Under the "cush"

hors limite

Assistant Pro
Aug 22, 2013
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My ball rolled through the green over the apron and nestled firmly against a very thick,firm and lush first cut of rough. It looked just like a snooker ball that is tucked up under the cushion. I was only 5/6 yards from the pin and slightly down hill so only a delicate poke with a wedge seemed to be needed. Tried this twice and the club head just bounced off! Third effort was a bit more agricultural and the ball at least moved. My question is whether there is a recommended technique for playing the ball in this situation?


Nov 16, 2011
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Turn your putter through 90 degrees and hit with the toe - sort of like a hammer.

This has certainly had a positive result for me!

I'm also a frequent 'hybrid putter'. And have even used 3-wood or Driver occasionally.

Don't restrict yourself to 'normal' clubs when the situation isn't 'normal'! I suggested a drop under penalty wouldn't be a bad move the other day, but the player wouldn't consider it. He took 3 to extricate himself!