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Abandoned Comp


Tour Winner
Jul 1, 2009
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More than half the field finished a comp today before the course closed due to bad weather.

8 groups did not finish.

Is it possible to arrange for those 8 groups to play the remaining holes on another day? Or should the comp be completely cancelled and replayed again from scratch?

It is a qualifier and any qualifying scores entered already will count as things stand.


Assistant Pro
Aug 7, 2012
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If the comp is abandoned,, I thought any entered scores have to be cancelled ? Open to correction though.


Tour Winner
Jul 1, 2009
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Completed rounds should count for hcp I would have thought.
If it is a qualifier, the right thing to do is arrange another date.
To start again you mean? Or continue?

Can a round remain suspended for days or weeks?

I guess we should separate the handicap side from the competition side. I would expect the scores today to count for those that have completed 10 holes or more.

So from competition point of view is there anything wrong with arranging for those 8 groups to play on another day (non qualifier) to complete today's comp?

I think we have tended to cancel the whole comp in the past when this has happened , just wondering if there is a better alternative.

What happens at other clubs?


Tour Rookie
Dec 3, 2014
East Lothian
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Those who didn't finish might play in much better weather than others which is not fair for the others. They would also be playing to different (easier or harder) pins.

So, if it is a qualifier for the likes of the club championship I think you should start over.


Tour Winner
Jul 1, 2009
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Those who didn't finish might play in much better weather than others which is not fair for the others. They would also be playing to different (easier or harder) pins.

So, if it is a qualifier for the likes of the club championship I think you should start over.
I just read that scores should be cancelled for handicap purposes. That seems to fly in the face of WHS guidance where they encourage as many scores to be input as possible. It doesn't make much sense to me but them the rules it seems.

Playing it again seems unfair to the field that have already completed the round and to those who were doing well before the heavens opened.

I take your point about changed conditions for another day but I think that's what happens in professional golf if play carries over to another day. Admittedly, tees and pins would stay the same for them, not in our case.

Perhaps cancelling it altogether, scores and all would be the best thing 🤔🫣


Assistant Pro
Aug 7, 2012
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Those who didn't finish might play in much better weather than others which is not fair for the others. They would also be playing to different (easier or harder) pins.

So, if it is a qualifier for the likes of the club championship I think you should start over.
I think thats the point. Some players wil have played at least some part of the round when the unplayable conditions were there, but the suspend decision just hadnt been made or communicated yet.. So cancelling their scores seems fairest.


Feb 7, 2013
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I was first out this morning and managed to get finished in torrential rain, by 1pm they’d taken the decision to abandon the competition.

Just looked and it has counted towards my handicap, seems unfair being penalised for having an early tee time?


Assistant Pro
Aug 7, 2012
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I was first out this morning and managed to get finished in torrential rain, by 1pm they’d taken the decision to abandon the competition.

Just looked and it has counted towards my handicap, seems unfair being penalised for having an early tee time?
Its just there until they get around to cancelling it. It will be erased as if it never existed.


Apr 10, 2018
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I was first out this morning and managed to get finished in torrential rain, by 1pm they’d taken the decision to abandon the competition.

Just looked and it has counted towards my handicap, seems unfair being penalised for having an early tee time?
Isn't the infamous PCC supposed to assist with that? ;-)


Money List Winner
May 12, 2011
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Scores returned from an abandoned competition will be entered into a player’s handicap record as usual, with Net Par and Net Double Bogey adjustments made to the gross score as required. If it is decided to calculate a separate PCC for rounds played for part of the day, then the committee will use the software provided to indicate which scores are to be included. The Handicap Index calculation for those players will utilize the separate PCC rather than the PCC for the day


Well-known member
Dec 3, 2020
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More than half the field finished a comp today before the course closed due to bad weather.

8 groups did not finish.

Is it possible to arrange for those 8 groups to play the remaining holes on another day? Or should the comp be completely cancelled and replayed again from scratch?

It is a qualifier and any qualifying scores entered already will count as things stand.
All are options - whatever the policy, it should be written into the terms of competition.
We have different terms for regular comps, knockouts, trophy/board comps, and opens. Regular comps and opens are not rearranged (result stands if 50%+ of the field have completed - regular comps likely to be changed to a specific number of entrants at the next review); knockouts continue from where they left off; trophy/board comps are rearranged whenever possible and restarted with a new entry list (there is provision for the result to stand if unable to be rearranged and 50%+ of the field have completed).

For handicapping, whenever the minimum number of holes have been started, the score is acceptable for handicapping and must be submitted.


Well-known member
Dec 3, 2020
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I was first out this morning and managed to get finished in torrential rain, by 1pm they’d taken the decision to abandon the competition.

Just looked and it has counted towards my handicap, seems unfair being penalised for having an early tee time?
How have you been penalised?


Tour Winner
Feb 21, 2013
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I was first out this morning and managed to get finished in torrential rain, by 1pm they’d taken the decision to abandon the competition.

Just looked and it has counted towards my handicap, seems unfair being penalised for having an early tee time?
Did your handicap change as a result?


Assistant Pro
Aug 7, 2012
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Stroke Play​

In stroke play there is no set guidance for when a Committee should cancel a round. The proper action depends on the circumstances in each case and is left to the judgement of the Committee.
A Committee should only cancel a round when it would be unfair not to do so.
If a small group of players tee off in extremely bad weather conditions, and conditions only get worse as the day progresses to the extent that play is suspended and further play on that day is impossible (and if the conditions the following day when play will resume are ideal), it is only fair that the Committee cancel the round.

It is important to note, when a round is cancelled, all scores and penalties during that round are cancelled, which would also include disqualification penalties.

However, if a player is disqualified for serious misconduct (Rule 1.2) or for a breach of the Committee’s Code of Conduct, that disqualification should not be cancelled.

One of the frequently asked questions we receive in Stroke Play is whether a result can be declared if over 50% of the field have completed their rounds?The answer to this common misconception is no. Even if all but one group in a stroke play competition have completed their round before play is suspended, the Committee should not base a result on the completed scores as all players should have the opportunity to finish their round.
Similarly, the Committee should not announce the result based on only 9 holes, say, when the competition was being run as an 18-hole event. Instead, the Committee should resume play at the next available time to achieve a result or alternatively the Committee may cancel the round and reschedule the competition for another date.

For further guidance on Suspensions and Resumptions of play see Rule 5.7 and Section 6E of the Committee Procedures.



Journeyman Pro
May 20, 2017
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Stroke Play​

In stroke play there is no set guidance for when a Committee should cancel a round. The proper action depends on the circumstances in each case and is left to the judgement of the Committee.
A Committee should only cancel a round when it would be unfair not to do so.
If a small group of players tee off in extremely bad weather conditions, and conditions only get worse as the day progresses to the extent that play is suspended and further play on that day is impossible (and if the conditions the following day when play will resume are ideal), it is only fair that the Committee cancel the round.

It is important to note, when a round is cancelled, all scores and penalties during that round are cancelled, which would also include disqualification penalties.

However, if a player is disqualified for serious misconduct (Rule 1.2) or for a breach of the Committee’s Code of Conduct, that disqualification should not be cancelled.

One of the frequently asked questions we receive in Stroke Play is whether a result can be declared if over 50% of the field have completed their rounds?The answer to this common misconception is no. Even if all but one group in a stroke play competition have completed their round before play is suspended, the Committee should not base a result on the completed scores as all players should have the opportunity to finish their round.
Similarly, the Committee should not announce the result based on only 9 holes, say, when the competition was being run as an 18-hole event. Instead, the Committee should resume play at the next available time to achieve a result or alternatively the Committee may cancel the round and reschedule the competition for another date.

For further guidance on Suspensions and Resumptions of play see Rule 5.7 and Section 6E of the Committee Procedures.


Interesting you are quoting the R&A what does England golf say about it?

I would have thought that from a handicap point of view that as the comp was not cancelled the rounds will count for handicap and those that did not finish should have recorded hole not started where appropriate.


Well-known member
Dec 24, 2018
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I believe that the R&A is only concerning itself wrt cancellation of scores for the competition. It is not concerned about score submissions for Handicap purposes, that is the bailiwick of the National Authorities,


Assistant Pro
Aug 7, 2012
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If the round is cancelled, then it doesnt exist at all. It is not a dq, or nr. It simply no longer exists under the rules of golf. Scores for hc surely have to be first, wccording to the rules of golf. The critical point is that the course was unplayable, therefore the scores is invalid even as a hc score, as well as as a competition score. WHS assumes a playable course according to the rules of golf, and to its CR and Slope.


Feb 7, 2013
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How have you been penalised?
Well I had to play in brutal conditions where the greens were flooding and as a result my handicap has gone up. Whereas those who teed off 20 minutes after me get there scores wiped.

Just seems unfair that one counts and the other doesn’t, I’m not that bothered just trying to understand the rules.