
Money List Winner
May 8, 2007
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Thought I would start a thread just to keep the TV show thread clear and free of spoilers.

Interested to see how people who had not played the game found the ending of it. Playing the game for the first time, it was a bit of a shock when you are brought up to expect heroic and happy endings and what you get is a violent, selfish and deceitful one (though neither side were in the clear on this and the main issue is that nobody actually asked Ellie or discussed it with her). It was pretty hard hitting all those years ago when I first played it but obviously had less impact on me this time as I knew what was coming and sort of watched the whole series watching it build as I knew where it was going.

Overall, a superb TV series that maybe stalled a litte for a couple of episodes and followed too much of a formula in a few places (introduce new character, get to know new character, new character dies). I very much liked the more character driven approach but would have liked a couple more of the bigger set pieces with the infected included (the one in the shopping mall that resulred in Ellie getting bitten would have been a good one to include and would have added a real dramatic ending to a slghtly slower episode)

Still, great viewing and perhaps one I wished I could have seen without knowing the plot in advance.


Well-known member
Jul 22, 2019
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Didn't read your post, as I only started watching it last night, and the second episode this morning. I mean, I've played the game so I'm not sure how many surprises I'll have. But, will come back once I've binged the series.


Undisputed King of FOMO
Jun 18, 2020
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I really enjoyed it.

Tried to take it for what it was as a TV show rather than going in with pre-conceived ideas of the game. I expected a Game of Thrones type adaptation with a few changes in the plotline etc to keep us guessing.

I think overall they portrayed the raw human emotions and realities of how interactions may take shape extremely well whilst still telling the story they needed to.

If they want more seasons though, they will have to start writing new storylines etc which could be interesting


Money List Winner
May 8, 2007
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I really enjoyed it.

Tried to take it for what it was as a TV show rather than going in with pre-conceived ideas of the game. I expected a Game of Thrones type adaptation with a few changes in the plotline etc to keep us guessing.

I think overall they portrayed the raw human emotions and realities of how interactions may take shape extremely well whilst still telling the story they needed to.

If they want more seasons though, they will have to start writing new storylines etc which could be interesting

There is talk about splitting the second game into 2 series which I can see. Would not want it to go beyond 3 seasons as am note sure that we need another wider world, big cast post apocalypse show. What I like about this is that it is mainly quite small and personal despite taking place amongst massive global events. That said, I did like the added detail of how it all started in the massive grain factories in Jakarta.


Undisputed King of FOMO
Jun 18, 2020
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There is talk about splitting the second game into 2 series which I can see. Would not want it to go beyond 3 seasons as am note sure that we need another wider world, big cast post apocalypse show. What I like about this is that it is mainly quite small and personal despite taking place amongst massive global events. That said, I did like the added detail of how it all started in the massive grain factories in Jakarta.

Whilst I somewhat agree about not going to wide of the plotline - I've always been interested in a post-apocalypse show based in England where we don't have guns and ammo to last 1000 years :ROFLMAO:

I think GoT taught lessons of "sticking to plotlines" so hopefully they do and don't tangent too much from what is already created, they'd be spoiling something pretty special if they did.


Money List Winner
May 8, 2007
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Whilst I somewhat agree about not going to wide of the plotline - I've always been interested in a post-apocalypse show based in England where we don't have guns and ammo to last 1000 years :ROFLMAO:

I think GoT taught lessons of "sticking to plotlines" so hopefully they do and don't tangent too much from what is already created, they'd be spoiling something pretty special if they did.

Yeah, Game of Thrones as a lesson learned. The best series know how they are going to end before they start. Game of Thrones just seemed to decide that one more series was enough then tried to hurry all of the intricate plot threads to a close. It needed another 2 or 3 well written series to bring the whole thing to a satisfactory conclusion.


Undisputed King of FOMO
Jun 18, 2020
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Yeah, Game of Thrones as a lesson learned. The best series know how they are going to end before they start. Game of Thrones just seemed to decide that one more series was enough then tried to hurry all of the intricate plot threads to a close. It needed another 2 or 3 well written series to bring the whole thing to a satisfactory conclusion.

I think HBO will have learned that lesson too, its been totally slated and they wont want a repeat of that after how well TLOU has been received.


Q-School Graduate
Sep 3, 2015
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Haven't played the game, but loved the show.

The ending was a shock - I remember Tommy saying to Joel about how they had done bad things in the past, but I still didn't expect him to what he did.

One thing that wasn't clear to me - would Ellie have died if the surgery went ahead? That would explain Joel's actions, but I don't remember it being said, and these days brain surgery has a good outcome rate. Or was the Fireflies' plan to take her entire brain out for research purposes? If so, and Joel and Ellie knew that all along, why did they go through what they did to get to the Fireflies?


Undisputed King of FOMO
Jun 18, 2020
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Haven't played the game, but loved the show.

The ending was a shock - I remember Tommy saying to Joel about how they had done bad things in the past, but I still didn't expect him to what he did.

One thing that wasn't clear to me - would Ellie have died if the surgery went ahead? That would explain Joel's actions, but I don't remember it being said, and these days brain surgery has a good outcome rate. Or was the Fireflies' plan to take her entire brain out for research purposes? If so, and Joel and Ellie knew that all along, why did they go through what they did to get to the Fireflies?

Yes they'd have had to remove her brain and effectively kill Ellie.

And no, they didn't know this in advance hence when Ellie tried to use her blood to save the young boy who got bit.


Money List Winner
May 8, 2007
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Haven't played the game, but loved the show.

The ending was a shock - I remember Tommy saying to Joel about how they had done bad things in the past, but I still didn't expect him to what he did.

One thing that wasn't clear to me - would Ellie have died if the surgery went ahead? That would explain Joel's actions, but I don't remember it being said, and these days brain surgery has a good outcome rate. Or was the Fireflies' plan to take her entire brain out for research purposes? If so, and Joel and Ellie knew that all along, why did they go through what they did to get to the Fireflies?
Both Joel and the fireflies knew it would kill her. I gues that Joel did not realise fully until Marlene explained how it worked and how it was receptors in the brain that caused the immunity rather than being in the blood as Joel and Ellie assumed.

Ironically, there would still have been a way to save the human race albeit with sacrifice. would have been worth seeing if a mother getting infected before the cord was cut gave imminity to every child.


Journeyman Pro
May 15, 2014
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It’s been a brilliant bit of TV for many reasons and very interesting to me professionally. I wonder if we’ll see Druckerman write on another game? Seems unlikely as he’ll be consumed by the Hollywood machine now, good on him for achieving that success where few have before.

I also hope they stick to their creative guns and bring it to its conclusion in the next season or two without being tempted into dragging it out aimlessly.


Global Moderator
Jun 9, 2009
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Never played the game, though I had heard of it. We've watched it all and some episodes were good, some poor. Ending seemed a bit strange considering the premise of the story.
Entertaining enough, but didn't expect too much as it was based on a video game.
Probably watch a 2nd series


Journeyman Pro
May 20, 2017
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I have never played the game.

The ending of the TV series was a bit of a shocker.

But I suppose when you consume enough from the devil's cellar.........


Money List Winner
Oct 26, 2011
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Not played the game and, as a non gamer, find it hard to get my head round how it would work as a game - for me it was a really good TV show. The ending...worked for me. A man has found something he'd fight tooth and nail to keep, someone he loves, and he does just that. Is he being selfish? Yes. Should he have been truthful and allowed her to decide? Yes. But hellfire after all the misery the man wants some joy.

Would you sacrifice the one you love to (maybe) save humanity?


Journeyman Pro
Apr 1, 2016
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Not played the game and, as a non gamer, find it hard to get my head round how it would work as a game - for me it was a really good TV show. The ending...worked for me. A man has found something he'd fight tooth and nail to keep, someone he loves, and he does just that. Is he being selfish? Yes. Should he have been truthful and allowed her to decide? Yes. But hellfire after all the misery the man wants some joy.

Would you sacrifice the one you love to (maybe) save humanity?

It's pretty simple as a game. You have epic movie like cut scenes and you play the action between them

Sneaking around the routes trying to get Ellie to the fireflies

Trying not to have your head bitten off in the process

Etc etc

The makers (naughty dog) made a game series called uncharted (film came out couple years ago not great) but the game was amazing. Movie like cut scenes and you raced through the game trying to find the treasure and stay alive to make the next epic cut scene

Because I enjoyed uncharted so much I got this game and it wasn't for me...too scary lol but fine to watch 🤣


Money List Winner
May 8, 2007
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I'd also never played the game but enjoyed the series although I'm not sure it quite lives up to the hype - one stellar episode aside.

The main thing I never quite understood was why they were going to so much trouble to get Ellie to the firefly hospital when it was clear from the beginning they'd want to dissect her the minute she arrived. But Joel's reaction when the penny finally dropped wasn't surprising.

They both assumed it was the blood not the brain that was where the cure would be found.


Global Moderator
Jun 9, 2009
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I'd also never played the game but enjoyed the series although I'm not sure it quite lives up to the hype - one stellar episode aside.

The main thing I never quite understood was why they were going to so much trouble to get Ellie to the firefly hospital when it was clear from the beginning they'd want to dissect her the minute she arrived. But Joel's reaction when the penny finally dropped wasn't surprising.
Same here , to me it's s plot hole considering whats was at stake. Like you say why would it be a surprise when it's obvious from the start


Money List Winner
May 8, 2007
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As for why all the subterfuge and the journey to the hospital and why the the fireflies never asked Ellie for consent, I always assumed that whoever controlled the cure held the power and so the fireflies saw the cure as the way to gain control. Again, not so altruistic but that could just be my mad theory. They always knew she would die.