


Each to their own. If a guy wants 5 wedges then good luck to him, hope he enjoys them :thup:


Challenge Tour Pro
Aug 6, 2009
Ingleby Barwick
1 wedge or 5, as long as you have clubs that allow you to control the distance the ball goes, especially from 100 yards and in.
I currently have 4 wedges with measured flight distances from 4 swing lengths for each.
I am looking to change my irons that are a couple degrees stronger in loft and seriously thinking about putting another wedge in play to keep consistent distance gaps. My wedge play is my strength so want to make the most of it.


It doesn't matter what the club is labelled, as long as the gaps are right. So many people get hung up on what others hit, I just let them feel worried that I hit it further than them.

Gaps are perfect and consistent from my 4 iron to 60 degree wedge. Custom fitting gives you that option.


Jul 11, 2009
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Gaps are perfect and consistent from my 4 iron to 60 degree wedge. Custom fitting gives you that option.

Wasn't having a go Deano, just a general point. Plenty of people at my club have called my PW stupid because it's so strongly weighted without realising it doesn't matter in the grand scheme if it says PW, 9i or 43*.


Wasn't having a go Deano, just a general point. Plenty of people at my club have called my PW stupid because it's so strongly weighted without realising it doesn't matter in the grand scheme if it says PW, 9i or 43*.

When you hit your PW 30 yards further, I'll know why ;)

My clevelands were a strong loft, think the PW was a 44.

I agree tho, long as you know the distances, it doesn't matter what loft club you use to get you there.


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Jun 25, 2012
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As per my signature 47, 52, 56, 60.

I use them all regularly as I'm very confident and accurate with them.

I don't listen or take notice of people who get big distances with their wedges, it means nothing to me, if they hit a gap wedge when I take my 9i who cares as long as I'm closer than him ;)

I've tried opening and closing the faces but I feel it just puts me under an unnecessary pressure when I could take a full shot with a club that I know will get me pretty god dam close. Although, in our 3 club challenge I did very well around the greens with only my 8i but I wouldn't want to do that all the time.

he extra 4th wedge isn't taking the place of anything in my bag at the moment as its still slightly in build and not a full compliment as it is.

Deleted member 3432

46 PW
52 GW
58 LW
No-one needs any more IMO

Bob, so you advocate a bigger loft spacing with wedges at 6 degrees as opposed to the rest of the irons which is probably 4 degrees?

I know wedges are very personal but I find a pw, 52, 58 set up very limiting, tried it earlier last season for a while and just didn't work for me. I would rather leave the 5 or 6 iron out of the bag than leave a wedge at home.

El Bandito

Q-School Graduate
Jan 9, 2013
Wiltshire/Hampshire borders
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I just can't see why you would want or need 5 wedges, I've played with people as low as +3 who had been on tour in europe and even he only had 9i then 48/53/58 , 5 would just add to much confusion and options

Last time I saw that many wedges I was at nando's

i suspect that you are right. 5 may be too many. I have been playing a PW, a gap, a sand and a lob. Have recently bought 44, 48, 52, 56 and 60. The idea obviously being a constant gap of 4 degrees. (My 9 iron is 40) Work and weather have prevented me from get enough time with them to really establish accurate yardages. Once I do, then it will be time to decide what my bag make up will be like. As for handicap, my logic is that if I assume 2 putts per green, then playing to my handicap (20) I am going to be playing a lot of wedges as third shots to to par 4s or 4th shots to the par 5' or even seconds to the par 3s. I am guessing that a + 3 will be hitting a lot of greens with a wide variety of clubs.


Challenge Tour Pro
Feb 9, 2012
I think you just do what works for you - nobody else.

Some people are comfortable opening up the face of a 52 or 56, some are not and would rather keep a more simple, 'normal' swing on a 60. Some people are happy with a full out wedge swing and hit the ball miles, some prefer to keep it to a half or 3/4 swing.

Personally, I take my gaps from what I have made my PW loft, which I know has the correct loft spacing all the way back down to my 4 iron. I don't really want any more than a 5* gap in my wedges from the PW and ideally for me 4*. This means that I carry a 52 and 56 as my PW is 47.

I also wanted to make sure that my 56 had a decent amount of bounce on it as well.

I really do not care whether the guy next to me has just hit his (40*) PW 30 yards past me TBH. :)
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One Planer

Global Moderator
Feb 11, 2011
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The way I look at wedges is simple. Treat them like the rest of your clubs in regards to how far you hit them, not the loft on the sole.

I'll use myself as an example. My pitching wedge is good for about 115-120 yards. My 52* goes around 95-100 yards and my 58 around 75-80 yards all on a full swing. So all in all a 15-20 gap depending. These gaps also change with half and 3/4 swings. So does the flight and how the ball reacts.

My point being, and has always been, how many choices of club do you need inside your PW distance?

Being honest from inside your pitching wedge distance 3 wedges is overkill IMHO.

I used to carry 4 wedges (PW, 52,56,60) and I would stand over a ball thinking,

"Hmmm. 87 yards out. 3/4 56?, No. Half swing a 52* and play for some roll? Maybe. Maybe a could smash my 60 and get it there and land it soft? No"

I was never confident over a shot as I always had too many options for 1 shot.

I firmly believe I play my best golf when I keep things simple.


The Grinder Of Pars (Semi Crocked)
Mar 15, 2008
Aylesbury Bucks
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I understand the way you're doing it Gareth..
For me, I look at always playing a full shot if I can - with a PW, 50, 54 or 58.....
I'll look at the yardage and the shot in general and if I can do it with a normal shot that's my first port of call
So I'd always(almost!) go for the full 54 over a 3/4 50 as I'm more likely to hit it right.
Then, around the green, I look at how much run I want on the ball and use the wedge that'll get me the shot I want....

Horses for courses and it's vital that you feel confident with what you have in your hand - there's no right or wrong number, just what's right for you.

One Planer

Global Moderator
Feb 11, 2011
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I understand the way you're doing it Gareth..
For me, I look at always playing a full shot if I can - with a PW, 50, 54 or 58.....
I'll look at the yardage and the shot in general and if I can do it with a normal shot that's my first port of call
So I'd always(almost!) go for the full 54 over a 3/4 50 as I'm more likely to hit it right.
Then, around the green, I look at how much run I want on the ball and use the wedge that'll get me the shot I want....

Horses for courses and it's vital that you feel confident with what you have in your hand - there's no right or wrong number, just what's right for you.

I understand your approach Ian and agree it's for sure what works for the individual.