Things That Gladden The Heart


Tour Winner
Nov 1, 2016
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I sent my passport off second class on the 6th September

I forgot to put the application number on the letter so they said would just delay it a few days ..

So tomorrow (19th) it's due for delivery

Now that is fantastic service

Took the photo myself on my phone

Paid the fee, postie came to pick it up

A simple efficient process
I did the same for my passport photo a couple of years ago. They rejected it initially, saying it was too dark, but I simply edited/increased the brightness on it and sent the same photo back, which they accepted. 😄


Journeyman Pro
May 20, 2017
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I did the same for my passport photo a couple of years ago. They rejected it initially, saying it was too dark, but I simply edited/increased the brightness on it and sent the same photo back, which they accepted. 😄
I can hardly recognise myself on my driving license photo (they set the wrong exposure for the copy and it is nearly totally whited out)


Club Champion
Mar 18, 2008
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I sent my passport off second class on the 6th September

I forgot to put the application number on the letter so they said would just delay it a few days ..

So tomorrow (19th) it's due for delivery

Now that is fantastic service

Took the photo myself on my phone

Paid the fee, postie came to pick it up

A simple efficient process
Likewise, I could not believe how efficient the passport service was. Renewed recently and was pleasantly surprised how easy it was.


Occasional Tour Caddy
Nov 20, 2011
Port Louis
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I sent my passport off second class on the 6th September

I forgot to put the application number on the letter so they said would just delay it a few days ..

So tomorrow (19th) it's due for delivery

Now that is fantastic service

Took the photo myself on my phone

Paid the fee, postie came to pick it up

A simple efficient process

Yeah its definitely not a flash in the pan thing either, my renewal couple of years ago was just 28 days from start to finish incl sending docs etc 10,000km via couriers each way and it was delivered to my work address (y)

The person who's got it running like this should get an extra large box of chocs at xmas


Please don’t ask to see my tatts 👍
Dec 12, 2013
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Nowt wrong with ABBA
Once saw an ABBA tribute band on stage whilst on a cruise. It was one woman, she sounded more like Benny than one of the women. Complete and utter rammel. When i see Mama Mia on telly, I think exactly that. Mama bloody Mia.


Major Champion
Feb 2, 2009
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Once saw an ABBA tribute band on stage whilst on a cruise. It was one woman, she sounded more like Benny than one of the women. Complete and utter rammel. When i see Mama Mia on telly, I think exactly that. Mama bloody Mia.
I have to agree.
These ''tribute acts'' are mostly awful and are not a tribute to the original. They are just copying (mostly badly) and using the original music to make money


Well-known member
Oct 5, 2018
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I sent my passport off second class on the 6th September

I forgot to put the application number on the letter so they said would just delay it a few days ..

So tomorrow (19th) it's due for delivery

Now that is fantastic service

Took the photo myself on my phone

Paid the fee, postie came to pick it up

A simple efficient process
Same as me last month. My passport actually expired during covid so I was getting close to the date were I'd need to reapply rather than renew. Filled the stuff out online on the 8th August, didn't post my old passport off until the 12th of August and received my new passport on the 21st August.

Had loads of trouble with my sons though since he's 14 but can't sign it due to him being autistic with a learning disability. I filled out everything explaining why he couldn't sign, they asked for more proof so we sent off his diagnosis letters, they then came back and said that wasn't enough we need a signed letter from a medical professional or a carer (both me and the wife are his carers obviously). Next letter we sent was an older one from his psychiatrist stating that he was autistic, learning disability (lots of other diagnosis as well), he needed 2 to 1 support in the community etc. We also phoned his psychiatrist asking for a letter explicitly stating that he can't sign his name as by this point we thought the passport office were just being complete jobsworths. Sure enough we got a reply back saying that the letter didn't state that he can't sign his name and the letter was not wet signed by the medical professional so we needed to send more proof.

Got the new letter from the psychiatrist stating he can't sign his name but it wasn't wet signed as they don't do that anymore, just electronically signed so we also got his school teacher to write us a letter and wet sign it. My wife was pretty livid by this point so also sent a massive letter highlighting some government laws on disabilities and how they were breaking them and we sent all that. Finally got his passport 2 days ago when the original stuff was sent at the same time as mine.

They better keep this all on his record as it will need renewed in 5 years time and they don't accept photocopied letters as by that point he will be out of school and it will just be whatever service he is under that we can get a letter from. Since it will be an NHS service it will only be electronically signed.


Journeyman Pro
Apr 1, 2016
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Same as me last month. My passport actually expired during covid so I was getting close to the date were I'd need to reapply rather than renew. Filled the stuff out online on the 8th August, didn't post my old passport off until the 12th of August and received my new passport on the 21st August.

Had loads of trouble with my sons though since he's 14 but can't sign it due to him being autistic with a learning disability. I filled out everything explaining why he couldn't sign, they asked for more proof so we sent off his diagnosis letters, they then came back and said that wasn't enough we need a signed letter from a medical professional or a carer (both me and the wife are his carers obviously). Next letter we sent was an older one from his psychiatrist stating that he was autistic, learning disability (lots of other diagnosis as well), he needed 2 to 1 support in the community etc. We also phoned his psychiatrist asking for a letter explicitly stating that he can't sign his name as by this point we thought the passport office were just being complete jobsworths. Sure enough we got a reply back saying that the letter didn't state that he can't sign his name and it the letter was not wet signed by the medical professional so we needed to send more proof.

Got the new letter from the psychiatrist stating he can't sign his name but it wasn't wet signed as they don't do that anymore, just electronically signed so we also got his school teacher to write us a letter and wet sign it. My wife was pretty livid by this point so also sent a massive letter highlighting some government laws on disabilities and how they were breaking them and we sent all that. Finally got his passport 2 days ago when the original stuff was sent at the same time as mine.

They better keep this all on his record as it will need renewed in 5 years time and they don't accept photocopied letters as by that point he will be out of school and it will just be whatever service he is under that we can get a letter from. Since it will be an NHS service it will only be electronically signed.

When they don't work it's a blooming faff!

I did 3 kids passports last year think it was. All same time. 2 different passport offices sent to.. lady at work signed every photo for me (digitally)

One photo (green on their system) got rejected, the amber photo got passed? Mental then 2 passports got approved fine . But one said "this person doesn't meet the criteria for signing" luckily we know a lot of teachers who just signed it for us. Didn't mention they approved the other 2

I was surprised I could take a photo myself on my phone (selfie) and it was fine

Signing passports seems such a much, considering it's all digital now and biometrics