Trigger finger


Money List Winner
Nov 17, 2009
Taunton ,Somerset
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On doing some internet research I now know this is what I have.
On my left hand.
It cam on about 8 weeks ago for no apparent reason.
Anyway went for a bit of practice today and found it difficult to hold the club initially,after a while it eased.
Because I was in pain I decided to do some research and Trigger finger was my conclusion.
Anyone had it ?
Did you treat yourself?
What was best for you.
As I’ve caught it early and before I end up needing surgery I was wandering if maybe it was self treatable.

Norrin Radd

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Aug 6, 2015
Sunny Sussex
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Been suffering from it for about two months myself , worse first thing in the morning,but eases as the day progresses. I had trigger thumb four years ago and that was really painful, then one day it just disappeared.
I do wonder if it is the first signs of arthritis setting in


Challenge Tour Pro
Aug 3, 2015
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Hi Tony, I’ve this for a couple of years in my right hand index finger and to a lesser degree in my middle finger of the left hand. Fortunately, only the right one actually triggers and even then rarely, although it will not bend very far. The left hand one simply stays slightly bent and will not straighten.

It took two attempts, but got my GP to refer me and got seen at the hospital and then passed on to physios there who can show you some exercises to try and improve it. One made me a cast (like a finger splint), to stop in triggering overnight.

Fortunately for me it is not painful and not got any worse and hasn’t affected my golf. I agreed with the consultant that unless it got painful or difficult to live with I would defer on any surgery.

I did have a period around five years ago where a couple of fingers did trigger a fair bit, but that just stopped and hopefully that will be the case for you.


Tour Winner
Feb 21, 2013
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I had surgery about 20 years ago on one hand. No signs since. I have been having a steroid injection every three years or so in the other hand for about 10 years. That makes it disappear but the injection is b***** painful when the needle goes in.


Please don’t ask to see my tatts 👍
Dec 12, 2013
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I had it on my right thumb last year. It was really odd. I was booked in for a steroid injection. But I was taking ibuprofen and paracetamol and it eased off, eventually. It is fine now. Ironically I had a phone call yesterday re having the steroid injection and asked to be taken off the list