, but find if I carry a bag for 18 holes, my lower back starts to really ache. So for me, it's push trolley all day. I massively prefer using a trolley, find it more comfortable, and much more relaxing than carrying.


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Jan 14, 2008
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I have a condition called Syringomyelia or spinal chord cyst which causes major stiffness nowadays in my lower back so carrying is now out for 18 holes, i can manage 9 holes in the summer with my pencil bag and a half set but thats it, so my trusty Sun Mountain 3 wheel trolley carries the load. Some days its that bad i can't get my socks on, before i golf in the morning i have a lot of stretching exercises to do.


Assistant Pro
Oct 27, 2014
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enjoy both really, as many say if i am stuffing in drinks bottles, waterproofs and the kitchen sink then its out with the trolley, but for a cheeky mid week 9 holes i just carry. i would say its a no brainer that if you got aches and pains then dusting the trolley off and letting it take the strain is sensible thinking.


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Oct 17, 2008
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We get old, its a fact of life. What we could do at 20, we can't do so well at 40, and even less chance at 55.

Spot on.
In the 90's, when I was in my 30's, I could quite happily walk 36 in a day, carrying.
Used to go to Scotland and do just that for 6 days on the trot. Okay, we were knackered at the end of the week, but nobody thought about hiring buggies or trollies, we just got on with it.
Nowadays, 18 a day is right for me, even using an electric trolley. To be honest, I'd find it difficult doing just 18 a day for 6 days on the trot.
My knees and ankles are shot to bits courtesy of playing football twice a week, sometimes more when I was younger.
If I played 36 holes in a day now, it could only be in a buggie. If I walked it, the 2nd round would be a waste of time.


Major Champion
Sep 22, 2009
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I don't carry hardly ever now, being an old scrote. I just wonder whether carrying now for a lot of people is wise, as the strain of lifting and carrying may not feel a problem while you're young, but is it doing harm that you can't feel. I had arthritis in both hips that I now wonder, if I hadn't been so keen to show that I can carry for 18 or 36 holes, would I have needed them both replacing before I was 60. I'll never know the answer, and arthritis wasn't caused by carrying, but did carrying hasten the condition and maybe other injuries that we all suffer with later?


Assistant Pro
Sep 22, 2009
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I play with a 65 year old, he always carries and is obviously benefitting from it. I am overweight snd 57 but aspire to carry more. I oscilate at the moment depending on how much i had to drink the night before and whether my back feels tight or not, also how cold it is. Backs suffer more in the cold imo.


Major Champion
Aug 20, 2009
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I don't carry hardly ever now, being an old scrote. I just wonder whether carrying now for a lot of people is wise, as the strain of lifting and carrying may not feel a problem while you're young, but is it doing harm that you can't feel. I had arthritis in both hips that I now wonder, if I hadn't been so keen to show that I can carry for 18 or 36 holes, would I have needed them both replacing before I was 60. I'll never know the answer, and arthritis wasn't caused by carrying, but did carrying hasten the condition and maybe other injuries that we all suffer with later?
I have no problem carrying at my great age. Being a finely tuned athlete obviously helps.:thup:

My regular 4 ball are all my age or older, and only one doesn't carry on a regular basis.


Please don’t ask to see my tatts 👍
Dec 12, 2013
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I have only one, and it's very old and worn!

Dont worry Chris it's the size of the hammer not the nail that counts.

besides that it seems strange to be having a bag v trolley discussion when most courses are asking members to carry to try and protect the course. I carried Tuesday during a 5hr round and standing around for 5 mins whilst waiting to play a shot and then picking up a bag that feels like it weighs 100lbs does your back no good.