Things That Gladden The Heart


Hall of Famer
Aug 6, 2007
Bracknell - Berkshire
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Dental visit today.
Sitting in the waiting room with one other guy.
Nurse opens the door dead on my appointment time and says Mr 'Doon'.
Up I get and make to go upstairs, she says follow me and we stay downstairs in a part of the building I had never visited.
Walk into the surgery and meet a Dentist I did not know.
A bit of small talk and she goes through my medical record.
She then asks for my date of birth, this was followed by some muted muttering from the two and I asked if something was wrong as this does not seem right.

Believe it or not two guys with the same name had appointments with two dentists at the same time
My mate has had he's Harley in their repair shop. Gets a phone call from the dealer asking if he liked his test ride. Apparently another guy with the same name and riding a Harley came in. His surname isn't overly common


Assistant Pro
Feb 25, 2014
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Watching two 14wk old kittens tearing about the house, playing hide and seek; leaping and tumbling on each other, and just generally having a blast with each other and anything they can find to hang off or biff about the place.
Just waiting for a similar post to appear in the irritation thread when they are scratching the furniture, not using the litter tray, etc 🤣


Please don’t ask to see my tatts 👍
Dec 12, 2013
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Just looking at some of the weather we have had over the last Couple of days and in the Mansfield area, we have seriously got away with one. I have been watching the weather warnings over the last few days and the yellow and amber warnings have been as far north as Nottingham and as far South as Nottingham. I seriously thought we would get a hammering.
On the fourth hole I put on my jacket, waterproof trousers and umbrella, it had started raining and we thought here it comes. I lost two balls whilst driving off. It stopped raining within 5 mins so I walked to the next tee and promptly took off my trousers, Jacket and Jumper as the sun had come out and it was warm. Played the rest of the round in a polo shirt.
12 of us played and it was nigh on perfect conditions. We couldn’t believe it.
Thoughts to those that have suffered. ☹️


Journeyman Pro
Apr 1, 2016
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Just dropped eldest to her youth club, bit surreal being is i used to go the same one (they do a younger one and older one now) and the person on the door was someone I used to go youth club with lol

In she skips

Bless her


Head Pro
Oct 24, 2012
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It's clear people at work have had enough of a major gaslighter we have, it came to a head this afternoon when she started with her normal position of telling everyone how we were doing it all wrong and she'd been excluded from everything etc. Rather than everyone just trying to shift the blame to someone else, everyone just pointed out that she'd chosen to not include herself by not attending meetings and how many weeks people had been waiting for answers etc.