Are you obsessed ? How do you know?

Nope, can take it or leave it, I enjoy a round when I play, but if I don't play for several weeks, it's not the end of the world.

As for talking about missed puts, drives or other, that's for the club house afterwards, once I leave the course and head home to wor lass that's pretty much it, I'll caveat that with I'll talk golf to my dad about a round, but as for being obsessed, golf is way down the pecking order of things I think about.
Yeah, I'd say I'm pretty obsessed with it.

I'm the same as someone else has mentioned though, I'm full on with anything I take up or put my mind to, even if it's something as silly as buying a TV I will spend hours upon hours researching the right one until I make the purchase.

I only play about once per week, sometimes less. When I played football I would play Monday night (7 a side), train Tuesday & Thursday and then play Saturday. So in reality the golf takes up less time but golf is never far from my thoughts.
Four and a half years ago, whilst recovering from spinal surgery my most pressing question was "will I be able to play golf again" The Surgeon answered "Let's see if we can get you walking again first of all" By the time I left rehab hospital 10 weeks later I had already started using a putter in my rehab exercises.

The physioscertainly thought I was obsessed, I just thought I was focussed 😉
No - absolutely not.

If I were obsessed I'd be trying to control things that others decide not me - though I might advise. Only yesterday I told my daughter that were she to have a child it must not be called Brexit or Trump - or Farage. Any of these would be mad - just bonkers. Johnson would be OK for some Scots as a boy's first name - but for me Johnson would just be very very silly.

No obsessions - none at all. :)
No - absolutely not.

If I were obsessed I'd be trying to control things that others decide not me - though I might advise. Only yesterday I told my daughter that were she to have a child it must not be called Brexit or Trump - or Farage. Any of these would be mad - just bonkers. Johnson would be OK for some Scots as a boy's first name - but for me Johnson would just be very very silly.

No obsessions - none at all. :)
Was this actually a danger then? Seems unlikely. :confused: