Things That Gladden The Heart

Being reminded on the irritations thread of some of the best moments of some of my best holidays.

Box Canyon Lodge, Ouray, Colorado. May 2008.
Mrs V remained in the hot tub (you would have to zoom right into the centre) while I nipped back to the cabin to take a photo.
I got straight back in to warm up.
Only there one night, sadly. Had to keep to the itinerary.

Picked up a few more records (when I say a few more, 27 in reality). Most were one’s I know but could never get my hands on back in the day through local record shops.

But one of them, never heard of it in my life. 1997 release and it is an absolute belter. I just wish now I’d heard it back then. Best part was it’s so obscure that I picked it up for a fiver.

The global record marketplace really is a wonderful side of the internet.
This could have been posted in the random irritations thread 9 hours ago but me and Missis T have finally got round to emptying the loft/ attic of rammel.
The amount of memories we found is unreal. My son’s first pair of trainers, his Jimbo jet set speedos. His teddy bear called Charlie and his pet friend called Hamster McHamish.
Missis T found another 3 City shirts and my classic Hot Tuna shirts. Bakerlite sphygmomanometer and other medical stuff from the pit. Football tickets and tickets for gigs. Files of walkers Tazos inc Star Wars. Fancy dress outfits. Complete sets of McDonald’s Toys never opened. Original teletubbies in bags, Beatrix potter Barbie dolls. Wedgwood frog service pieces ( now on eBay).
Found a letter my daughter wrote when she was 7 to the tooth ( toth) fairy coz she lost her pound the day before and wanted another.
The list is endless. Lord what junk we collect.
This could have been posted in the random irritations thread 9 hours ago but me and Missis T have finally got round to emptying the loft/ attic of rammel.
The amount of memories we found is unreal. My son’s first pair of trainers, his Jimbo jet set speedos. His teddy bear called Charlie and his pet friend called Hamster McHamish.
Missis T found another 3 City shirts and my classic Hot Tuna shirts. Bakerlite sphygmomanometer and other medical stuff from the pit. Football tickets and tickets for gigs. Files of walkers Tazos inc Star Wars. Fancy dress outfits. Complete sets of McDonald’s Toys never opened. Original teletubbies in bags, Beatrix potter Barbie dolls. Wedgwood frog service pieces ( now on eBay).
Found a letter my daughter wrote when she was 7 to the tooth ( toth) fairy coz she lost her pound the day before and wanted another.
The list is endless. Lord what junk we collect.

Junk? Or memories, Tash?
Both in massive doses. Anyone want a king sized quilt, cassette and cd karaoke. Missis Ts cape from when she was a student nurse. Inflatable banana
Daughter has just asked if we have found any Barbie dolls and beanies. 😁 we have.
Was that also from when she was a student nurse? ;)
Unfortunately when it came to nurses parties back in the day, Missis T preferred to study.☹️ She has thrown away most of her paperwork today. But she has kept some stuff where there could be “cases” in the future. She was gutted throwing it away knowing the work that had gone into it.
On a positive, one of the football shirts she found is going for £300 online. So i could probably get £200 for it 😁
This could have been posted in the random irritations thread 9 hours ago but me and Missis T have finally got round to emptying the loft/ attic of rammel.
The amount of memories we found is unreal. My son’s first pair of trainers, his Jimbo jet set speedos. His teddy bear called Charlie and his pet friend called Hamster McHamish.
Missis T found another 3 City shirts and my classic Hot Tuna shirts. Bakerlite sphygmomanometer and other medical stuff from the pit. Football tickets and tickets for gigs. Files of walkers Tazos inc Star Wars. Fancy dress outfits. Complete sets of McDonald’s Toys never opened. Original teletubbies in bags, Beatrix potter Barbie dolls. Wedgwood frog service pieces ( now on eBay).
Found a letter my daughter wrote when she was 7 to the tooth ( toth) fairy coz she lost her pound the day before and wanted another.
The list is endless. Lord what junk we collect.
And is it all back in the loft, just a bit tidier? 😂
Got my first Fender Strat on Saturday, a fried brought it round asking if i was interested, he had swapped it for some stuff with a guy.

Tone knob, rear pick up and trem arm are missing, there are a few dinks. a fair bit of wear in the lower frets. £200 its a 1977.
Problem is that all the £billions the water companies have borrowed was used to pay shareholder dividends rather than infrastructure investment.

(But this is straying into politics)
They have got around it again as well and payed a CEO a huge amount.
Bowls. Semi final of the gents championship today. 11-1 down after 8 ends, first to 21 wins. The other guy didn’t fold - he’d won his previous match 21-2 against a very experienced bowler.

I won 17-21. Arguably the best I’ve ever bowled. Lots of woods getting chalked for both players.