The day it all came together.

Just got back from playing the best round of my golfing career to date.

Shot 80 at my home track including 3 birdies.

Really chuffed with a great score, cant wait for the medal next weekend now!

Cracking round and a hearty WELL DONE!
I really do hope you hang onto the improvement as it will change your game completely.

Now dont be shy, go tell the h/c committee you want a 12 h/
Great score MWJ keep it up.

I`ve been waiting five years for it all to come together.

Played yesterday,putting was great (28) rest of the game

was rubbish.Never mind I`ll keep trying.

Teetime, we need to get together. Played yesterday; driving was good, long and mid-irons were good, couldn't sink a putt if it were a bucket!

Superb round of putting there Viscount, I havent done that for years, you should feel great about that little lot.
Unless it was 9 holes lol. :D
Medwayjohn.........27?????Yo're a bigger bandit than me!!
But seriously mate well done!
Know how you feel(had gross 80 couple of weeks ago)You feel as if 'here we go,this could be me for the season...doh!
As murph says do not get too wired and try too hard you just put the pressure on yourself,and thats when it all goes tits up!!
Just relax and don't wind yourself up!
Good luck! :rolleyes:
Great score MWJ keep it up.

I`ve been waiting five years for it all to come together.

Played yesterday,putting was great (28) rest of the game

was rubbish.Never mind I`ll keep trying.

Teetime, we need to get together. Played yesterday; driving was good, long and mid-irons were good, couldn't sink a putt if it were a bucket!

Superb round of putting there Viscount, I havent done that for years, you should feel great about that little lot.
Unless it was 9 holes lol. :D

herb, I'm afraid the putting prowess belongs to Teetime