30 yard pitch


Journeyman Pro
Mar 16, 2008
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Really struggling with these.... green to play with but got to go aerial over a bunker or mound. Bad shot is a thin and I and when I hit it ok, I am over hitting it. I've had a lesson on the linear method ages ago and after speaking to a few of the guys, they have it in the back of their stance with a really wristy action...


Journeyman Pro
Jan 27, 2014
Monterey, California
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Really struggling with these.... green to play with but got to go aerial over a bunker or mound. Bad shot is a thin and I and when I hit it ok, I am over hitting it. I've had a lesson on the linear method ages ago and after speaking to a few of the guys, they have it in the back of their stance with a really wristy action...

would consider re-looking at set-up with the SW or LW whichever you have - and experiment with

ball slightly forwards of center - weight L 55% R 45% (an approx ball park fig - but slightly more weight favor on the lead leg)
this weight doesn't change through the motion - no need for weight transfer as distance being covered is so short

technique is to use the bounce (sole) to brush the grass underneath and through the ball so no big hinge set in the trail hand - it just softens some as the club is taken back with the arms & chest rotation together until the shaft is around horizontal to the ground - it's a much smaller amount of club travel needed than most people realize - aim for horizontal and it will travel back a little further anyways

but if there's a big hinge very active wrists with a 3/4 length backswing the brain will instinctively realize it's too big an overall motion and decel into the ball, stop chest rotation and you can blade it or fat it
(only need real active wrists & 3/4 backswing length for a mega flop shot and that's a real high degree of difficulty which just has to practice a good bunch)

set-up to give the best chance of being successful with the shot being the hands/handle just need to be above the front edge of the ball only so minimum forward shaft lean
- so no hands position thats a ways forwards of ball so you got a real big shaft lean as that will just tend to make the leading edge of the club come too much in to play also encourage very early active hands set that will tend to over steepen the backswing/throughswing and you bring that leading edge into play again

so it's a very arms synced with chest rotation with smaller softer wrist set motion, with still some small angle set remaining in the trail wrist into the strike - head for sure has to remain real steady no sway off the ball and with the vertical posture height kept steady throughout

think turn connected away to shaft horizontal (as said it will travel a tad further anyways) then don't try to force acceleration just a smooth connected turn through the ball keep the chest rotating so faces slightly leftfield of target in a balanced finish

as this is a smaller swing motion and you need connection this is one swing you can practice with a towel under both armpits and either towel around the back (which is what I'd recommend) or towel across chest

just need not to force the start of the downswing and 'hit at' the ball - trust the smooth turn through - but needs some practice


Journeyman Pro
Mar 16, 2008
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Thanks coach! Will definitely look into this and practice it. Do I need just a normal stance or slightly open?!?

**Wdit**. Just seen the vid.... thanks :thup:


Journeyman Pro
Jan 27, 2014
Monterey, California
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Thanks coach! Will definitely look into this and practice it. Do I need just a normal stance or slightly open?!?

**Wdit**. Just seen the vid.... thanks :thup:

to be real honest you can be square with the foot and hip line

or the foot & hip line can be a just tad open but shoulder line parallel square to the ball/target line - if having the feet/hip line open helps with being able to rotate through impact in sync and in posture


Hall of Famer
Aug 6, 2007
Bracknell - Berkshire
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I use linear method and love this shot now and play it (lie dependant) like I play a linear bunker shot and let the club over take the hands to add loft. If you look at any of the Gary Smith online video content, you can actually play pitch shots with a closed stance to promote a better body rotation. It's a shot that requires some practice and confidence on the course


Ryder Cup Winner
Jan 7, 2012
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I like sliding the club in using the bounce when the ground is firm in the summer. (new school)

This time of year I have it middle or a touch back and strike down on it. (old school). Sure you have to catch the ball first or its a fat nowhere shot but I back myself to hit it well. Its not that hard.


Ryder Cup Winner
Aug 4, 2009
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This is the guy I try to copy. With minimal wrist hinge it's so dependable and consistent.



Major Champion
Feb 2, 2009
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Really struggling with these.... green to play with but got to go aerial over a bunker or mound. Bad shot is a thin and I and when I hit it ok, I am over hitting it. I've had a lesson on the linear method ages ago and after speaking to a few of the guys, they have it in the back of their stance with a really wristy action...

What club/loft are you using?


Major Champion
Feb 2, 2009
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54 deg wedge Bob. I have a 56 with more bounce that I could replace it with....

I would use the 56.
Practice this drill and try and hit the ball under the shaft.
If you do it right, the ball will go over the shaft.
Vary the length of backswing to change the distance the ball flies.

Note in the video...
Feet close together
Weight/hands forward
Ball central
Down the grip
Take the divot

[video=youtube;NA8aMPqdmbY]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NA8aMPqdmbY&index=5&list=PL7Uf2W3sfvqYBJ3O UldKvQT7ZWYEmPOyW[/video]


Journeyman Pro
Mar 16, 2008
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I would use the 56.
Practice this drill and try and hit the ball under the shaft.
If you do it right, the ball will go over the shaft.
Vary the length of backswing to change the distance the ball flies.

Note in the video...
Feet close together
Weight/hands forward
Ball central
Down the grip
Take the divot

[video=youtube;NA8aMPqdmbY]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NA8aMPqdmbY&index=5&list=PL7Uf2W3sfvqYBJ3O UldKvQT7ZWYEmPOyW[/video]

Brilliant! Thanks Bob


Money List Winner
Nov 25, 2011
Greensboro, North Carolina.
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Looks like you have the same problem I had 12 months ago. After extensive analysis of my game it always came down to this shot costing me during a round, never scrambled enough pars as I just couldn't play this shot. I read many ways to play it and experimented with them all until I found what worked for me.

Play it from the middle of a slightly open stance
Hands just in front of the ball
Weight slightly on the front foot
Slight cock of the wrists on the way back
Keep my hands in front of the ball through impact
Hit don onto the ball and accelerate through it

Another good tip I read was to practice this shot on range mats, but good quality ones not the bare wrecked ones. It encouraged me to hit down onto the ball and I soon learned how to hit this properly, even from a tight bare lie. Now I can hit that great little 30 yard shot that takes one skip and puts the brakes on quickly.


Money List Winner
Dec 31, 2008
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Looks like you have the same problem I had 12 months ago. After extensive analysis of my game it always came down to this shot costing me during a round, never scrambled enough pars as I just couldn't play this shot. I read many ways to play it and experimented with them all until I found what worked for me.

Play it from the middle of a slightly open stance
Hands just in front of the ball
Weight slightly on the front foot
Slight cock of the wrists on the way back
Keep my hands in front of the ball through impact
Hit don onto the ball and accelerate through it

Another good tip I read was to practice this shot on range mats, but good quality ones not the bare wrecked ones. It encouraged me to hit down onto the ball and I soon learned how to hit this properly, even from a tight bare lie. Now I can hit that great little 30 yard shot that takes one skip and puts the brakes on quickly.

Everyone does what's right for them, but a range mat for me would be completely pointless. You can hit fat after fat from a range mat as it masks the poor strike.