I wear photochromatic varifocals normally and I'm also sensitive to light at lower than normal levels (not a good start is it?)
Can't wear these for golf though as I have trouble following the ball through the focus changes. Funnily enough prescription sunglasses are no problem but I think it has a lot to do with the tint and lens stock.
My pro pointed out that glasses can be a big problem as we normally focus through the centre of the lens. At address, this gets your chin on your chest, therefore nowhere for the shoulder to move through on the backswing, hence major contortions to make the bits fit; therefore lousy swing.
his solution, single vision lenses (or contacts if you can wear them); at address, focus through the bottom of the lens so getting the chin up and out (half or no frame glasses work better). Mine are also tinted light blue which <u>does</u> help white to stand out.
and polystyrene has a higher reflexive index than a golf ball, especially one that has been bashed.