The Best Way To Clean Your Clubs


Aug 27, 2010
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First, fill the bucket with a little detergent and warn water so it becomes sudsy. Add enough water to the bucket to cover the heads of the clubs.

Second, submerge only the clubheads in the water, making sure no to get the ferrules wet because this will damage the finish. Soak the clubheads for a few minutes to help loosen the dirt, oils, or remaining chemicals that may be stuck in the grooves of the club.

Next, scrub each of the [dodgy weblink clubs] individually with the soft or medium bristled non-wire brush to remove all the dirt, grass stains, or any other debris that might be on the clubface. If you have difficulty getting it off the first time, just soak and scrub the clubs again.

Now, rinse the clubs off with water form your garden hose outside or a sink faucet if you are inside. Try your best to not get the shafts wet when doing this.

Finally check over the clubheads to make sure the grooves are dirt free. Then dry them of with a clean towel or rag. That’s it you’re done.

Now you can enjoy playing the game with the added confidence of knowing your clubs are nice and clean. Clean clubs produce a better ball flight with more spin to stop the ball closer to the hole. Play well!


Thanks for that, what's your next post gonna be? How to put your socks on correctly? How to perfectly fry an egg???


Princess Pouty (Queen of Fish Lips)
Aug 22, 2010
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I hovered over the cleverly hidden link, and to my surprise the address, when it pops up, is misspelt... try it out.

Fairly apt misnomer too, in my opinion.


On normal terms how often do you guys WD-40 your irons?

i never read anywhere that you should wd40 them and i have always cleaned my irons in the bath so after i wd40 them to stop them rusting. I do it each time i clean them.

i think the error i made was cleaning them in the bath cos maybe the shaft fills with water and maybe thats why i snapped one yesterday, maybe it was rusty on the inside.