The benefit of lessons


Money List Winner
Mar 4, 2012
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I have been struggling with my irons recently so booked a lesson with the pro I go to. I started off hittign them badly like I have been doing recently, but a couple of small tweaks and he had me hitting the nice and straight. I could have struggled on trying to fix it myelf but booking a lesson seems to have sorted me out. The proof will be tomorrow when I play again, but I can definitely recommend lessons.
Me too. I took the game up from nothing about 18 months ago. I have loved the learning process - each lesson has added a little bit extra, and left me with drills to practice. I only play about once a month, but do get to practice on a range most weeks, so we haven't had the lessons too quickly - we've waited until I feel like I've got to grips with the drills. The lesson then is usually a recap and tweak of last time, accompanied with by the new stuff.

The times I've gone back to a lesson disheartened following a terrible round, I've been amazed at how quickly the pro has put his finger on the issue and got me sorted.

Better to spend £200 on lessons than a new Driver. Probably. ;)
The thing I find astonishing is how quickly a decent pro can often fix a fault. It's the little changes that seem to make the world of difference in golf that as a beginner you don't really understand, but as soon as they are pointed out to you it's like a lightbulb moment and immediately improves your game. After that it's just about practice to perfect it I guess!