This ball had a mind all of its own


Feb 21, 2013
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I’m playing my singles in the club knockout and by the fifth I’m two up. On the next I hit my tee shot off a par 4, the ball runs through a bunker and comes to rest about 2ft up onto the fairly steep grass face of the bunker. Still cursing my luck that the ball hadn’t stayed in the flat part of the bunker and given me a much easier shot, in trying to take what is a difficult stance and before addressing the ball, the rotten lousy thing develops a mind all of its own and decides to roll down and hit my right foot and comes to rest in the sand.

Did I glare down and swear at that ball? Oh yes, but now confusion, what do I do next?

My understanding is, even though I hadn’t addressed the ball I could well have inadvertently been responsible for the ball moving while taking my stance on the steep slope. Result, one stroke penalty and I must replace the ball. If it could be seen that it was not me that caused the ball to move, no penalty and play the ball from its new location. Hope I have that bit right.

The problem we had though was after the ball had hit my foot as it rolled, where did I play from next? :confused:

A. If it was my fault the ball moved, I replace it in the original place, with only one stroke penalty, or is there an additional penalty for it hitting my foot?

B. Conversely if I did not cause the ball to move there is no penalty and I play it from its new location, but again is there a penalty for it hitting my foot, and if so do I still play the ball from its new location?

In the event we replaced my ball and docked me a 2 stroke penalty. Needless to say I lost the match and said ball is now dead at the bottom of a lake. :mad:

Colin L

Tour Winner
May 26, 2012
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If you determine that you caused the ball to move - which may have happened just by setting up your stance - replace it with 1PS. Rule 18-2a It doesn't matter that it hit your foot, there would be no additional penalty.

If you determine that you didn't cause it to move, you are liable to 1 PS for deflecting a moving ball and you play the ball as it lies. Rule 19-2

Either way, your 2 stroke penalty was over-harsh. In match play, if it were going to be a 2 stroke penalty, it would normally be loss of hole , but perhaps you were penalising yourself separately for moving the ball and for its hitting your foot?


Crow Person
Nov 14, 2010
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I think you almost did right.

Assuming you caused the ball to move it becomes irrelevant if it hit your foot afterwards so there's no penalty for it hitting your foot and you should just replace with the penalty for moving the ball.


Feb 21, 2013
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Thanks for your help guys, I’m sure a repeat of the incident would be unlikely but at least now I know …….. And with my new found knowledge I can feel very righteous about my generosity that day, I’m now going back to my opponent and demand a beer.
Thanks again


Feb 21, 2013
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If I had lost by one and there had been any chance of getting a replay or the result changed I would have defiantly have taken it because I hate it when you lose to your mates. Sadly the swine beet me 3 and 2 and has never let me forget it.