Whats wrong with my grip?


Aug 5, 2011
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I dont mean how it looks from my perspective, I show 2/3 knuckles, not too strong with left hand and not weak or strong with right. But a lot of the time the club has turned in my hand at impact, so after the strike the face is way closed...

is it grip or swing?


Q-School Graduate
Nov 3, 2011
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I'll be interested to see the answers to this as have just been to the range with a slightly changed / new grip and notice that this had the club had slipped round (to a stronger grip) whilst taking my practice swing:confused:


Ryder Cup Winner
Apr 6, 2009
I dont mean how it looks from my perspective, I show 2/3 knuckles, not too strong with left hand and not weak or strong with right. But a lot of the time the club has turned in my hand at impact, so after the strike the face is way closed...

is it grip or swing?

So you hit the ball, swing through and then when you look at the club it appears to be closed?

If so it's an illusion caused by you not looking at the clubhead in the same 'orientation' as you were at address... you've probably straightened your right arm and right wrist and there may be an element of rolling that has occured too, and some cuppage in your left wrist that wasn't there at address. This illusion often occurs if you have the hands forward at address and/or if you finish your swing LOW with the club swinging around your torso at chest height. You need to re-instate the angle of the right wrist that you had at address (between right wrist and right forearm) to be able to see the clubface hasn't closed.

If it's disturbing you try addressing the ball with your hands a little more centered in your stance and a modicum (sp?) of left wrist cuppage. Perhaps you might be having the left wrist a little toooooo flat at address.

hope that helps.


Aug 5, 2011
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theres a definite 'turn', I know what you mean about perception but if I take my stance again the face is closed by about 30 degrees. I like the sugesstion about cuppage, the left wrist might be bowed and encouraging a roll of the hands as opposed to a 'cocking' of the wrists.
My bad shot does stem from laying the head off halfway back as opposed to setting on plane.

Thanks for the answers fellas.