Are you obsessed ? How do you know?


Head Pro
Apr 5, 2010
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As the title says, does anyone else think they are obsessed with golf?

When i was 16/17 golf took over my life and everything i did revolved around my next round and the sport in general. After a good 6 year break im back to regular playing but swiftly have found myself with this addiction so to speak. Im out on the course as much as i can, even if its just 5-6 holes before the light disappears. I have a very addictive personality anyway but when the lass is on a night shift like tonight I am finding myself spending hours browsing the forums, watching youtube videos and hunting for equipment bargains. Haven't gone a week for at least 6 weeks without buying something golf related even to the extent of buying a miniature den caddy for a home accessory :mmm: (The missus has not clocked this yet).

What signs of obsession do you show?
Here are a few of mine:

- Thinking about missed putts/costly shots for hours
- Unnecessary purchasing of golf clubs/equipment/accessories
- Hours of browsing internet forums looking at random peoples bags and equipment and hearing all about their last round
- Driving past open spaces and thinking that would make a good course
- Wanting to go back to the driving range just hours after getting home because i wasn't quite happy with how i was swinging.

Its a funny old game and would be interested to hear if others share the passion for the game as much as i do
"For some time, my wife’s had this ridiculous idea that I’m playing too much golf. Actually, it came to a head at about 11.30 last night. She suddenly shouted at me: ‘Golf, golf, golf. All you ever think about is bloody golf!’ And I’ll be honest, it frightened the life out of me. I mean, you don’t expect to meet somebody on the 14th green at that time of night."

Ronnie Corbett

"For some time, my wife’s had this ridiculous idea that I’m playing too much golf. Actually, it came to a head at about 11.30 last night. She suddenly shouted at me: ‘Golf, golf, golf. All you ever think about is bloody golf!’ And I’ll be honest, it frightened the life out of me. I mean, you don’t expect to meet somebody on the 14th green at that time of night."

Ronnie Corbett

Same as you I have an addictive personality, I put golf down for a few years following injury and my obsession went towards the gym, cars and then shooting. I always return to golf though, it’s something I’m fairly decent at and constantly get told it’s a waste not playing.

i had zero interest in golf for a few years, rejoined a club got my handicap of 4 after a few weeks back of swinging and then the more serious I took it the worse I played which lead me to packing it up again.

Fresh back into it now and have a lot of time and energy for golf but I’m older now (29) so want to use my head more with golf as it’s always the mental side that has let me down and got me frustrated leading to packing it in. Instead of taking it so serious I just want to enjoy it now.

Still find myself spending every spare moment practicing, learning or preparing something golf related but I wont let golf define me as a person anymore which is something I used to do. I used to torture myself and feel if I didn’t shoot 74/75 or less I was useless and what’s the point of even playing. I’ve changed this approach and I play better and golf is a hobby again rather than a burden.

My Mrs says I’m obsessed though, I never let it interfere with our time together however I have kitted myself out again and as she works hours that give me a lot of free time I spend almost all that free time playing or practicing.
Well ... we are all spending quite a bit of tme reading and posting in a golf forum ... just saying.:D

I occasionally meet people on the course who play golf a few times a year and don't think about it the rest of the time, but they are few and far between. All the others are positively crazy about it. I think it is because of that feeling when you hit a really good shot. That causes a bit of an endorphine and dopamin overdose in the brain which is highly addictive.

I remember when my parents started playing. They were already in their sixties and they used to be the sanest and most normal people you could imagine. Then, bamm, golf happened to them and from one day to the next they were like junkies. They always loved to sleep in ... now they'd suddenly set their alarm clock to 5.30 to be the first ones on the tee on a hot day ... they always used to be thrifty to a fault, and now the spent money on golf equipment like there was no tomorrow. They never liked to travel, especially not to foreign countries, and suddenly they were booking golf holidays on Mallorca ... I really did not know what hit them, until they took me to the range one day and I hit my first middled six iron. My life has never been the same since.
I'm glad I'm not that obsessed. Perhaps I would be if I had the time. I play 1/2 times a week and love it, but once I leave the course I almost never think about my round. I also never talk about it in the bar - that person who takes you threw their round irkes me no end. Few people care about YOUR round.

Only look for equipment when I'm changing something - at most once/twice a year, sometimes less. I buy balls/gloves in bulk when they hit the right price so I do keep an eye on deals more frequently, but I don't enjoy this - simply business.

Visit forums for maybe 20/30 minutes daily as I enjoy finding the odd good thread about something different.

I thought I was obsessed enough, but I feel a lot better to hear I am not. Who cares to be honest as long as your enjoying what your doing. A lot worse ways to spend or waste time
I used to go to the driving range, hit 60 balls or so, come back home and think about it then go back again because I wasn’t happy about the way I had played.
Probably. I look forward to my round all week, then over-analyse it afterwards. Monday morning I'm already planning where we're going to play the following weekend. I spend my free minutes posting on here obviously. I often browse clubs and suchlike that I'm never going to buy as well just to see what's out there. I've even skipped a couple of pre-season friendlies with the Sunday footy team this month to play golf instead - 23-year-old me would have been absolutely bemused at that! :lol:
I have an up and over style electric garage door. If I put in £1600 worth of new roller door, I will be able to get an indoor net in my garage. It is under serious consideration.

Well, until the wife fills the space with gardening junk, anyway.
Being obsessed with golf is nothing. It's the fresh air, the walk, temporarily getting the #### out of your head.
Actually, I'm more obsessed with yoga and Chi Kung (similar to Tai Chi).
I don’t think I’m obsessed... I believe I have it under control

Sure it’s something I think about every single day… but I don’t need to think about it
I know I could be missing out on the promotion by typing this rather than applying myself to excel at work… but it’s not a bad job
Ok so it occupies an inordinate amount of my time, emotion and social life… but I could stop if I needed to
Yeah it probably does make me an overall less interesting person to talk to… but I could get different friends
Of course there’s plenty other things I could buy with the money… but you can’t take it with you after all
Well yes watching 10 hours of golf on TV in a week isn’t great for personal health… but I could always go for a walk tomorrow

It’s under control I tells ya… it could be worse you know… it’s not like I do Aimpoint!