Recent content by The Squirrel

  1. The Squirrel

    Professional Golf 2024 & 2025

    Yeah but if we all only root for the nicest guy on tour - who is of course Tommy Fleetwood (and I’m totally in that camp - even more so after seeing how he conducts himself in person) then we may exceed our capacity to tolerate disappointment 🤣.
  2. The Squirrel

    Professional Golf 2024 & 2025

    It’s an interesting one. No issue with the heckler getting tossed out (there’s a written code of conduct that says you WILL get ejected if you heckle so he can have no complaints). Rory maybe didn’t deal with it in the best way but if he’d just had a quiet word and the offender was ejected… no...
  3. The Squirrel

    UK open 2025 ticket question

    Can confirm my youngest was similar age and had a great day last year - mainly enjoyed hanging over ropes forcing pro golfers she recognised to high-5 her by her determined but cute stare 😁. First 2 days not too crowded at all - any group that’s not Rory they be able to will see plenty rather...
  4. The Squirrel

    Professional Golf 2024 & 2025

    …although his 2nd on the 18th has to be shot of the day! Low slice, aiming at scary water, out of the cabbage, under the trees; round a trunk, over 160 to go: rolls it pin high!
  5. The Squirrel

    What are you hitting here?

    He’s standing far right ( presumably for camera effect). Looks more playable from far left. I’m absolute rubbish and can hit a low iron well over 100 barely getting off the deck from way back in the stance with a 2/3 swing (because I get lots of practice hitting out of trees 🤣). Tour pros...
  6. The Squirrel

    Is technical instruction a hinderence?

    Laws from where? These all seem like terrible "laws" that you've been taught? In terms of doing anything dynamic and athletic, keeping lots of different bits of you still or rigid is never going to work... I agree with Golf is Fun that removing dynamism is terrible. I’m in my mid 40s, have...
  7. The Squirrel

    Golf Random Irritations

    Agreed that there are certainly also plenty of good website examples to copy for the ones that do need a rebuild. As ever, the ones that serve their function the best are usually not the flashiest or most complex, either.
  8. The Squirrel

    Golf Random Irritations

    This. Given that you can get a professional but simple website built (which is exactly what you want and need) for less than the price of a single member's annual subscription, then simple updates are no harder than writing an Email, it is hilarious how bad many of them are. In some cases...
  9. The Squirrel

    Chute versus booking system

    I’ll admit I am surprised that this works. How few players do some of these places have that the course and first tee literally never experience crowding and can always play within 10 minutes? Of course there’s then the cheeky devil’s advocate post - are these places relatively...
  10. The Squirrel

    Chute versus booking system

    And if it’s busy you ring back again and again every 30 minutes throughout the day until it’s not? Presumably meaning you’ve set the whole day aside for just the chance of golf if that’s your approach (back to no value on own time). All to gather information that a booking app would have told...
  11. The Squirrel

    Chute versus booking system

    Under the chute option you co Except in a time limited scenario, ball chute might include the option - go to club, see massive queue, still no golf, return home. Not an issue if you live next door but a waste of an hour if you don’t, while online booking you could see if course is full in 10...
  12. The Squirrel

    Ryder Cup 2025 - only for highly skilled golfers this time

    Someone in the top 25 of the world, and a PGA Tour winner last year, doesn’t even make your possibles?
  13. The Squirrel

    Chute versus booking system

    I’ve played at courses that don’t accept advance bookings and turned up to find 8 groups waiting on the first tee. That’s just rubbish. Online bookings have the great advantage that those with flexibility or know they can play fast (lone players etc) will generally direct themselves to the...
  14. The Squirrel

    Can men's pro golf reconcile & what might it look like?

    No it is not. No idea why you’d think that. If you wanted to promote Saudi as a golf holiday destination then holding a hyper expensive world tour where only the week 1 de facto warmup event is in Saudi, and the rest is in potential golf tourism places not in Saudi, would not be what you’d do...
  15. The Squirrel

    Dress code in an AGM?

    For me to wear a tie for you, you need to be one of three things: getting married, offering me a job, or dead. Otherwise: no chance.