WGC - Matchplay

Rory Mac seems to be playing well, as does Casey and Poults. Be interesting to see how it pans out now. Really not sure who I would put my money on now.


He's done it before. Villegas is up at the mo, but early days, I still think Ogilvy will do him.

I would like to see Stricker and Clark out, purely from their choice of puttters.
Currently Fisher, Wilson, Poulter, Mclroy all up with Donald 1 down.

Any money on an all English Final - maybe Fisher v Wilson.?
Although I'd have generally said Cink seems unstoppable, his match with Oglvey has seemed already to have faltered...

Nice to see two brits in the Semi''s & its guarenteed one of Casey or Fisher will make the Final. I'd like Casey to get through & win, but wont count my chickens.
The Sunday kiss of death goes to Ogilvy

Vig, for future golfing events, i need to speak to you a few hours before kick off, i want your tips for winners.

You are psychic dude :D

I inherited it from my dad :rolleyes:

I had complete strangers come up to me and give me a tenner for the old man. That's for the tip they would say.

I once asked him why he didn't win owt. He said that he wouldn't back, tips he had given someone else ?????????

He could go out to the WMC with nothing in his pocket, come back sloshed and 50 quid up.

He knew the gee gee's better than the trainers but never won loads. He used to study the form for hours. Go to the bookies, give his tips, win a few quid on his own bets then wait for the cut of other's winnings.
Casey Played well. But in general he couldn't buy a putt.

Must say the styles of Casey & Ogilvy are very diffferent. Where Ogilvy is fluid & flowing in the swing. He seems to simply drift through everything. The guy couldn't do much wrong. Casey seems to put a lot more snap & fire into his swing. Even though again its effortless in some respects. Its simply different. I love watching both of them play. Though Ogilvy is like watching an Ice Ballet, if that makes any sence to anyone.
I know exactly what you mean. It seemed almost effortless at times.

A couple of irritating (though probably expected) things about the coverage and the organisation were the presentation being made while Fisher and Cink were still playing and the less than two minutes given to Ogilvy then rush back to a repeat of Tiger.

Casey for the Masters? That's a whole other game. I think he was doing well early on last time but he has to tighten the putting.
I guess my kiss of death just couldn't get the better of Ogilvy.
I so wanted Casey to win from the early rounds. I wanted a Casey vs McIlroy final.

Casey played some good golf and had the chances early in the second session to cut the deficit. He had far shorter putts than Ogilvy but couldn't convert and so didn't put the pressure on when he had the chance. When he did sink one, Ogilvy was his equal.
I don't mind Ogilvy. Rather him than some of the other ego maniacs.

I don't think Casey's putting is up to winning the masters but this won't have done him any harm