What are you reading at the moment


Head Pro
Dec 22, 2014
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So there are a few threads lying around about What are you eating\drinking\listening too\watching so I though I'd start one about reading (at least I can't find one).

I've finished a book called The Axemans Jazz yesterday, about a series of murders around New Orleans in 1919, based on a true story too. Thoroughly enjoyed it.

This morning I started The Magician by Raymond Feist, I've heard a lot about this one and my father in law past it down to me so looking forward to getting stuck further in to it.

What are you reading?
Wolves of New Rome, part of the Hereward series by James Wilde. Books 1-3 relate to England after the Norman conquest. This book, no 4, takes it past then and out of Britain. Really enjoying it and if you like historical fiction it is well worth looking up.
I have read two books since leaving school (20 years ago!) The Davinci Code and Poulters book.

Let me know whats good and i will rip the film off the internetz.
I am reading The Sisters Brothers by Patrick DeWitt but finding it a bit of a chore. It just hasn't grabbed me, I'm hoping it's going to take an unexpected twist but looks increasingly unlikely!
Been meaning to read the new David Mitchell book but haven't had time recently.
Black Swan Green was the last one I read and loved it, it helped that it's based around the town where my in-laws live.
One Moment in Time by John Feinstein. Talking about 2003 when the majors were won by underdogs. (although i'd question whether Jim Furyk could be called an underdog!)

I've got 3 golf books written by Feinstein and particularly enjoy his style.
Since acquiring my kindle have adopted a bit of a scatter gun approach to my reading choices... But have fitted in a couple of Kathy Reichs books and first two of the Harry Bosch series... Worth a read if you haven't already...
Wolves of New Rome, part of the Hereward series by James Wilde. Books 1-3 relate to England after the Norman conquest. This book, no 4, takes it past then and out of Britain. Really enjoying it and if you like historical fiction it is well worth looking up.

Have you tried any Nigel Tranter novels, I have read nearly all of his stuff and would recommend it.
mainly Scots based but a few Borders novels if I trust my memory.
This morning I started The Magician by Raymond Feist, I've heard a lot about this one and my father in law past it down to me so looking forward to getting stuck further in to it.

What are you reading?

Read the Magician series years ago, really enjoyed them. May have to buy them again and have see if they are as good as I remember.