And, we’re off.......2018/2019


Deleted member 1740

For the most part Stu I agree with that.

Question is of there is no retrospective action, what stops them doing it again?

Its upto the managers of the players to start cracking down on diving etc.

Once managers start getting a grip of players maybe, just maybe, we'll start to see a difference on the pitch.


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He traps Salahs arm after Salah leans in to him and grabs his arm, its 2 world class players tussling for a ball that tangle and fall over, an accident, certainly not a premeditated judo style hip throw :rofl:

Nice way to put words in my mouth 🤡
If you can’t see what happens then I can’t be @rsed explaining again.

Deleted member 16999

Nice way to put words in my mouth 🤡
If you can’t see what happens then I can’t be @rsed explaining again.
What words? You said he was sly, knew what he was doing :blah: :blah: and therefore implies there was intention and planning.
Easier to dismiss than discuss though :thup:


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Nov 1, 2016
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I think he got it wrong.
Its his leg that brings Salaha down but he turns him over.

Just because the refs in a good position dosnt mean he always gets it right.

He had nothing to do most of the game, it was the tamest final I’ve seen.

look at the tackle that got Mane booked!

Ramos is noted for this it’s a shame as he’s a good player.

But he will be polishing his medals while Salaha watches the World Cup at home.

Who the hell is Salaha?


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Apr 28, 2013
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What words? You said he was sly, knew what he was doing :blah: :blah: and therefore implies there was intention and planning.
Easier to dismiss than discuss though :thup:

You planted “premeditated” in there which I didn’t use, it’s too quick to be premeditated but once Salahs weight is going towards Ramos he knows exactly what he’s going to do. It’s like a lot of martial arts, you use the weight and momentum of the other person against them, but in a very subtle way. Like I said, if you can’t see that then I’m going to try and explain the subtleties of wing chun on you 😂

Deleted member 16999

You planted “premeditated” in there which I didn’t use, it’s too quick to be premeditated but once Salahs weight is going towards Ramos he knows exactly what he’s going to do. It’s like a lot of martial arts, you use the weight and momentum of the other person against them, but in a very subtle way. Like I said, if you can’t see that then I’m going to try and explain the subtleties of wing chun on you 😂
Or as already said, 2 players coming together fall over. End off, nothing to see here, move along, not one Lpool player even appealed the none decision.


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You planted “premeditated” in there which I didn’t use, it’s too quick to be premeditated but once Salahs weight is going towards Ramos he knows exactly what he’s going to do. It’s like a lot of martial arts, you use the weight and momentum of the other person against them, but in a very subtle way. Like I said, if you can’t see that then I’m going to try and explain the subtleties of wing chun on you 
Think you're reading a bit too much into that. Ramos realises he's going to hit the deck so he grabs Salah's arm in order to drag him down too so he can't sprint away. That's it.

Deleted member 16999

Think you're reading a bit too much into that. Ramos realises he's going to hit the deck so he grabs Salah's arm in order to drag him down too so he can't sprint away. That's it.
Ramos practises this move in training :rofl:

Lord Tyrion

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Deleted member 15344

I think what I can see from the video is

Salah and Ramos grapple to start with , Ramos then grabs hold of Salah and starts falling and doesn’t let go which then brings Salah down and he falls awkwardly which meant his done his shoulder

Now when Ramos was falling he could have let go but I expect he thought if I let go then Salah could continue to be part of the play whilst Ramos is out of the game on the floor so that gives Liverpool the advantage- so Ramos o expect thought if I’m out of the game momentarily then so will be the player I’m marking , he did the same against Alves the year before but the referee blew for the foul

Ramos didn’t intentionally go out to hurt Salah but I have no doubt he would have been happy to see him go off

Deleted member 16999

Beezerk in agreeing with Liverpoolphil shocker :eek: :D
If you think that’s bad I agree with kellfire :eek:
End of days :rofl:
Although Phil didn’t mention any premeditated Judo moves ;)

Deleted member 16999

I’d just be happy to know the genuine reason, ie, is it for weather? Or players are tired? etc.

It says player tiredness but, we’ve had snow and ice anytime from Nov to April in the last 10 years up here in the North East, if they take a break in Jan and the snow arrives in March is it not going to create a fixture backlog and more pressure on the players.


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Jul 11, 2009
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I think what I can see from the video is

Salah and Ramos grapple to start with , Ramos then grabs hold of Salah and starts falling and doesn’t let go which then brings Salah down and he falls awkwardly which meant his done his shoulder

Now when Ramos was falling he could have let go but I expect he thought if I let go then Salah could continue to be part of the play whilst Ramos is out of the game on the floor so that gives Liverpool the advantage- so Ramos o expect thought if I’m out of the game momentarily then so will be the player I’m marking , he did the same against Alves the year before but the referee blew for the foul

Ramos didn’t intentionally go out to hurt Salah but I have no doubt he would have been happy to see him go off

If you're already falling and you're holding someone, I think instinct kicks in and you'll keep grabbing on to them as well.


Journeyman Pro
Jan 28, 2013
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I think what I can see from the video is

Salah and Ramos grapple to start with

Or a view of the same incident from someone without Liverpool tinted glasses.....

Salah grabs hold of Ramos and initiates the incident. Ramos responds by holding Salah's arm. If we're going to get into the finer details, Salah commits the first offence when he grabs Ramos. Therefore the free kick should have gone to Madrid.