

Money List Winner
Dec 22, 2008
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unless you have been wearing some chemical they don't like, like Brute 33 or Old spice, or does the wife make you wear a tick and flea collar;)
Its my pheromones!! Drives em wild, I’m more worried about them being dead😱

It looks like they don’t even get a chance to start!


May 6, 2018
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Thanks for all the posts.
I've never had one, but I'd be a lot less freaked out now, if I ever got one, having read this info.

Just ordered me a 'lasso'! Just in case.


Apr 24, 2018
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I was bitten couple year ago never even noticed until I saw the bull ring mark. Went to doctors to find out what it was he just said if you get Ill to come back and have blood test!

Norrin Radd

Tour Winner
Aug 6, 2015
Sunny Sussex
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I of course dont have a problem with ticks as I dont hit my balls [golf or otherwise] into the long grass ,I`M ALWAYS ON THE FAIRWAY .:ROFLMAO:(y)(y)

SEROUSLY ,THOUGH a good friend died from lymes disease ,he had about half a dozen ticks on him after a deer stalking trip, the doctors didnt have a clue what was wrong with him but the autopsy showed it to be Lymes and also found the ticks.
be carefull people they are not good news.


Journeyman Pro
Nov 4, 2015
I of course dont have a problem with ticks as I dont hit my balls [golf or otherwise] into the long grass ,I`M ALWAYS ON THE FAIRWAY .:ROFLMAO:(y)(y)

SEROUSLY ,THOUGH a good friend died from lymes disease ,he had about half a dozen ticks on him after a deer stalking trip, the doctors didnt have a clue what was wrong with him but the autopsy showed it to be Lymes and also found the ticks.
be carefull people they are not good news.

They found the ticks after he died of Lymes? I kind of doubt that. The ticks suck themselves full of blood and then let go at some point, after a few days or so. Lyme disease takes weeks, sometimes months to develop the first symptoms. There is no way the ticks would have still been there after such a long time. If he died relatively suddenly and short term after the ticks got him, it is more likely that it was encephalitis or another vector borne disease.

Norrin Radd

Tour Winner
Aug 6, 2015
Sunny Sussex
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they found the bits left in him after he had tried to remove them ,he was always hunting deer and his caravan was covered in deer skins .he was always saying that he would get a tick or two when ever he shot deer. he lived in the middle of an estate woodland in his caravan and part of his job was to control the deer by culling them .
you maybe right about other things that could have done for him as i cant ever remember seeing him looking clean or smelling fresh ,it was a rather obnoxious pong ,the only time i really ever saw him was when i was fishing on the estate.


Head Pro
Aug 2, 2017
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Because of my job I have to be very wary of ticks and have alerted my GP to the fact I am at a higher risk, the same with Weil's disease. Fortunately I have never been bitten by a tick though colleagues have been, they may not like my blood. Although have had a few leeches attach themselves to me in Thailand.

To reiterate again, do not use tweezers, use a proper tick removal tool, they are very easy to use and won't leave anything in the body. For the most part they are disgusting but harmless, but on the rare occasion they can spread some nasty things including Lymes Disease.

If you do get a tick bite, remove with a proper tool as soon as you can, but wait until you have the proper tool. Lymes disease causes your muscles to ache, you will be very lethargic, mood swings and confusion. If you have any of these symptoms following a tick bite go see the doctor and tell them you had a tick bite. For the most part you don't need to see a doctor for a tick bite.

Down my way we have mosquitos, they have become their own sub species the Mogden Mosquito, they feed on sewage from the nearby sewage farm which is huge. When they bite you it can cause horrific infections and legs (where they normally bite) swell up something crazy