The prince and the sex offender


Journeyman Pro
Feb 20, 2013
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Well with Ghislaine Maxwell in custody...But no matter. Trump continues to wish her well (hmmm...) so maybe she'll not spill the beans as she'll be hoping for a pardon by Trump.
Think then Prince Andrew is the fall guy. Although my understanding was the lady or girl was 17, and was paid by Epstein to entertain him ... now she had a choice, she could have done a little song and dance or said no .. have I missed something here? Was the prince deliberately indulging in and seeking activities with minors ?


Tour Winner
May 3, 2008
Scotland via Ireland
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Think then Prince Andrew is the fall guy. Although my understanding was the lady or girl was 17, and was paid by Epstein to entertain him ... now she had a choice, she could have done a little song and dance or said no .. have I missed something here? Was the prince deliberately indulging in and seeking activities with minors ?

I think the best thing anyone can do if not familar with the details is spend some time researching it and then decide for yourself. A good start may be to watch his recent interview and take it from there...


Journeyman Pro
Feb 20, 2013
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I think the best thing anyone can do if not familar with the details is spend some time researching it and then decide for yourself. A good start may be to watch his recent interview and take it from there...
Trial by media .. seems like a fair way to deal with it all. I have not seen any hard evidence that suggests any other than he was manipulated and used. When will we see trump and Clinton under interview regards their relationship with Epstein? I think we are just seeing the American’s throwing their weight around. Just ignore them, let them adopt a new strategy.
Our media is no better they are just selling Speculation and hearsay. Yeah he was uncomfortable but he did not prepare.. should have just looked Reporter in the eye and said yes and be done with it and just be honest, he is a clueless muppet that did not know she was deemed a minor by US law. It was pretty much a honey trap, giving Epstein some control.


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Aug 1, 2014
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Trial by media .. seems like a fair way to deal with it all. I have not seen any hard evidence that suggests any other than he was manipulated and used. When will we see trump and Clinton under interview regards their relationship with Epstein? I think we are just seeing the American’s throwing their weight around. Just ignore them, let them adopt a new strategy.
Our media is no better they are just selling Speculation and hearsay. Yeah he was uncomfortable but he did not prepare.. should have just looked Reporter in the eye and said yes and be done with it and just be honest, he is a clueless muppet that did not know she was deemed a minor by US law. It was pretty much a honey trap, giving Epstein some control.

Think then Prince Andrew is the fall guy. Although my understanding was the lady or girl was 17, and was paid by Epstein to entertain him ... now she had a choice, she could have done a little song and dance or said no .. have I missed something here? Was the prince deliberately indulging in and seeking activities with minors ?

He and Epstein were very close. Partied together at Mar-a-Lago, Pictured in Thailand with topless girls on holiday and stayed on Epstein's island on a number of occasions. Think he's innocent or being made out to be the fall-guy all you like, but Epstein was a horrendous man who along with Maxwell manipulated large numbers of young girls from underprivileged backgrounds into having intercourse with not only Epstein but his many high-society acquaintances across the world. Prince Andrew was one of those acquaintances, he knew exactly what was going on and was almost certainly involved with some of the girls groomed by them - there is evidence and a number stories to back that up.

You say she could have said no, but I think you're grossly misunderstanding the situation these girls were put in. They were roped in under the pretenses of giving Jeffrey a massage and then are farmed out to his friends. These were young, innocent, impressionable young girls who were manipulated by a powerful, immensely rich and domineering man who would frighten them with threats of his power if they didn't do as he and Maxwell instructed. They would also manipulate them with promises of a better life, in the case of the girl pictured with Prince Andrew at Maxwell's house, she was promised an expensive massage qualification if she did as they instructed, and being sent to Thailand to gain said qualification was what allowed her to escape from Epstein. It's not as simple as just "she had a choice" or could have "said no", you grossly misunderstand the situation and the power Epstein and Maxwell had over these girls.

Being involved with this awful man and his similarly dreadful partner Maxwell means he absolutely deserves the "trial by media" he's getting. Watch the documentary about Epstein on Netflix and maybe you'll begin to understand what these girls went through, what Prince Andrew was involved in and who he was involved with.


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May 3, 2008
Scotland via Ireland
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He and Epstein were very close. Partied together at Mar-a-Lago, Pictured in Thailand with topless girls on holiday and stayed on Epstein's island on a number of occasions. Think he's innocent or being made out to be the fall-guy all you like, but Epstein was a horrendous man who along with Maxwell manipulated large numbers of young girls from underprivileged backgrounds into having intercourse with not only Epstein but his many high-society acquaintances across the world. Prince Andrew was one of those acquaintances, he knew exactly what was going on and was almost certainly involved with some of the girls groomed by them - there is evidence and a number stories to back that up.

You say she could have said no, but I think you're grossly misunderstanding the situation these girls were put in. They were roped in under the pretenses of giving Jeffrey a massage and then are farmed out to his friends. These were young, innocent, impressionable young girls who were manipulated by a powerful, immensely rich and domineering man who would frighten them with threats of his power if they didn't do as he and Maxwell instructed. They would also manipulate them with promises of a better life, in the case of the girl pictured with Prince Andrew at Maxwell's house, she was promised an expensive massage qualification if she did as they instructed, and being sent to Thailand to gain said qualification was what allowed her to escape from Epstein. It's not as simple as just "she had a choice" or could have "said no", you grossly misunderstand the situation and the power Epstein and Maxwell had over these girls.

Being involved with this awful man and his similarly dreadful partner Maxwell means he absolutely deserves the "trial by media" he's getting. Watch the documentary about Epstein on Netflix and maybe you'll begin to understand what these girls went through, what Prince Andrew was involved in and who he was involved with.

A much better reply than I could have managed. Very well put.

Be interesting to see what happen when/if Maxwell reaches court.


Journeyman Pro
Feb 20, 2013
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A much better reply than I could have managed. Very well put.

Be interesting to see what happen when/if Maxwell reaches court.
I don’t think that was the answer it was a lot of emotion about an emotive topic. Is it unfair to suggest that services were sold and bought, and those decisions were made at the time wrong or right, they were agreed.
Obviously Epstein isn’t a pleasant person but we seem to be missing a lot of unsavoury characters male and female who have participated in this and those that were seeking to profit on both sides..
I would leave it


Nov 16, 2011
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assume Andrews trial starts next week then...........

and 100s if not 1000s of others.............
I doubt there'll ever be one!

And there'll be untold appeals before Maxwell is actually fully incarcerated!

FWIW..Do I think she's guilty?...Hell yes!
Last edited:


Q-School Graduate
Jan 3, 2012
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assume Andrews trial starts next week then...........

and 100s if not 1000s of others.............

Possibly for some but I’ve read that the case against Prince Andrew is actually weakened by this result. Government didn’t call Virginia Giuffre as a witness against Maxwell so it’s inferred that they didn’t see her as reliable.


Please don’t ask to see my tatts 👍
Dec 12, 2013
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Yesterdays news re Prince Andrew was that his defence team was asking that Ms Guiffres case is thrown out because they are saying that she is not an American, they are saying that she has spent 17 of the last 19 years living in Australia. A quick Google shows she was born in the USA and has joint citizenship. According to US law. A case involving two foreign nationals cannot be heard in the US.
Personally I think they are grasping at straws.