An average week for Mickytwodesks


Assistant Pro
Dec 16, 2007
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There has been a lot of discussion regarding fitness on the board lately so I thought I would outline my standard week, now I’m not for one second saying this is perfect as the statement ‘everything in moderation’ definitely doesn’t apply to me but it may give people some ideas.

I personally believe golf is a sport and to excel in sport you need to maintain a high level of fitness. Does anyone really believe that a Tiger Woods who is out of shape, carrying a little extra baggage and indulging in donuts for breakfast could perform to the same standard as a fully ripped Tiger? Of course not, even though the basic skill level would be the same. If Monty had hit the gym instead of the pudding cart would he have won more?

Ok after a recent health assessment at my gym I was classed in the Athlete category (based on blood pressure, recover rate, body fat, etc.) and below is a standard week for me:


I cycle 50 - 60 miles a week to work (based on working 5-6 days) on the lovely, quite, sunny roads of Manchester – Rusholme is a particular joy to cycle through.

I go to the Gym 2 - 4 times a week. I do a set routine of 45 minute resistance (low weight, high sets and reps), followed by 45 minutes low intensity cardio (cross trainer), followed by a series of golf specific stretches.

I go to the driving range once a week and play a full 18 holes once a week (weather permitting).


I always have a healthy breakfast of – 1 Large glass of Innocent Smoothee, 1 large green tea, bowl of All Bran or Wheatabix, cod liver oil tablet and multi-vitamin.

Before a work out I eat a Maximuscle Viper bar and directly after the gym I eat a Maximuscle Cyclone bar.

I rarely drink alcohol because (a) I cant have 1 or 2 pints its all or nothing, I’ll stop when I no longer no my own name (b) I cant sleep after a pint (c) I loose all motivation the following couple of days (d) I eat loads of crap.

So pretty simple to write down but obviously hard to adopt into everyday life, I’m in a position where I don’t have any children. When I do I’m sure it will all change.


Tour Winner
Aug 22, 2007
Chatham, Kent.
Flash Git!

Seriously though well done mate, takes dedication and discipline to be like that.

When I was 17 I was 10st and used to run 12 miles a day, I was the epitome of fitness but alas I was soon dragged into the world of booze, kebabs, curries and birds. I carried on training wiith weights but that was it.

Interesting though, in my overweight shape, the doc says I still have the BP and resting heart-rate of an athlete.


Assistant Pro
Dec 16, 2007
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Cheers mate, i do get pi*sed off with it all sometimes and have a blow out but to be honest i just feel crap afterwards.

In my first year of Uni (in 2000) i lived on beer and had a huge belly and double chin, my parents still mock me now. but in 2001 i met the mrs and thought i better get in shape.


Tour Winner
Aug 22, 2007
Chatham, Kent.
Reverse for me, I really let it go when I met the Mrs, I used to be a bit of lothario in my doorman years and kept myself tanned, groomed, boxed a few times etc but once settled the effort slipped, weight-training diminished and booze intake increased.

Making a concerted effort to get back to somewhere near fit this year.


Journeyman Pro
Dec 4, 2007
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Same as jon my blood pressure is good and my resting pulse is about 54,

exercise :

I walk down stairs to get a Peroni out of the fridge.

cheese and ham panini , chicken tikka madras, Onion bhaji, Crunchy nut cornflakes, scotch eggs. Bacon and egg stick.


Assistant Pro
Dec 16, 2007
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It does show that health can persit, reflected in your heart rate. I boxed as a teenager, now thats hard work!

What sort of exercise are you going to do this year Jon?

I would recommend the Ernie Els: Fit for golf book. Its got some good exercises and stretchs in.

MVP your diet is mental :eek:


Tour Winner
Aug 22, 2007
Chatham, Kent.
You got a good boxing scene up where you are mate so you must have encountered a few good fighters.

I am going to go back to the old boxing training, a nice sweaty run, plenty of bag work and plenty of pad work with one of the boys. Always have liked a bit of firm sparring and it is great exercise. The best thing about boxing is getting in the ring itself though mate, especially when I earned a little bit of cash at it.

Going to get on the weights aswell obviosuly to try and tone up and build again. I used to be very muscly and have stretch-marks where muscle once was.


Assistant Pro
Dec 16, 2007
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I'm from Leicester originally and thats where i boxed. Yeah some hefty hitters and the odd nutter, sparring sorts the men from the boys. My claim to fame is taking a huge right hook from Guy Branston (pro footballer) which cracked my eye socket (in the street not the ring).

The only problem with Boxing and playing golf is the soreness, you might not be able to lift a club up after a full session! ;)


Journeyman Pro
Dec 4, 2007
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I dont mind boxing to watch but not into fighting unless i have too. I wouldnt mind getting on a keep fit regime. Hey micky i do eat a bowl of porridge and a smoothie now and again. im having a salad tonight for dinner.


Money List Winner
Jan 24, 2008
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When i was training in the Royal Marines i was in athelete shape, i could run 6 minute miles. could do level 15.5 on the bleep test and yomp 15 miles with a 100pound bergan, rifle and webbing.

My daily routine was immense atleast 5 days a week as am sure you could imagine.

Typical day.

05:00 wake up, [****], shower, shave.
06:00 Draw weopans from armoury, fully clean whole accomadtion, locker, bed space, catch up on any admin.
07:30 Breakfast: Full english with all the trimmings and a bowl of cereal atleast. normally a banana and a twix aswell(compulsory calories for energy)
08:30 Locker and acommadtion inspection.
09:00 Physical Training. (for example a 6 mile speed march in fighting order with rifle and webbing, combined weight 31 lbs) 10 minute miles.
10:30 After a 2 minute shower over for weopans training, anythin from mortars to sa80, greanades to anti-tank.
12:30 lunch. Normally somethin along the lines of a full roast or potato pasta fish or other high cal foods. Pudding to follow with a bowl full of custard. half a loaf each and atleast a litre of water.
13:00 P.T in the gym, Warm up for 25 mins and your already fcuked from the sweedish p.t. Then 30 ft rope climbs with rifle and webbing. follwed by full circuit training usually 15 stations including fireman carry shuttle runs etc.
14:30 Lectures, normally somethin like vehicle recognition or maybe map reading.
15:30 Drill, Pretty self explanitory
16:30 MORE P.T this time probably swimming but not the breast stroke and a natter in the shallow end. Normally treading water in a tactical way(yes its possible and its *** hard, its called egg beating)
17:30 Officailly work is finished so its time for scran. Another mahoosive meal and pudding follwed by another pudding.
18:30 back to ya grot to do all ya kit for the next day, tidy ya locker and polish ya boots. over to the laundrette to wash all ya days kit and dry it. Clean and take back ya weopan.
20:00 if ya manage to square away all your admin then maybe go over the naafi for a pint.
21:00 'nine oclockers' Back over to the galley for supper. The Marines is the only force thats serves 4 square meals a day, because the training is so immense they have to take in alot more calories than say the army, navy or the raf. This example was of an easy day. I didnt mention bottom field (assault course) or going out on exercise but thats a whole diferent ball game.

Nowa days i just keep my self in reasonable shape and train when i can.


Assistant Pro
Dec 16, 2007
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MVP, i'm the same. I wouldnt fight unless i had too, boxing with head gear, etc. isnt like a street fight where people stamp on your head for fun... crazy. The Guy Branston incident just proves that when your 16, 5" 7ins and 8 stone when wet its not clever to be a cheeky little sh*t to someone build like a tank with a short temper.