Tiger to be DQ'd?

Can't believe anyone would want to see Tiger DQ from the Masters it would be boring without him and golf would be half the sport it is now!!!

He broke a rule and should have been punished accordingly, just like anyone else would have been, by DQ.

hence why I bow to the foums expertise in these matters.

I still think asking for him to be dq'd is a tad pants though. Anyway 2 shot penalty it wrongly is so lets move on

Go home Tiger :thup:

Fixed that for you :rofl:.

You thought there were a lot of Tiger Haters.
If he doesn't withdraw you'll see a whole lot more.....
He wants to be the Greatest?
Here's his chance to get further up the ladder by withdrawing

He will be playing well within the rules today mate, remember that.
The way I'm reading this new ruling is as follows...

New rules state that 'if the Committee is satisfied that the competitor could not reasonably have known or discovered the facts resulting in his breach of the Rules, it would be justified under Rule 33-7 in waiving the disqualification penalty prescribed by Rule 6-6d.'

Daily Mail

Now if Tiger didn't deliberately break the rule then he hasn't done anything wrong has he?

Can someone explain where I'm getting mixed up?

Read again the section in bold. Tiger clearly knew the facts, so the committee's discretion to waive the penalty should not apply.
Only just got back from playing so just seen this. Whilst it seems severe he should have been DQ'd. Augusta have bottled it big time. If that had been any other played in the field they would be out make no mistake. Not a Tiger hater or a fan but hope he chops it round today to put himself firmly out of contention.
I really think the best decision would have been for Woods to put his hand up and say he was wrong and withdraw / DQ himself.

Since that hasn't happened, the best we can hope for is... that he

Doesn't win - cos those in favour of DQ will insist he shouldn't have been playing
Doesn't come runner up by one shot, as those in favour of no penalty will insist he "really won"

A McIlroy-style implosion by Woods would help!
Daveyboy, I have yet to see on here anyone say he deliberately broke the rules or cheated but what is apparent is he broke a rule and deserves the punishment, It doesn't matter if its deliberate or not.

Unfortunately the tournament committee have bottled it as the only correct punishment should be DQ.
Even as a massive fan I said this morning what ever happens Tiger should DQ himself but now this new rule has been bought up he hasn't done anything wrong and is well within the rules to play.

It's funny though if you are all saying he has still broke the rules then your admitting the great man is bigger than the Masters and possibly the sport itself - another win for Tiger then :thup:
Wayne Grady was just asked what he thought of the 2 shot penalty.
His reply......
Rubbish :)

I cant believe Allis....When questioned earlier about the incident he said that it would be bad for the game if Tiger was DQ'd.......Then after the outcome he said that it was a sad day that it happened.....He said that Big Sports people have the power to sway decisions and he likened to the days of John Macenroe when he used the fly off the handle....... They didnt care once it put backsides in seats.....

And as much as i hate to see it i think this is what the USGA were looking at too....My thoughts are that if they DQ'd Woods then there would be a serious decline in TV Ratings in the states.......

I think he should have been DQ'd.......Like has been said Paddy got DQ'd last year for signing for an incorrect score......

Also the decision by them to penalize the young lad from china is a disgrace...The whole course was running slow.....Why wasnt everyone else given penalties...:rolleyes:
It's funny though if you are all saying he has still broke the rules then your admitting the great man is bigger than the Masters and possibly the sport itself - another win for Tiger then :thup:

I think you'll find that the Majority of the comments on here are against Tiger...So how can we be admitting that he is bigger than the Masters.........No one is admitting anything......Its a discussion about whether or not we think he should be DQ'd.........

I dont see it as a win for Tiger.......I see it more as another Cock Up by the Rules officials and the USGA Officials......