What are you working on / practicing?


Tour Rookie
Jul 29, 2009
Dear Green Place
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As Santa treats me to 6 lessons each Christmas I spend the start of season working through 4 of them ( i keep 2 until later in the season for tweaks)

4th one next week, and can see the improvements kick in. I book them every two weeks spending the time in between to drill the work done from each session

Lesson 1 - Swingpath & strike - Irons only
Lesson 2 - Driving - trying to translate the success with irons into the big stick
Lesson 3 - Chipping & pitching - improving shot selection and execution
Lesson 4 - Putting....the big one !! And hopefully where I can make Hcap gains

Love learning and improving.

Deleted member 21258

For a few months over winter, I felt the need for speeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeed. Which has been great fun and amazed at the just over easy 10mph swing speed increase got.

I am a feel and imagine the shot kind of player, hate being to technical. I am trying to feel my driver again and see the shots again, as one was not one with the big one, think last night may have been the turning point and did manage to rip a couple of drives down the middle and hit some other okay ones on the fairway over 15 holes and in the main got my normal shot shape back.

More work to follow, does it ever stop with golf.


Q-School Graduate
Jan 31, 2012
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Need to practice my driving as went to a demo day yesterday and was hitting 3 wood 245 yards and my driver 235 and all over the place. Have a neg AOA and hitting sky shots and big pulls and snap hooks. So will be trying to improve my AOA any ideas fixes


Hall of Famer
Aug 6, 2007
Bracknell - Berkshire
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Short game particularly the pitching which I feel is a little steep at the moment and leading to issues in the strike and therefore distance control. Also, the chipping, a real nemesis and something I've neglected through work and illness and something I desperately need to get a handle on. I will then get to grips with bunkers once it dries out again and the ducks vacate it. Tee to green I'm not too bad so the more I can save shots from 80 yards and in and around the green the better I hope my scores will