Anyone laid up with injury ?


Oct 7, 2018
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If nothing else is affected that's not a bad sign, in my experience of working with people with golfing back injuries it's mostly down to weakness in the core muscle groups (abs, obliques, lats & lower back muscles) as well as the glutes. Due to the rotational nature whilst in effectively a bent over position all these muscles engage throughout the swing whether you know it or not.

My advice see the quack get fixed then afterwards once mobile seek a little workout plan to strengthen these areas to prevent further injuries and help protect it. You dont need expensive kit or a gym membership there loads you can do at home, if you struggle to find to anything drop me a PM & happy to give you something you can do in 15 mins at home with no kit..
Your a gem pal

Will maybe take you up on that

Anything a doctor will do apart from give me painkillers which I’m reluctant to take?


Journeyman Pro
Jan 23, 2014
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Not rude at all mate and your right

But I know it will be painkillers to mask the problem

I was gonna go to a chiropractor but I’m doing small stretches to see if it helps and when I finish my shifts this week (mostly seated and won’t be helping the problem) I’ll see where im at
Go see a physio May cost a bit but it’s worth it they will give you exercises to do as well.
You sound like you have pulled a muscle in your back .
Hitting to many balls to hard (we all do it) in the fitting may have aggravated something.
Going to GP is a waste of time if you can get in!
See the phisio!,,,


Oct 7, 2018
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Go see a physio May cost a bit but it’s worth it they will give you exercises to do as well.
You sound like you have pulled a muscle in your back .
Hitting to many balls to hard (we all do it) in the fitting may have aggravated something.
Going to GP is a waste of time if you can get in!
See the phisio!,,,

Work are arranging a physio for me asap
Hopefully get on the mend soon



Jul 13, 2015
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Arthritis in both hands/thumb joints now, carpal tunnel syndrome (mainly left wrist) also been struggling with a back injury lately, it's as if my back is spasming at times. Had a great massage which helped that no end though.

Also pain in my right elbow.

Had my years of feet aches and pains!


Well-known member
Oct 4, 2018
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Your a gem pal

Will maybe take you up on that

Anything a doctor will do apart from give me painkillers which I’m reluctant to take?

Anytime mate always happy to help out, a good Dr won't just give you pain killers they'll get it checked properly and refer physio or to someone like myself but that would only happen after full diagnosis or physio.

Lots I can offer in advice but get the Dr part and physio part first as until you have their advice I wouldn't want to step on their toes or offer advice without knowing full extant of diagnosis, as the wrong choice could cause more harm


Journeyman Pro
Jan 23, 2014
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Anytime mate always happy to help out, a good Dr won't just give you pain killers they'll get it checked properly and refer physio or to someone like myself but that would only happen after full diagnosis or physio.

Lots I can offer in advice but get the Dr part and physio part first as until you have their advice I wouldn't want to step on their toes or offer advice without knowing full extant of diagnosis, as the wrong choice could cause more harm
Could you put up a stretching routine for aged golfers on the forum (61) but pretty fit still.
Morning and bed time would be good.
That would help stave off the injuries in the first place.


Assistant Pro
Feb 9, 2018
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I am genuinely surprised at the number of people playing with various injuries. I know most golfers are not interested that in fitness, so maybe it should be expected.

I'm sure others will chime in, but regarding stretching (or any fitness) routines, if you don't do anything currently, you probably don't need a golf specific routine. A more general routine will help your golf anyway, and also improve your life in general, which is more important for most people.
If you don't mind paying for it, ROMWOD and GOWOD are both nice apps with monthly subscriptions that will introduce you to regular stretching. I prefer GOWOD as it is more personalised, but ROMWOD is great for beginners as you can just follow along with the video. In both cases, the programming is all done for you and it will take 10-20 minutes a day to follow, although you can choose to do more of course.


Tour Rookie
Aug 7, 2015
Not rude at all mate and your right

But I know it will be painkillers to mask the problem

I was gonna go to a chiropractor but I’m doing small stretches to see if it helps and when I finish my shifts this week (mostly seated and won’t be helping the problem) I’ll see where im at
If you don't go you'll never find out. They may just prescribe painkillers or, if they're like my GP, they'll refer you to a specialist. You lose nothing by going to the doctor.


Well-known member
Oct 4, 2018
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Could you put up a stretching routine for aged golfers on the forum (61) but pretty fit still.
Morning and bed time would be good.
That would help stave off the injuries in the first place.
Yeah no worries, I'm actually playing today for first time in about 2 years only my 4th round in 10 years as I bid to start playing weekly again after we move in a few weeks so I'll put something together this evening when I get back home


Ryder Cup Winner
Jul 14, 2011
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Drove to Turnberry in March, and arrived there and my lower back was in pain.

Off and on pain for about 3 months in the lower back, went the chiro twice.

After it eased for a month started doing Yoga once a week. 6-8 weeks later started having a problem with my hip, so have laid off the Yoga for the last 2 months.

6 weeks ago, started getting a "funny sensation" in the backs of my legs from mid calf to mid-thigh, not pins and nedles but when playing 5-a-side footy it would end up in pain. Every sprint wasnt painful, but 1 in 3 would be. I havent played for 3 weeks. Doc sent me for blood tests - all ok.

This week, lower back is very painful, hip equally so, and funny sensation comes and goes. Also pulled a bloody hamstring last night.

Back at the docs tonight, chiro booked for tomorrow.

I started doing to Yoga to strengthen my back, and Ive also lost over 2 stone this year, never been in more pain and discomfort since Ive done both, but not necessarily linked.

Not going to play this weekend, struggling through in work.

Deleted member 21258

Done my back in the weekend before H4H with a long reach chainsaw doing the hedge, then unwisely played at H4H and another charity day and haven't swung a club since, can barely reach to put my socks on at the moment as can not stretch/reach down.

Hope it gets better soon in the next few weeks, as got a golfing holiday shortly and would be gutted if I had to just walk, as been looking forward to play the new courses :(


Hall of Famer
Aug 6, 2007
Bracknell - Berkshire
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Had a really sore left hand for a fortnight at the base of the little finger of the left hand on the pad. Makes it hard to grip the club and have tried putting deep heat on it and taking anti-inflammatories with little improvement. Feel I might need a doctors opinion as I'm fearing the start of arthritis. If that is the case what's the best way forward from anyone on here with a similar problem