Are you a stats addict?

Hi Bratty, I'm just a stats geek, I know how many Runs I've score in my Cricket career, started in 1984 and how I've been dismissed, how many 4's, 6's etc and balls faced how many balls bowled, wickets wides no balls maidens how many 4's and 6's I've been hit for, The same with my Ten-Pin league bowling, Frames bowled, Strikes, Spares, Splits, what pins I've left standing and much much more, but couldn't tell you how many goals I scored in my 10 year football career though, all I know it was under 10, just remembered I sometimes took the penalties, so might have got to double figures when counting them ?

You need to get out more or change career to a data analyst
Golf Metrics app is great if you're genuinely interested in knowing your strokes gained stats for every category against a scratch amateur or a PGA tour pro. No point in reviewing 1 or 2 rounds in isolation but over 5+ rounds it will show you exactly where you are dropping most shots.
Unless you are actually, or very near, a scratch player - and your scorecard from High Elms indicates that you aren't - then I believe comparing your data with that of a scratch player, while no a complete waste of time, is flawed! There are much simpler metrics that can indicate relative performance, therefore things to work most on to get to the next level imo.
FWIW, the numbers you've reported do indicate that simply recording such things as FiR is not great either, as the shots lost to a Scratch player are, apart from one hole, are minimal. I've always considered a 'better' metric is 'Tee shots that provide likely GIR' to be a better metric. Thus 1st cut might be a FW missed, but expectation is still GIR. The simplicity means I can spend more time actually playing Golf than recording/analysing it!

You are right, most stats are a waste of time, but I just love doing them, and nobody but maybe for a handful can look at their stats and go and work on something they need to. But to be fair I've never been that far from scratch, but a million miles away from a tour pro, I've been between 3 to 6 handicap for 40 odd years, 5.6 at the moment and at 62 years old not going to get better.
1 card in isolation doesn't give much detail, but over the years I know exactly where those 3 to 6 shots go.
An odd errant tee shot, Distance never used to be problem
I'm crap out of Bunkers
And don't hole enough putts from the 10 - 15ft range and miss too many from 4ft
Other than that I'm near par
You are right, most stats are a waste of time, but I just love doing them, and nobody but maybe for a handful can look at their stats and go and work on something they need to. But to be fair I've never been that far from scratch, but a million miles away from a tour pro, I've been between 3 to 6 handicap for 40 odd years, 5.6 at the moment and at 62 years old not going to get better.
1 card in isolation doesn't give much detail, but over the years I know exactly where those 3 to 6 shots go.
An odd errant tee shot, Distance never used to be problem
I'm crap out of Bunkers
And don't hole enough putts from the 10 - 15ft range and miss too many from 4ft

Other than that I'm near par

See that’s kinda why I want my stats, simple and effective summary without the over complication on strokes gained etc.
See that’s kinda why I want my stats, simple and effective summary without the over complication on strokes gained etc.
In spite of my criticism, the good-ish thing about using a 'standard' metric like SW does is the 'independence' it provides - so a single missed 4 footer doesn't ruin the memory of an otherwise good round. Doesn't stop it hurting though!
Oh and @Steve Wilkes. As someone whose lowest was 7 and, at 69 next month, never likely to get that low again, there's still a big gap between 3 and Scratch - though maybe not wrt the stats you use, and maybe less with WHS.
In spite of my criticism, the good-ish thing about using a 'standard' metric like SW does is the 'independence' it provides - so a single missed 4 footer doesn't ruin the memory of an otherwise good round. Doesn't stop it hurting though!
Oh and @Steve Wilkes. As someone whose lowest was 7 and, at 69 next month, never likely to get that low again, there's still a big gap between 3 and Scratch - though maybe not wrt the stats you use, and maybe less with WHS.

I agree 3 shots, It's now a lot closer with WHS, as I did an exercise and put my last 26 years into a program to work out what my handicap would have been using the WHS, obviously without PCC and Course & Stroke Ratings as of now, and on 5 separate occasions I would have been less than 0.5 and a lowest of +0.4
Here's my purple patch run in 2006


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Tried them
Spent more time thinking about Stats than playing the shots
Played worse.
Gave them up
To be honest, as we're all amateurs, any day we can have a strength that becomes a weakness and vice versa......your stats tell you that you hit 60% of fairways when you're having a bad day off the tee and you can't hit any.....

^^ This.

I know where my weaknesses are, and no amount of stat recording will change them. I used to keep all sorts of records but they just depressed me!!

Far better to just play golf. The only stat which matters to an amateur is the final score.
I've got every score from every hole I've played since 1977, From 1996 I've got every hole for Fairway Hit, Green in Reg, Putts, Bunker Save and if I got up and down from around the the green, and from 2014 got every shot mapped out with yardages as well and Strokes Gained on each shot compared to Scratch player from that distance. So I don't take it that serious, seriously I don't?

Siri, show me an example of OCD in golf.
Never really been a stats person - sometimes I will workout how many putts I took in a round.

The only ones I keep (in my head) are the fewest number of putts in a round, my lifetime eclectic (having played the same course for over 35 years), my lowest handicap and my lowest gross.

I believe one of my mates (sadly now deceased) used to keep every card for every round he ever played and he died in his 80s.
I love a good stat. It helps me know where to focus on practice, since lessons are becoming too expensive and I find longer term they haven't really done much anyway.

For instance vs a scratch player I gain 0.32 on putting