Winter Work/Practice


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Sep 7, 2019
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After two seasons of poor golf I’ve decided to actually work at my game much more seriously over winter. I started a couple of weeks back and have probably already practiced as much as I did during the whole of summer! I’ve purchased a course of lessons (6 hours) which I’ll take in 30 min sessions spread out to feb/March , have committed to practice daily (even if that just means some putting indoors). I’ve had my first lesson and the was something very clear for me to work on. Has anyone else done anything similar in the past and what were the results? I’ve been so inconsistent since lock down started, I need to do something. Is anyone else planning to do similar this winter. I’ve also booked a trip to Marbella with a golf pal to focus the mind, no point in flying all that way to be terrible!


Hall of Famer
Aug 6, 2007
Bracknell - Berkshire
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Always been a strong advocate of lessons. The ones I had in 2021 have made a big difference and I feel my game right now is in a good place. Nothing booked now until next March where I'll have a swing MOT and a short game refresher ready for the new season. I have some points to work on and have got myself a practice plan for the winter at the range. If the course gets too wet or frozen I've got a host of short game and putting drills to fall back on