Your reaction to FORE!

Norrin Radd

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Aug 6, 2015
Sunny Sussex
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I was hit on the foot at the last Cooden meet,playing the last first time around and was sitting in a buggy waiting for full throttle to play his second shot.its a part five so a four iron I think was his weapon of choice.i was maybe ten yards to his right and maybe five in front of him when he got the biggest shank ever.caught me on my right foot breaking my big toe .it also for some reason caused my toenail to become an ingrowing one and I had to have it cut away to stop the pain. Unfortunately when it grew back it again became an ingrower so just a few weeks ago I had the whole nail removed as it would have just continued to be a pain if I didn' has only now five weeks after removal that I can stop having to have it dressed


Tour Rookie
Jan 5, 2011
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I turn into it and try to catch the ball.

Never been hit but have had a few shouts my way and watched as one came in about a foot from my head the other day. I stepped backwards, watching as it whizzed by my head, thinking it was a good job I saw it and moved. I wouldn't have turned to it to watch if they hadn't shouted fore, so I'm glad they did.

Deleted member 18588

The closest I have ever been to being hit there wouldn't have been time for a shout.

The first tee at Willesley Park is set within an avenue of poplar trees. The first in our fourball hit a very solid block off the tee with the inevitable result of his ball solidly striking a tree barely 10 yards ahead.

The rebound came like an Exocet at head height towards we other three. Fortunately I was considerably more mobile then and we all managed to literally hit the deck in time.

The ball ended up OOB in the car park behind us.

But a shout of Fore wouldn't have really helped.


Tour Winner
Feb 15, 2015
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I don't agree with that actually. If you know which direction the shout has come from, then the left or right is useful. Example, I know our 7th runs alongside our third (in opposite directions), so if I hear 'fore right' from the direction of the 3rd tee, I duck and cover, if it's fore left I realise I don't need to panic. And if you can't pinpoint where the shout came from then you simply ignore the right/left part and duck and cover anyway.

I think post #30 highlights the point I’m making and why I was always taught not to add right or left. It creates potential for confusion and mistakes.

I always react to any shout of fore unless it's very distant.

Fore! = potential danger = take evasive action and assume the threat might be coming from left, right, front or back. Additional info is not required.

Can’t see any reason not to take evasive action on any shout of fore in my immediate or even medium vicinity; to trust that in a split-second I have assessed the correct direction the danger is approaching from and that the shouter is giving accurate info seems to be taking an unnecessary risk.

I can see the benefit of adding 'left or right' in a pro tournament so as spectators, who are already attuned to the real possibility of getting bopped, have a clue that it's one particular side of the hole that's in danger.

However the conditions / situations that we as club players play in are entirely different. I can only assume that the modern trend to add right or left, by amateur club players, has bled into our game from the television coverage on tour - in much the same way as slow play has done.:confused:
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North Mimms

Tour Winner
Apr 22, 2012
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Despite being a little grey haired old lady, I've been told that I yell Fore like a docker.
Not for my shots, they are too feeble to injure but when Mr Mimms goes off line he REALLY goes off line!


Active member
Feb 12, 2019
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Heard what felt like my first ever fore shout (outside of myself and my PP) today. Was in the middle of my back swing when I heard a huge FORE. Guy on the tees ball bouncing 15 yards behind me as I heard it. Ended up messing up my shot. So for the one experience I've had. Not a fan!

I think if your going to shout it. Shout it early. By the time I heard the shout the ball had already landed.


Journeyman Pro
Jan 23, 2014
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Heard what felt like my first ever fore shout (outside of myself and my PP) today. Was in the middle of my back swing when I heard a huge FORE. Guy on the tees ball bouncing 15 yards behind me as I heard it. Ended up messing up my shot. So for the one experience I've had. Not a fan!

I think if your going to shout it. Shout it early. By the time I heard the shout the ball had already landed.
If it’s already landed that’s to late.


Club Champion
Aug 25, 2009
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I got hit in the back before when an idiot teed off before we had even put our clubs away from hitting the second shot. Really hurt and back went into spasm and ruined the round (and there were words immediately after and int he 19th) and to be honest not sure had I heard FORE (and not 100% certain there was even a shout) I wouldn't have registered it with someone hitting from behind as it seemed obvious as a short hitter I couldn't be out of range from the tee.

These days if I think it is a warning to my group I tend to duck by my bag and trolley and cover my head with my arms. If I hit a wayward shout I tend to shout Fore left or Fore right so the groups ahead have an idea which way the ball is going
I was waiting on the wrong fairway for the guys on it next to me to hit their shot only to see a ball whizzing pastime from the tee. Despite not shout I was very calm for once. I have been know to hit the ball back to them when that happens..


Head Pro
Jul 31, 2015
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Playing our 15th and were called through by the group in front who were in trees on the left hand side looking for balls. The tee for the 15th is offset by quite a way to the right of the fairway so its common to aim at the left edge to allow the prevailing wind (or your natural fade!!) to bring the ball back.

I teed up, trusty 2 wood in hand and absolutely nutted the ball...I mean it got spanked like nothing I'd hit all day. Sadly I'd pulled it maybe 20yds left of my aimpoint (no not that sort of aimpoint!)...straight at the guys deep in the woods looking for balls. A huge bellow of FORE echoed round most of Suffolk but immediately with horror I realised the ball was headed straight at the back of one of the groups heads who was in the trees some 15 yards behind the others. He was stood stock still in perhaps the only part of the woodland that had a clear direct line of sight to the tee....and he did not move a muscle at my shout (and I can, and do, bloody shout loud) and I just watched with helplessness as this little white missile arrowed unerringly towards his head. I waited for him to go down like the proverbial sack of spuds and the only consoling thought I had was that at least one of the other two lads I was playing with was an ex paramedic!!

Somehow, the flight died and the ball dropped and pitched some ten yards behind the guy...I didn't see where it went (when it landed it was still on course to hit him) and still expected him to go down. But nothing....he didn't bat an eyelid, flinch, move or even turn and look back in my direction.

When I caught up with him in the bar afterwards (I knew him...he was a fellow club member) I asked him why he didn't duck/move at my call. He acknowledged that it was a great shout but he thought that my shot couldn't be that bad (needs to play with me more often!!) and was more likely heading further up the tree line towards the other members of his group!! He apparently heard the ball land behind him and it just sailed by him after bouncing (must have moved like a Muralithuran googly!!).

For the few seconds of my ball flight I genuinely thought I was going to kill someone or cause them serious injury at the very least.