Back pain and the age old debate - Carry vs Trolley


Ryder Cup Winner
Aug 6, 2010
Herts/Beds border
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Much prefer to carry but been told to try and not to with my knee troubles so tend to use the electric trolley most of the time. Do carry occasionally but if so tends to be half a set and little else in the bag

One Planer

Global Moderator
Feb 11, 2011
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I had a back problem recently. when I was at the chiropractor I asked could carrying have caused it. he said back pain is often not one thing. its a culmination of many things. sometimes doing one thing can tip it over the edge.

I suggest you fix the back pain properly. not dodge around it. as with most health issues, if you don't fix it , you are just storing it up for later life.

Re: Back problems.

I've never suffered with a bad back before in my life Gary, and this isn't, as I said, anything really of note. More just a dull ache, or possibly a trapped nerve.

If it persists I will have it checked by a professional for sure :thup:


Ryder Cup Winner
Jan 7, 2012
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it could also be due to the asymmetrical nature of the golf swing. if it persists get it checked.

I am currently in no pain at the minute but doing a course of sessions to get my back in peak condition. when they start rubbing the knots out you find out just how tight your back really is.

I even found out one of my legs was longer than the other! :eek: that cant help the swing! lol


Journeyman Pro
Feb 20, 2013
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Of late, I've been experiencing a little pain in my lower back. Nothing too severe or enough to stop me playing just a little uncomfortable.

Now, I'm not for one second putting this down to carrying my clubs. I firmly believe that a grown adult is fully capable of carrying a set of golf clubs around a golf course.

Well, I've had a Powakaddy trolley sat around doing nothing at home for the last 18 months or so, so last night decided to blow the dust off and see if it still works.

.... And it does.

After 18 months of doing nothing put it together, connected the battery and off it went down the garden. After a bit of a clean, looks in good nick ready for tomorrows round.

Now, this is not a debate as to what is better, carrying vs trolley, more about the preferred choice of getting around the course.

I enjoy carrying, but if my lower back is going to suffer because of it, then I suppose I'll have to start using the 'leccy trolley again.

I seem to remember a while back Snelly switched from carrying to a trolley for similar reasons(?).

Has anyone else found themselves in a similar situation? How did you find the change?

I was told by my osteopath to stop it, as I was falling out the car and walking to the first tee without any warm up. I have since introduced hot yoga (done in a room at 38degs C ) into my week and by god my back is a lot better!! I was really suffering with sitting down on long drives, my lower back would stiffen up and I would be very uncomfortable. The golf was okay I could play through it but if I sat still it would go stiff again.
The yoga routine starts off with a load of standing exercises and basically you stretch everything up (20 odd positions ... trying not to be put off by the nubile blond always in the front row!) then another 23 positions on the mat. Believe me it sounds really new age and hippy-ish but it works and the buzz the next day is incredible, you just feel refreshed, I also don't come out thinking that hurt either. The other benefit is it helps build your core muscles and will make you looser giving you a big hip to shoulder angle ... equating to higher club head speed. I am only 41 by the way.


Assistant Pro
Nov 11, 2013
Northern Ireland
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I am 35 and after a few knee operations and recently collapsed arches in my feet I changed to a cart bag and push trolley after carrying for over 20 years. It is the best thing I have ever done, I am able to carry more gear, i'm not tired approaching the last few holes and overall I find I play better and am enjoying my golf more, I always liked carrying for the handiness factor but wouldnt go back to it now.


I seem to remember a while back Snelly switched from carrying to a trolley for similar reasons(?).

Yes I did. I bought a Clic-Gear and have found it to be very good. That said, I have now put my stuff in a very light Pencil bag (Ping Moon bag I think it is called) and am carrying again. My back problem was caused by squash which I play to quite a decent standard at, around 4 times a week. I was really suffering and was having to take pain killers before every match. I had 8+ weeks of physio and it wasn't getting better.

I was then recommended to visit a sports therapist and did so. She identified the problem as something completely different to my GP and physio and diagnosed locked muscles around my sacroiliac joint. She treated this over two sessions in a week and gave me a series of simple stretches to do before every squash match. Since then I have not had any back pain at all and now that I don't need to carry lots of stuff, have decided to switch back to carrying.

If I am going to be carrying waterproofs and so on then I will go back to the trolley but for now, I am enjoying the freedom of carrying again. I played at Royal Ashdown Forest on Monday which is a hilly course and quite a walk. I carried my clubs with no issues at all.

I would advise getting the right diagnosis for the back pain as it may be something that can be treated like mine was and be unaffected by carrying a bag of clubs.


Major Champion
Aug 20, 2009
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I will be carrying for the time being, seeing as I can't get a trolley and cart bag in the car.:( I actually find carrying helps my back, as it seems to stretch it. Only times I have been forced off the course was when pushing a trolley. Real men carry as well.:whistle::eek::)


Money List Winner
Mar 4, 2009
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Real men carry as well.:whistle::eek::)

I believe the first post I ever wrote on GM Forum was something along the lines of "carry... trolleys are for middle-aged hackers..."

Whoops, 7 years later.... what am I? :)

I shall trolley tomorrow.... and eat some humble pie....


Challenge Tour Pro
Jul 2, 2008
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I've been carrying since june last year in an effort to build my strength back up after an illness and enjoy it,only problem is that SWMBO bought me a Go Kart 3(?) yrs ago and has told me to 'use it or lose it'But seriously haven't came of the course in pain /discomfort just tired(which I can put down to my age and still trying to get back to where I was fitness wise nearly 2yrs ago)Maybe the old ego thing has kicked in and I won't accept it?


Money List Winner
Nov 30, 2010
St. Andish
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Wow. Just... Wow. Judging by the responses on this thread then golf must be really bad for you!!! I've never seen as many bad backs, knees, legs etc.

i own a Motocaddy and it's been used approximately 10-15 times. I feel much better carrying. I don't know the reason why, but I just have more energy after carrying, and I play at a Very hilly course. I've no problems carrying waterproofs (how much do they weigh?) or any other stuff for winter play.

Dave B

Q-School Graduate
Dec 26, 2011
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I've suffered with back problems for more than 20 yrs however my physio has told me to continue playing as long as I can but to make sure I warm up properly and swing smoothly. I do carry in the winter however I use a trolley whenever possible and it does make a big difference.

Like many I do pay for it and suffer with stiffness, so yesterday I took the plunge and decided to invest in a shiatsu back massager to loosen the muscles before and after I play. I let you know if it makes a difference.


Head Pro
Apr 17, 2012
West Sussex
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I have just started to carry lightweight sun mountain bag from using motocaddy push trolley and tour bag

I suffer from bad back mainly with overdoing it I play tennis and racketball I'm in my mid 50s

Have found caring better the walking tends to help my back, we also hike quite a bit I carry a rucksack so is similar

Would rocommend sun mountain carry bag very comfortable



Money List Winner
Feb 1, 2009
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After last weekend i did similar to you Gar .... A hillbilly sitting round for nearly the same length of time.... You know about my Achilles issues... To be honest i hated every minute of using my golf cart last weekend... I like having the bag alongside me around the greens and on tee boxes.... Especially if i miss a green on the opposite side as the next tee...... its just more convenient than having to pull a couple of wedges and your putter to where your ball lies.....

Iv become so used to carrying now that a trolley feels like too much trouble and just the ease at being able to walk across greens with the carry bag rather than around them feels better....

On my shopping list is a more comfy pair of shoes :)


Journeyman Pro
Jun 23, 2013
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I was told by my osteopath to stop it, as I was falling out the car and walking to the first tee without any warm up. I have since introduced hot yoga (done in a room at 38degs C ) into my week and by god my back is a lot better!! I was really suffering with sitting down on long drives, my lower back would stiffen up and I would be very uncomfortable. The golf was okay I could play through it but if I sat still it would go stiff again.
The yoga routine starts off with a load of standing exercises and basically you stretch everything up (20 odd positions ... trying not to be put off by the nubile blond always in the front row!) then another 23 positions on the mat. Believe me it sounds really new age and hippy-ish but it works and the buzz the next day is incredible, you just feel refreshed, I also don't come out thinking that hurt either. The other benefit is it helps build your core muscles and will make you looser giving you a big hip to shoulder angle ... equating to higher club head speed. I am only 41 by the way.

I like the sound of that hot yoga lark (39)!

I've suffered with a lower back muscle problems from about 24, could have been down to a car accident or many years of hardcore football hours on astroturf. Anyway, i was lucky enough in my job to get free medical advice and sports massages. I'm no doctor like but if you feel like your lower muscles are solid or tense, go have a consultation - if a sports massage is required a bit of back cracking and muscle tension releasing is superb - feel like a new person after. And Harpo is right re core muscle exercise, there's some really simply stuff you can do to strengthen these, which will also help. But if you're doctor is anything like mine, they'll just give you some anti-inflammatory tablets and a leaflet....

Anyway, I switched from carrying to pushing after a short-time of starting up as I could feel my back being 'worked' in the same areas i've had treatment on, toward the latter stages of my rounds. I now feel a lot fresher at the end of a round.


Tour Winner
Jul 22, 2011
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I switch about depending on weather forecast and how my back its I suffer from back pains now and again
Also if I can be bothered to swop bags about

Well I use to haven't had a problem since shifting a canny bit weight

But I'm playing a 36 hole event I carry on morning and trolley on afternoon