Why would two players off the exact same HI and CH have different PH?


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Jul 22, 2019
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After speaking to our regional handicap advisor and to Club V1 it turns out that Club V1 isn’t always computing the correct PH until the player signs in….so although the system recognised that a players HI has changed it isn’t updating the PH - when one player signed in it still said his PH was 23 but the label that came out said 22! Our regional advisors club doesn’t use Club V1 so she spoke to another EG rep who does use that system and they had exactly the same issue - 24 of their players, off the same HI, had different PHs.

The advice was to send an email to members letting them know their PH may not be correct on the online booking sheet but should be on the label (should!).
I'm assuming this is why many players in our competition last weekend had the wrong Playing Handicap on the printed label, but many also had the correct PH


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Feb 5, 2021
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I'm assuming this is why many players in our competition last weekend had the wrong Playing Handicap on the printed label, but many also had the correct PH
Yes - We’ve been advised to print out the 95% playing handicap sheet and have it where all members can check. At another club they had 24 men with the wrong PH but all had correct labels. In one of our comps handicaps updated mid way through the day so no one could put scores in as their HI/CH/ PH had changed l!!

Our EG comps lady thinks it could a couple of weeks before it’s sorted!!

Rusty Bucket

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Mar 29, 2024
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As the title says we have two players high off 24 HI. They both have been given a CH of 24 but one has 95% PH of 23 and one of 22.
I am the comp sec at my club for my sins and boy have I copped a lot of flack from the members trying to explain the way the new playing handicaps are calculated. It is far to complicated and even I fell foul of the new system when I entered the comp. My H/C index was 8.7 with a Course H/C of 8 so incorrectly I assumed 8 x 95% rounded up would give me my Playing H/C of 8 but no it was 7, however if my H/C index had been 8.8 I would have been correct 😠


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Feb 5, 2021
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It’s still playing up - I signed in on the app for a 9 hole comp last night and was given a PH of 10, when I added my stableford score to the pc it gave me 17 - one less then expected as I thought I scored 3 points on our SI 1 but it gave me a PH of 9 so only 2 points on that hole! I looked on WHS Platform this morning and it’s given me 18 points and 3 points on that hole!! I’ll investigate after todays golf!! 🤯🤯