
Oct 22, 2007
Huddersfield..West Yorkshire
I am just back from a weeks golfing on the Costa del Sol,great to play in the sun..no wind or rain and able to play without six layers of clothing.
However I saw something on the first tee at La Quinta that was quite upsetting.The fourball in front of me all teed off ,all golfers of a reasonable standard looking forward to a good days golf.
But as the last player left the tee he slipped on the wet railway sleeper type steps.His feet went up horizontal and he came crashing down onto his shoulder and was in a great deal of pain..so much so that an ambulance had to be called.
He and all his mates went off to the hospital,when I completed my round I saw another ambulance outside the club house,so I asked a marshall if the guy with the damaged shoulder was ok and had come back.
Sadly it turned out that another player out on the course had received a full blooded drive that had split all his eye socket open and knocked him unconscious.The point I want to make is that for gods sake if there are any of us out there who do not have any type of insurance get some ,because these unfortunate accidents can happen to any one.All the courses I played at in the region have a compulsory liability insurance for about 1.5 euros,and I also had to insure my dear lady wife who is a non golfer but acts as a part time caddie and villa expert.Please let this salutory tale be a reminder to us all..get insured.
Heathcliffe, well reported, I took some other forumers advice and went with E&L insurance this year, it really does give peace of mind.
Hopefully I won't need to make any claims!
I know golf insurance is cheap but its mainly the principle of it, if someone catches me and shouts fore its one of these things, but I would expect any golfer to react the same. If say I hit a drive after consuming a couple of pints before the round, then continued drinking whilst playing and I didn't shout fore and hit someone I would expect to feel the wrath.

I have heard though on here that in a court of law it is totally regardless if you shout fore and you do hit someone, not sure on the moral standing but a nomad golfer wouldn't have anything to loose by suing.

It just seems to take away something about golf, it doesnt matter how good you are all of us are prone to a wayward shot and we all on the course know and understand this.
It's an awful thought that someone might get hurt with something of the ballistic properties of golf ball.

wise words from the OP- will look into insurance pronto(after running a check on the best providers from the back catalogue of posts on GM)

Ive heard many a tale of appaling injuries incurred as i'm sure many have but have always relied on the precautionary principle. Not anymore :(
To be honest I wouldn't be without insurance. Obviously each golfer makes their individual choice, but for the limited outlay I couldn't not have it.

Also my course is a public right of way so I definitely need it! OP story is scary though! Might drive a few more bodies to pick up insurance.