What Muscle groups/Exercises should I train to get further distance on my shots?

One Planer

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Feb 11, 2011
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It can restrict your range of movement though,thats what i meant by inflexability.

In extreme cases, and I'm talking assisted bodybuilders (Steriods, HGH etc) this can be an issue, but for Joe Bloggs training for golf, not very likley.

I was going to post pictures but thought better of it, with it being a golf forum.

Here's a link


Check out Melvin Anthony (4th Pic down). Now that's flexible.

These guys are pretty big (some very big), but still have plenty of flexability and range of motion because they incorparate stretching routines into there training programs. In most cases it's a pretty big part too.

My point. If these guys, carrying that much mass don't suffer from restricted R.O.M and inflexability, then neither will a club golfer looking for extra yards in the gym.


Money List Winner
Jun 30, 2009
Bearwood Lakes, Berks
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Go to the TPI website and they have plenty of exercise routines there. You can also download programmes from their US TV series from iTunes (£).

Plyometrics is the big fitness buzz for golf. That is how Dustin Johnson hits it so far. Mustn't be too good for the wedge game, then.


Money List Winner
Nov 25, 2011
Greensboro, North Carolina.
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In extreme cases, and I'm talking assisted bodybuilders (Steriods, HGH etc) this can be an issue, but for Joe Bloggs training for golf, not very likley.

I was going to post pictures but thought better of it, with it being a golf forum.

Here's a link


Check out Melvin Anthony (4th Pic down). Now that's flexible.

These guys are pretty big (some very big), but still have plenty of flexability and range of motion because they incorparate stretching routines into there training programs. In most cases it's a pretty big part too.

My point. If these guys, carrying that much mass don't suffer from restricted R.O.M and inflexability, then neither will a club golfer looking for extra yards in the gym.

Look at it another way then mate. How many tour pros do you see that look like that? I think the answer is none isn't, or maybe a couple I had not noticed. The bottom line is if for an all round excellent golf game being fit, a good range of motion and sleek toned muscles are what you need. So someone could beef right up and generate loads of power....but what would his touch around the green be like. I think you know the answer would be poor more often than not.

One Planer

Global Moderator
Feb 11, 2011
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think the answer is none isn't, or maybe a couple I had not noticed. The bottom line is if for an all round excellent golf game being fit, a good range of motion and sleek toned muscles are what you need.

John Daley, Colin Montgomery, Miguel Ángel Jiménez, Joel Sjoholm, Angel Cabrerra........ Need I say more?

but what would his touch around the green be like. I think you know the answer would be poor more often than not.

See above list of tour pros. I'd imagine you'd have to have a pretty good short game to play on tour?

Being fit and having sleek, toned muscles are not a necessity to playing good golf.

Edit: Forgot to include the current Open champion Darren Clarke.
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Challenge Tour Pro
Jun 6, 2011
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I have to agree with everything that Gareth has said on this thread and he's explained it well.

On the subject of having big muscles and it being a problem, I for one can confirm that they do not hinder my flexibility. My arms are 16.5 inches, which is bigger than most (Unless they're on the roids).

But the best muscles to work on for golf are your hamstring and your back muscles. I could bore you with why but I'll let you google the reasons.


Money List Winner
Nov 25, 2011
Greensboro, North Carolina.
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John Daley, Colin Montgomery, Miguel Ángel Jiménez, Joel Sjoholm, Angel Cabrerra........ Need I say more?

See above list of tour pros. I'd imagine you'd have to have a pretty good short game to play on tour?

Being fit and having sleek, toned muscles are not a necessity to playing good golf.

Edit: Forgot to include the current Open champion Darren Clarke.

So at what point did this thread go from talking about what you can do in the gym to improve your game to talking about players that are overweight?????:rolleyes:

Nobody has said that you have to sleek and toned to play golf. But if someone wants to go to the gym to improve their game then they should be doing what the tour pros that do go to the gym do. They are muscular, but it is toned fit muscles not big bulging muscles.
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Challenge Tour Pro
Mar 10, 2010
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You could check out these sites

I think they have certified instructors who'll take classes.

He's visiting the Uk again

You want a specific program, assess yourself and target improvements. The above sites can provide you some info on what you need. If you can't get to any courses they do, look at the screenings and areas they think you need to be fit and go see a physio or someone with similar expertise who can asses and design a program for you.

I imagine you'd be pleasantly be how much you could do with just a swiss ball, some stretchy bands and a bit of hilly terain.
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Money List Winner
Mar 6, 2011
Emerald Isle
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One thing ive noticed by the pro's ive met or seen is the size & strenght in their forearms , even the smaller guys , woosie , maginley etc their forearms are solid big ... i think the biggest asset to further distance is timing rather than strenght.. ive played golf with a few skinny rakes of guys & they ping it out there ,

as regarding the debate on bulk/size restricting movement , i believe too big does restrict movement ,but thats just my opinion based on my experience of GAA, kickboxing & golf etc