Journeyman Pro
I Have the time off , so how much is it , 36 holes each day , how much for 27th and how much for 28th , thanks
Is it possible to move to the 28th? Got training in work on the 27th and can't take the day off
I Have the time off , so how much is it , 36 holes each day , how much for 27th and how much for 28th , thanks
I've got the same issue as homer ...oo er
Any chance of a swap from wednesday to Thursday ?
HJS, consider your self moved, thanks
JCW, I can fit you in on the Thursday, total cost is £135, to be paid in full to me before the end of Feb. Breakfast, golf, 2 course
dinner and more golf. If thats suitable you have the last spot.
I am in if this offer is still on , i will drive up wednesday and stay in a B & B , any ideas, thanks , Rick gard knows me , we have had our moments , but thats the past lol
JCW, a few stayed at the White Horse last year (and are this i think) and its supposed to be excellent value for money. If you cant get in there let me know and Ill pop up a few other recommendations
Hi , thanks for the link , i am not sure if i am in yet for thursday , i will check it out tonight , off to work now
Just get the deposit to Full_Throttle and your in for Thursday. PM him now for bank details.
Ok , do it later , up your way today , thanks
If JCW hasn't paid his deposit, he can pay you and you won't lose it then.
Yep that be ok , pm me your details homer and i send you a cheque , once cleared you can advise on here thanks